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Olmert: Netanyahu is destroying Israel/he should be fired

One of the former prime ministers of the Zionist regime, who has the experience of defeating Hezbollah, announced that instead of using a political solution to end the war, Netanyahu is seeking to expand the conflict with Hezbollah and is trying to destroy Israel.
– International News

According to Webangah News quoted by Tasnim News agency, “Ehud Olmert”, the former prime minister of the Zionist regime, who recently Harsh attacks against Benjamin Netanyahu, the current prime minister of this regime, due to his disastrous performance in the Gaza war, in an article published in the Hebrew newspaper Haaretz, stated: Netanyahu did not set precise goals for the army in the war and continued to He insists on prolonging the war.

Netanyahu seeks to prolong the war

Olmert added: “I accuse Netanyahu of making an agreement with the Lebanese government under The mediation of France and the United States intends to expand the scope of the war and start a direct and comprehensive military conflict in the north with Hezbollah; While the use of a political solution to end the conflicts allows tens of thousands of northern residents who were displaced by the war to return to their homes. He pointed to the challenges of the Zionist army on other fronts He emphasized: Netanyahu has also taken deliberate actions aimed at spreading violence in the West Bank. Currently, many Israelis are killing Palestinians in the West Bank. These Israelis are usually not soldiers of the army, but militias consisting of thugs and thugs who carry weapons and are under the guidance of Itmar Ben Goyer, the minister of internal security in Netanyahu’s cabinet.

This former prime minister The occupying regime stated: These militias treat the Palestinians in a brutal manner, they set fire to their property, destroy the fields that are the source of the Palestinians’ livelihood and kill them on purpose.

Ehud Olmert continued to point out the defeat of the goals of the Zionist regime in the war and stated: Netanyahu has released the Israeli prisoners held by Hamas in Gaza ; under the pretext that trying to free the prisoners prevents Israel from achieving “absolute victory”. The complete victory of Israel is an impossible goal that Netanyahu has set for himself in order to place the responsibility for the failure on the shoulders of the army and its chief of staff, Herzi Halevi, who is in charge of military operations in the Gaza Strip.

Netanyahu’s cabinet has no plan to improve the situation

Ehud Olmert, Netanyahu He accused the formation of a small security cabinet, which includes a small group of people who lack skills, experience and understanding, in the current complex situation. It works, and this is while a large section of Israelis are struggling with many problems under the burden of hardships caused by the consequences of the Gaza war. In addition, Israel’s economy is collapsing, the public service sector has been destroyed, and all areas have been depopulated. This is the situation while the cabinet has no plan and does not make any efforts to improve the situation. The day that passes is a serious danger for the future and existence of Israel. Netanyahu is deliberately trying to destroy the sensitive fabric of vital relations with Arab countries, including Egypt and Jordan, which are essential for Israel’s security.

Time to fire Netanyahu

He added: Although Netanyahu’s cabinet is aware of Egypt’s security sensitivities in the Rafah region and its crossing, with its actions in this region, it seriously damages the relations between Tel Aviv and Cairo. While these relations are considered as a basic infrastructure to support Israel’s security interests. With his actions, Netanyahu has also deliberately destroyed the opportunity to create a regional coalition for Israel with the presence of Arab countries such as Egypt, Jordan, the UAE, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia.

Ehud Olmert also said: Netanyahu is deliberately seeking to weaken the alliance. Israel’s political, security and military relations are with America. Therefore, Netanyahu should be tried without delay; Because it is considered a serious threat to the existence and future of Israel, and now is the time to expel Netanyahu.

Ehud Barak: Netanyahu has failed in the Gaza Strip
Ehud Barak: Gaza war is Israel’s worst war

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© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Tasnim News Agency
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