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Haredi military law and the new wave of crisis in Netanyahu’s cabinet

The ruling of the Supreme Court of the Zionist regime for the compulsory recall of 3 thousand Haredi Jews in the occupied territories has led to a new crisis in the coalition cabinet of Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of the Zionist regime.
– International News

According to the report of Tasnim news international group, on Tuesday In a very important ruling, the Supreme Court of the Zionist regime unanimously voted to call religious science students to military service. The issue of enlistment of Haredi religious congregations has become controversial once again in recent months in the occupied territories. New, and on the other hand, the extreme fatigue of the Israeli reserve soldiers during the 8 months that have passed since the war, as well as the pressures and economic consequences of these soldiers staying away from their jobs, have caused many protests.

Compulsory military service and conscription of Haredi religious people is one of the most controversial issues in the political sphere of the Zionist regime. For example, two religious parties, Agudat Israel and Polai Yisrael, were removed from David Ben-Gurion’s cabinet in 1952 due to the mandatory military service for women.

Also, the issue of enlistment of Haredim during the life of the Zionist regime has caused controversy and disagreement among political parties many times. Haredi parties, which are usually allies of Netanyahu, have enjoyed many exemptions from military service for most of the period. For example, according to the previous law, the aforementioned students can be exempted as long as they enroll in the courses offered by religious schools. Al-Aqsa, the restrictions caused by the war have caused the Haredi military service to be strongly discussed in the public arena. The opposition forces, which are mainly opposed to the presence of religious people in power, have demanded to change the law and call the Haredi to military service to fill the gap of 300,000 people. Netanyahu’s opponents believe that all residents of the occupied territories should be equally responsible for its security, and in this context, no stratum should be left on the sidelines of security.

Change the law

The prolongation of the war in Gaza has increased the Israeli army’s need for new soldiers even more. As a result of this process, the reserve soldiers (a total of 450 thousand people) have been forced to leave their businesses and continue to be on the war fronts. This situation has caused extreme fatigue of the reserve soldiers and reduced their desire to continue cooperating with the Israeli army, and on the other hand, it has caused the Israeli economy to suffer another loss due to the loss of the reserve workforce, apart from the direct costs of the war.Also, the social protests that are on the rise with the support of Netanyahu’s opponents have imposed one of their most basic demands on this axis and called for Haredim to be called up for military service. Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of the Zionist regime, who was under pressure from several sides, finally took an intermediate approach in this field.

Bibi Ba Instead of presenting a new plan, which was directly written by the Likud Party, the bill of the former cabinet, in which Benny Gantz was the Minister of War, and which had only been approved in one reading in the Knesset, was resubmitted to the Knesset Secretariat for review. In this bill, Gantz wanted to reduce the Haridian exemption from 26 years to 21 years. If this bill were to become a law, within a few years 63 thousand Haridis would have to be called to military service. According to the mentioned plan, in the first stage and at the very beginning, 3,000 Haredi religious people should be called for compulsory service. On the one hand, he tried not to fully accept the responsibility of his ally religious parties, and on the other hand, he tried to force the opposition parties to vote positively for the bill that they themselves drafted. The vote to revive this bill was successfully completed with 63 positive votes and 57 negative votes, but this was not the end of the work. Netanyahu’s cabinet voted against this bill and therefore the number of supporters decreased from 64 to 63 people. Gallant had announced that he would not vote in favor of this bill without creating a consensus on this bill (and attracting the opinion of at least part of the opposition).

Although the religious parties voted yes during the voting for the previous bill aligned with Netanyahu’s coalition, they returned to the field by developing a new bill that temporarily increases the exemption age for soldiers to 41 years and for officers to 46 years. The initiatives of the Supreme Court should be thwarted.

لیکود , رژیم صهیونیستی (اسرائیل) ,

Now, after a few weeks, the Supreme Court of Israel ruled The quick calling of 3 thousand Haredi people to the military, and on the other hand Yuli Edelstein, the head of the Knesset Defense and Foreign Relations Committee, has also opposed the approval of the new Haredi bill.

As a result of these two events, the two religious parties, Shas and United Torah Judaism, took a stand against the said ruling and called the Supreme Court against the Torah. At the same time, the two mentioned parties have announced that if Edelstein refuses to approve the said bill, they will resign from Netanyahu’s cabinet, but will remain in the coalition.


November elections?

At the same time, Yediot Aharonot newspaper also writes in this regard that some of Netanyahu’s relatives think that a process has started that will make some members of this party to Disobedience has led. There is a conspiracy to dissolve the cabinet and hold an early election in November 2024.

The movement started with Gallant and now Netanyahu is thinking Yuli Edelstein (from the Likud party) also aligns with Gallant and repeats his position about the need to build a consensus before the final approval.

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Netanyahu’s aide, who gave an anonymous interview to this newspaper, says that except for Yuli Edelstein and Yoav Galant, none Economy Minister Barkat, Talley Gottlieb, Eli Delal, Eliyahu Rabiot, and Dan Illows are moving in this direction, intending to dissolve the cabinet and help hold early elections in November 2024; This has already sounded the alarm of the end of Netanyahu’s political life.

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© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Tasnim News Agency
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