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The ruling of the International Court of Justice against the Zionist regime; dimensions and consequences

On Friday, the International Court of Justice declared the occupation of Palestine illegal by the Zionist regime and considered any change in the context since 1967 in Palestine, including East Jerusalem, illegal.

Mehr News Agency-International Group: The International Court of Justice, which is the judicial pillar of the United Nations, once again issued a ruling, calling the Zionist regime an occupying regime and demanding an immediate end to settlement construction in the occupied lands. In this article, while briefly referring to this ruling of the court, its consequences are examined.

Dimensions of the court ruling against the Zionist regime

On Friday (July 29), the International Court of Justice issued an advisory opinion, declaring the Israeli occupation of Palestine illegal. He announced and added that this court does not recognize any structural changes that the Zionist regime has made in Palestine since 1967, including East Jerusalem, and all countries should cooperate with the United Nations to help the Palestinian nation to determine its own destiny. This judicial body declared that the presence of the Zionist regime in Palestine is illegal and the members of the United Nations should not recognize this illegal presence. Countries should cooperate with the UN General Assembly and the Security Council to end the illegal presence of the Zionist regime in the occupied territories. The International Court of Justice called on the Zionist regime to end its occupation and illegal presence in Palestine, as well as settlement activities and the evacuation of existing settlements, and to pay compensation to all affected Palestinians.

Consultative vote analysis

The decision issued by the International Court of Justice has several dimensions. One dimension is related to condemning the Zionists. Based on this, it was stated that the occupation of the Zionist regime in Palestine is illegal and must be ended. One dimension is related to compensation for the consequences of the Zionist occupation. In this regard, on the one hand, it was announced that the context of occupied Palestine should be returned to 1967 and the built settlements should be evacuated, and on the other hand, it was emphasized that the Zionist regime should pay compensation to all the affected Palestinians. The third dimension is related to the implementation of this vote. The International Court of Justice has placed the responsibility of implementing this decision on the UN General Assembly, the UN Security Council and all countries. The ruling states that the UN General Assembly and the Security Council are responsible for ending the illegal presence of the Zionist regime in the occupied territories, and all countries must help the General Assembly and the Security Council to fulfill this responsibility. The fourth dimension of this ruling is that the Palestinian people have the right to self-determination and all countries should help the Palestinian people to determine their own destiny.


The advisory vote of the International Court of Justice against the Zionist regime was met with widespread reactions. Most countries, including a number of European countries, welcomed this ruling. Most of the countries in the West Asian region also welcomed this ruling. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Saudi Arabia announced by publishing a statement that it welcomes the advisory verdict of the International Court of Justice and emphasizes the illegality of Tel Aviv’s presence in the occupied Palestinian territories since 57 years ago. “Farhan Haq”, the spokesman of “Antonio Guterres”, the Secretary General of the United Nations, announced that Guterres will refer this Hague ruling to the United Nations General Assembly to make a decision regarding the actions of the Zionist regime in occupied Palestine. Guterres emphasized that the Zionist regime and Palestine should return to the political process in line with international laws and UN resolutions to end the occupation and resolve the conflict. Meanwhile, Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of the Zionist regime, responded to this advisory opinion and claimed: “The Jewish people are not occupiers in their own land. “No wrong decision in The Hague can distort this historical truth.” The critics and opponents of Netanyahu in the occupied territories also criticized this verdict, which shows that the Zionists have a united opinion on the issue of occupation and there is no difference between Netanyahu and others in this field. welcomed in their decades-long struggle to achieve justice.


The decision of the International Court of Justice, which angered the Zionists, has important consequences, especially politically. Some of these consequences are:

1. Occupation does not create any territorial rights

One ​​of the most important consequences of the judgment of the International Court of Justice is that it emphasizes that force and occupation cause violations of the important principle of rights. International does not mean the right to self-determination. Therefore, the Zionists cannot claim sovereignty over the Palestinian lands by building settlements, and these lands always belong to the Palestinians and are subject to occupation according to international law. The consultative opinion said: It is not possible to continue depriving the Palestinians of the right to self-determination. Israel must end the occupation as soon as possible and any building return the land that he took from the Palestinians and destroy a part of the barrier wall inside the Palestinian territories. Israel must stop all new settlement activities.

