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Europe is worried about Tunisia’s friendly relations with Iran, Russia and China

By evaluating the reaction of the Tunisian authorities to the statements of the European Union foreign policy official in opposition to Tunisia's policy of closeness with Iran and China, political analysts believe that the West is extremely worried about the strong presence of the mentioned countries in Tunisia.

The Eram News website of the Emirates wrote about this: Considering the approach of the Tunisian authorities to their counterparts in Iran, Russia and China and the concern expressed by “Joseph Burrell” in charge of the foreign policy of the European Union, about this issue, a crisis between Tunisia and The European Union has been created.

According to Eram News, Burrell called for an assessment of Tunisia’s proximity to Iran, Russia and China. Meanwhile, the Tunisian embassy in Brussels responded to these statements and said: The Tunisian government legitimately expresses the wishes of the Tunisian people and pursues their sovereign will.

In this link, “Mohammed Saleh Al-Obeidi”, a political analyst, said that due to the closeness with Iran, China and Russia, there are real signs of the beginning of the crisis between Tunisia and the European Union, and we notice the frequency of diplomatic trips between Tunisia and these countries. Iran, Russia and China).

He added: Although the tension between the European Union and Tunisia intensified some time ago with the promotion of the presence of Russian Wagner forces in Tunisia, I believe that the cancellation of visas for Iranians and Iraqis by the Tunisian government increased the scope of this conflict.

This political analyst stated that Tunisia feels that there is a campaign against this country by the EU countries that were its allies.

At the same time, “Zafer al-Saghiri”, a member of the Tunisian parliament, responded to Burrell’s recent statements about Tunisia’s closeness with Iran, Russia and China, and said: Burrell’s statements are an interference in Tunisia’s internal politics.

According to what the local Tunisian media published, Al-Saghiri did not consider the reaction of the Tunisian Embassy in Brussels to Burrell’s statements to be sufficient and emphasized the need for the Tunisian Foreign Ministry to respond by adopting diplomatic methods.

He pointed out that in the multipolar world, our relations should be diverse and based on the interests of Tunisia, and we should not be satisfied with relations with the European side alone.

Also, “Ahmed Venis”, the former diplomat of Tunisia, considered the steps taken by Tunisia towards some countries of the Eastern Pole such as Iran and China to be correct.

He said in a conversation with “Al-Shar’a Al-Maghrabi” Tunisian newspaper: “The West is worried that China and Iran will open their foothold in Tunisia, and for this reason Borrell’s warnings have been verbal so far, but they may lead to executive measures.” .

The former Tunisian diplomat continued: I think there is sensitivity not only in Brussels but also in some European capitals regarding Tunisia’s approach to Iran, China and Russia.

He clarified: The West is worried about Iran and China having a strong presence in Tunisia.

Source: IRNA

Young Journalists Club International Europe and America


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