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Examining the details of the night of Haniyeh’s assassination from the perspective of one of his relatives

That night, I went into the room and saw the body of Martyr Haniyeh, there, based on objective observations, it was clear that the walls of this room were destroyed towards the inside.

Mehr News, Intergroup International, Elnaz Rahmatnejad: The assassination of Ismail Haniyeh, head of the political office of the Islamic resistance movement Hamas in Tehran, has had consequences in the regional arena. By using the dirty policy of terror, which is a cowardly and terrorist strategy, the Zionists intended to achieve a tactical achievement in the field or in the political arena; Unaware that the assassinations of this fake regime have never led to the realization of a tactical achievement in confronting the axis of resistance, but on the contrary, the thought, idea or movement whose leaders have been assassinated has not been damaged and is stronger and stronger than before. The path of struggle has continued.

Among the Islamic resistance groups and movements, we have witnessed that whenever a leader or commander is assassinated, someone more mujahid and stronger replaces him. Seyyed Abbas Mousavi, the former Secretary General of Lebanon’s Hezbollah, was assassinated in the early 90s. Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah, who was young at that time and few thought that he could bring Hezbollah to this level of power, succeeded Seyyed Abbas Mousavi. Today, this resistance group has reached such a strength that it can be decisive in the region. Today, Lebanon’s Hezbollah has 150,000 missiles and 100,000 troops. so that its military power is compared with the British army.

Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, the leader of the Islamic resistance movement Hamas, was assassinated in 2004, his assassination was a big blow, but he was immediately replaced by Abdulaziz Rentisi and He was assassinated immediately after a short period of time, which in turn was considered a big blow. Few people imagined that Hamas would be able to surpass the level of simple missiles and reach a level of operational and military capability that could carry out an operation such as storming Al-Aqsa in the last two decades. Gamal Abdel Nasser and Syria in the 60s were not able to deal such a strong blow to the Zionist regime. It has not had much connection; However, October 7, 2023 marked the Al-Aqsa Storm operation against the regime that considers itself the greatest power in the region. This movement brought an all-round and irreparable defeat to the occupying regime with the mentioned operation; In order to compensate for this failure, the fake regime massacred the people of Gaza and of course used the method of terror again against the resistance.

The false Zionist regime thought that with the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh, the process of military activity and political positions of Hamas, especially in the continuation of resistance and confrontation with the occupying enemy, will be stopped. They might not have imagined that with the assassination of Haniyeh, a nightmarish option named Yahya al-Sanwar would appear on the scene and replace the martyred Haniyeh.

بررسی جزئیات شب ترور هنیه از نگاه یکی از نزدیکان وی

Examining the details of Ismail Haniyeh’s assassination night and the necessity of a tough response and dealing with the most important messages of the election of Yahya al-Sanwar as the new head of the political bureau of the Hamas movement was a good excuse to ” Let’s have a conversation with Khaled Qadoumi, the representative of Hamas movement in Tehran, who was with Ismail Haniyeh in the last moments and days of his martyrdom. Mohammad Reza Moradi, Director General of Mehr News Agency’s foreign news, was made, which is detailed in the following report;

Mr. Qadumi, one of the most important topics that was raised many times in the past days through various media was the details of the terror that happened in It happened in Tehran. The audience is still confused about what really happened that night? Give details about this for our audience.

The details include my personal observations and the official report from the IRGC. This cowardly assassination took place with a short-range missile and a 7-kilogram explosive warhead. That night, I went into the room and saw the body of Martyr Haniyeh, there, based on objective observations, it was clear that the walls of this room were destroyed towards the inside.

Does that mean the blow hit from outside to inside?

Yes, but was it a racket or something else; This is determined by the use of special cameras and the opinion of experts and official reports. Based on my observations, between the reports I saw, heard and read, the reports of the IRGC were more logical. Wasim Abu Shaaban was in another room. As soon as the windows were broken and the walls were destroyed, his body was placed on the rubble. Of course, after the investigation by the joint committees of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the resistance, the details of this incident will be explained to the people.