2. The decision of the Court has political validity and shows the intensification of the global isolation of the Zionists

The International Court of Justice is the judicial pillar of the United Nations and is one of the main pillars of this organization. The advisory opinion of the judges of the International Court of Justice (ICJ), known as the World Court, is not binding, but it is important under international law. This vote, which was welcomed and respected by dozens of countries, means weakening the global status of the Zionist regime and can even weaken the West’s support for the Zionist regime. This decision was issued in a situation where the case of the Zionist authorities on the charge of genocide in Gaza is also being discussed in the International Criminal Court and the International Court of Justice. Therefore, the Zionist regime, which faced widespread global disgust even in the United States and European countries due to committing genocide in Gaza, is witnessing the intensification of its global isolation with the verdict of the International Court of Justice and may even strengthen the global campaign to boycott Israel. In this regard, the Zionist newspaper “Haaretz” reported that the decision of the International Court of Justice will probably expand the scope of sanctions against the settlements.

3. Strengthening the judicial pillar of the United Nations against weakening its political pillar

The decision of the International Court of Justice, which is far from politics and tries to prioritize rights over politics and justice over selection and discrimination, it causes the weakening of the political pillar of the United Nations, the Security Council. During the past 9 months, this council was practically powerless to stop the genocide of the Zionists in Gaza due to the comprehensive and extensive support of the United States and the two European countries, England and France. The Security Council has issued several resolutions regarding Israel’s occupation of Palestine in the last 80 years, including 242 and 374 after the occupation of the West Bank of the Jordan River, Gaza, the Golan Heights and the Sinai Desert after the 1967 war. The Zionist regime, with the support of the United States and European powers, refused to implement these resolutions and continued the occupation in such a way that now 85% of the Palestinian territory is under the control of Tel Aviv. In the past 9 months, the Security Council has not been able to issue a decisive resolution to stop the genocide in Gaza due to the priority of politics over justice. Now, the ruling of the International Court of Justice, which Aviv once again highlighted the issue of the Zionist occupation, shows that even the support of the United States and the two European countries that are permanent members of the Security Council for the genocide and the crime of the Zionists against Gaza does not cause the awakened consciences to neglect this crime.

4. The continuation of the increasing trend of global pressure against the Zionist regime at the same time as the continuation of the global legitimacy of Palestine

With the genocide of the Zionist regime against the people of Gaza, a global process began to expose the crimes of the Zionists. South Africa referred the crime case of the Zionist regime to the International Criminal Court. With this action of South Africa, the crime case of the leaders of the Zionist regime will be examined in the court and there is even a possibility of issuing a warrant for their arrest. Now the decision of the International Court of Justice is another victory for the international legitimacy of the Palestinians and another defeat for the Zionist regime at the global level. In this regard, Al-Quds al-Arabi newspaper wrote in a report about the verdict of the Hague Court against Tel Aviv: Although the verdict of the Hague Court against the Zionist regime was issued with a delay of 18 months, it is considered a multi-dimensional spiritual achievement that the Palestinian, Arab and international parties Supporters of the Palestinian cause are proud of it because it discredited Tel Aviv’s common lie that the Zionist regime is a law-abiding regime and the only democratic regime in the region.


The International Court of Justice had previously issued a historic ruling against the Zionist regime. On July 9, 2004, this court issued an advisory opinion regarding the construction of a barrier wall in the occupied Palestinian territories. The court declared the construction of the barrier wall illegitimate, citing humanitarian and human rights conventions. Although the advisory opinion of the Court was that the construction of the barrier wall was illegitimate, since that year, the occupying regime has built several more walls, including the construction of the barrier wall in Gaza. Even now, although the ruling of the International Court of Justice does not have an executive guarantee, on the one hand, it indicates the continuation of the increasing trend of global pressure on the Zionist regime, on the other hand, it indicates the increase in support and legitimacy of Palestine at the global level, and at the same time, it is a failure for the Security Council, which It has become a prisoner and hostage of the veto, and with the repeated use of the veto by the United States, it has shown itself to be practically incapable of stopping the Zionist genocide.

* Syed Razi Emadi, expert on international issues


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