Another sign of the question is that you were among the first people who entered the room of Martyr Haniyeh and saw Martyr’s body. you did The moment you entered, the martyr’s body was in such a way that it could be said that there was a big explosion? Does that mean the impact on the martyr’s body was widespread?

It is not appropriate to talk much about these details and the details of how Mr. Haniyeh’s body was. A part of Haj Agha’s body was targeted.

So an object hit Haj Agha’s body?

Yes. An object had hit Haj Agha’s body. I think it was a direct hit.

In that building, only Ismail Haniyeh’s room was damaged?

No. What was thrown had the effect from top to bottom. I was on the second floor. The toilet of the unit I was in was also damaged. If there was an explosion, it would go from the bottom to the top, but it came from the top to the bottom.

The toilet of the floor where you were stationed was destroyed?

Yes. The bathroom on the second floor where I was stationed was destroyed. The rooms that were next to Martyr Haniyeh’s room were also destroyed.

*Was their bodyguard with them?

Yes. He was with them. The story of Wasim Abu Shaaban is something else. It was not his turn to come from Qatar; The person who was supposed to come fell ill and Mr. Wasim came to Tehran with Haniyeh. Wasim Abu Shaaban was a fan of Quran, Zikr and Tasbih.

Wasim was waiting in the building. I was also waiting for Martyr Haniyeh to come from the presidential dinner. It was late and the security guards were tired. Wasim was told: There are a few hours left for morning. can you stay Wasim also said: Lipik. I will stay In fact, his fate was such that he would come, stay and become a martyr.

We have seen this in our time of self imposed war. Those who should not have been somewhere were placed there at that moment and became martyrs. As if something is destined.

Haniyeh in his last meeting with The Supreme Leader talks about martyrs The last sentence that Haniyeh said to Hazrat Agha was the Arabic poem Aza Ghab Sayyid Qam Sayyid Akhir. Then he said goodbye to Mr.

Leaders go and that one comes. On March 1, 2004, Sheikh Ahmed Yassin was martyred, and after a month, Abdul Aziz Rantisi was also martyred.

Hajj Ismail Haniyeh talked about martyrdom with his friends that night after Maghrib and Isha prayers when the news of the attack on Dahiya Beirut and Fawad Shekar came. Haniyeh said that night: “What should be the wish of a Mujahid? Either he wins or becomes a martyr.” Haj Haniyeh himself said: “May God grant that I also become a martyr.” After an hour, he will get his wish.

In the path these great commanders took, they know that sooner or later they will end in martyrdom. Haj Qasim used to say: I am looking for martyrdom from plain to plain, from mountain to mountain. This is completely normal. The question about Martyr Haniyeh is what was the Zionist regime looking for at this time? Haniyeh was the one who had a diplomatic passport. He moved freely. He did not go secretly where the occupying regime wanted to achieve something with terror. In our view, Haniyeh was still the Prime Minister of Palestine. Mahmoud Abbas dismissed him. They were political officials who moved freely in Tehran. His trip to Tehran was not a secret that the fake regime wanted to track. So what was he looking for?

Netanyahu had just come from America. He got the signatures of Fawad Shekar and Ismail Haniyeh from there and came.

Netanyahu is in a big political crisis. The destruction of Hamas and the Palestinian resistance and the return of the Zionist prisoners were among Netanyahu’s goals, but he did not achieve any of them.

The US that we are going to say that Hamas has a serious and positive opinion and we can work with them, but what is the Zionists’ answer? They bleed and assassinate.

Zionists have two problems. First, they have to make sacrifices for the fascist Zionist society; They assassinate the leaders of Hamas.

The second issue is the answer to the negotiations. Netanyahu’s main goal is to continue the war and killing, because his personal benefit is important. For the hated Netanyahu, it makes no difference whether he kills Zionists or martyrs Palestinians. If the war stops, he will be a political assassin. It was declared by the International Court of Justice that the hated extremist personality of Netanyahu is a war criminal. What did America do? Instead of arresting this war criminal, he invited him to address Congress. This is America’s work! There was no real diplomatic pressure on Netanyahu from the US and regional rulers. Well, he also uses the opportunity to assassinate women and children. It kills a generation. They are destroying residential houses, mosques, churches, hospitals, stadiums and schools.

The Zionists want to forcefully understand and instill that UNRWA is a terrorist organization. So if the army is going to bomb UNRWA school and hospital, this is legal and legitimate! Two days after the martyrdom of Ismail Haniyeh, a genocide took place inside al-Shajaiyeh school. The army of the fake regime very brazenly said that we bombed the school. 30 people were martyred in one day.

The army of the occupying Quds regime tells the Americans that we have no place for an independent Palestinian state in the whole of occupied Palestine. There is no Palestine here. This is Israel. Build something else for the Palestinians. This method and fascist thinking has tired the Zionists themselves. They are demonstrating against Netanyahu in the streets.

بررسی جزئیات شب ترور هنیه از نگاه یکی از نزدیکان وی

The priority of the Zionist community in choosing the prime minister is the safe concept. What is the safe concept of this right-wing society? The concept of safe means our safe, not me! Safe means I will kill you for my own convenience. There must be collective security. Today, due to the behavior and methods of the corrupt Zionist leaders, the safe theory of this society has gone to the fascist side. Only I must survive. That is, in order to be safe for me, I have to kill the Palestinians. Whichever prime minister kills the most Palestinians wins. This is a dangerous concept. The fake Zionist regime is the enemy of world security. It is the reason for the instability and stability of the global region. It has nothing to do with the Palestinians. American, British, French and German students have realized that the work of the Zionists is dangerous. They chant: “Palestine must be freed.”

The current Zionist is in a serious crisis today. This fake regime is isolating and breaking. It is on the verge of destruction and starts bleeding and brutalizing.

I would like to congratulate journalists, especially Palestinian journalists living in Gaza, on Journalist’s Day. Palestinian journalists either become martyrs themselves or they narrate the news of the martyrdom of the Palestinian people. Despite the most difficult conditions in Gaza, they are the voice of the oppression of the Palestinian people and bring the crimes of the Zionists to the ears of the world. This fake regime has tried to silence the voice of the media by targeting journalists so that the truth does not reach the world arena. But again, we see that these crimes are so widespread that it is not possible to be censored, and a great tragedy has happened in the region in the past few decades that we have not seen before.

Al-Akhbar newspaper had a headline: “Election of Al-Sanuwar; Resistance’s response to terror” This headline has a lot of meaning. The assassination of Haniyeh caused the Zionists’ constant nightmare, Yahya al-Sanwar, to come to fruition. He should enter the political arena from the military arena. There was no name of Al-Sanuwar among the options that were proposed to replace Haniyeh. How did the selection mechanism of Al-Sanuwar happen?

Hamas was able to hold elections in the current war situation. Mr. Al-Sanwar was elected based on the central council of the movement. The movement has institutions and institutions, instructions and laws. This movement proved to be coherent, strong and stable.

The enemy was delusional that by assassinating the leaders of Hamas, the path of this movement will be diverted and the resistance will decrease. Al-Sanwar is Omar Haniyeh’s student and friend. He was one of the leaders of Al-Aqsa storm. Haniyeh would do nothing without Gaza. He always waited for Al-Sanwar’s opinion. In the last 10 months, if we went towards negotiation and resistance, Al-Sanuwar was in these decisions. He has a multi-dimensional personality. He is the first person who formed Al Majd group. This group is the main core of Ezzedine Qassam Battalion. Yahya al-Sanwar, one of the political leaders of Hamas, was in prison. In the exchange of prisoners of war in 2011, Haniyeh asked Al-Sanuwar to be a part of Banda’s team. At that time, Haniyeh was the successor of Khalid Meshaal and the head of the political bureau of Gaza. In the same way, al-Sanwar became a member of the political bureau of Gaza. In 2012, when Haniyeh became the prime minister, Al-Sanuwar came to Iran with him.

There is no one in Gaza who does not have a goal. Al-Sanwar has no case and no incomplete work in his record. It is purposeful and does everything. He is a popular figure of resistance groups in Palestine. Courage, politics, resistance and being a conversationalist are salient features of Al-Sanwar.

After Haniyeh’s martyrdom, my eyes were wet with tears every day. I was happy when I heard that Al-Sanuwar has replaced him. With the presence of al-Sanwar in the political office of Hamas, Haj Ismail seems to be alive. With him, the activity will be more and more fiery.

The elections were supposed to be held next year. Now Yahya al-Sanwar was elected for 5 years?

Yes. They were elected for 5 years.

Mr. Al-Sanwar’s interrogator in prison said about him that he was so smart that he learned Hebrew in a few months. He does not smile in prison and says clearly that today I am your prisoner, tomorrow you will be our prisoner, and this happened in Al-Aqsa storm. A Zionist officer said that if we had known that Al-Sanwar would succeed Haniyeh, we would not have assassinated him. In the last 10 months, they were looking for Al-Sanuwar moment by moment. They said that wherever we went, we saw that Al-Sanuwar had left there a few minutes ago.

One of the initial questions of the assassination was the answer. Fawad Shekar was assassinated the night before and Haniyeh was assassinated next. Two commanders and great leaders of the resistance were martyred. The expectation is that a decisive answer will be given and deterrence will be created if the Zionist regime wants to do such an ugly act again, and fully calculate what will happen if I attack or assassinate? Considering that Seyed Hassan Nasrallah also announced that we and Iran are obliged to respond.

Fascist thinking works best if you don’t answer. According to the Supreme Leader, the Zionists are a criminal gang. Who would think that the prime minister of a country would be assassinated? no one What was the reaction of the world for this assassination? If this happened somewhere else, the Supreme Security Council would cry. He argued that season 7 should be performed. Reaction and revenge must come from the world.

Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah said that we were the support front at the beginning of the storm and now we are in the war. We have a war in Lebanon. A war in Gaza, a war in Iran, a war in Iraq and a war in Yemen.

The expectation of the Zionist regime for revenge and a harsh response from Iran and the countries of the region is a punishment in itself. We will avenge Ismail Haniyeh and Wasim Abu Shaaban and 50,000 Palestinian martyrs.

The injured people of Al-Shujaiyya School say: “We are Gurban Haniyeh.” This is the spirit of the people of Gaza. They also welcomed the news of Al-Sanuwar’s election.

Our first reaction and response to the Zionists was the election of Al-Sanwar. The internal unity of the Palestinians, stability in the resistance and improvement of the situation of the people of Gaza were the next reactions. God willing, we will be able to strengthen the martyrs’ school of thought.

* The dirty war can be described for the Zionists. Dirty war has several important characteristics. Its first characteristic is terror. Governments and nations resort to killing and use terror in this war. The Zionist regime is the only regime that has been able to assassinate as many countries as possible.

The second characteristic of dirty war is dedicated to the destruction of infrastructure. This fake regime has destroyed residential houses, mosques, churches, hospitals, stadiums and cultural centers. Of course, this destruction is only for 10 months. It is not the past, the Palestinian people have been facing this feature of the Zionists for nearly 8 decades.

Killing women and children without any purpose is the third characteristic of dirty war. We have seen that in the past 10 months, the Zionist regime has been killing women and children gatherings without any reason. The purpose of this regime is to create terror so that people can put pressure on the authorities.

The loser of this dirty war is the Zionist regime. In the world arena, we had the uprising of the students of America and other countries, which is a big defeat for the Zionist regime. The one who used all the news censors so that the Palestinian issue would not become global, but it did

In the field, it did not achieve its goal of disarming the resistance, and today’s resistance is stronger and stronger than before will be.

In the regional arena, seven fronts have been opened against the Zionist regime. This regime did not imagine that one day it will face multiple fronts, and this is the great fear that today’s axis of resistance has gradually and more seriously entered the battle with the Zionist regime.

The election of Yahya al-Sanwar was the last shot that hit the Zionist regime. This regime is even afraid of Al-Sanuwar’s name. Today Al-Sanwar has both the political office of Hamas and is connected with military groups. The political office of Hamas has been moved from outside to inside.


© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Mehr News Agency
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