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“Far-right hooliganism”/England is not safe for immigrants

The fight of the extreme right movement in England against immigrants and Muslims is only the tip of the iceberg, and it can be clearly seen that the attitude of racism and anti-immigration has been institutionalized in the institutions of this country.

Mehr News Agency, International Group: British radical nationalists attack asylum seekers with unproven accusations, John It has endangered hundreds of thousands of migrants. “Extreme right-wing hooliganism” is the term used by British Prime Minister Keir Starmer to describe violent attacks by extreme right-wing extremists.

Starmer has promised that his government will “do whatever it takes to bring the thugs to justice and bring them to justice.” But the fact is that the violent and brutal actions of the far-right extremists against immigrants and Muslims are wider than just the city of Rotherham in the north of England and the Holiday Inn Express hotel, where asylum seekers are housed. Examining the previous evidence also shows that the struggle of the British far-right movement with immigrants and Muslims is only the tip of the iceberg, and in addition to this group having a small population, it can be clearly seen within the British government institutions that the attitude of racism and anti-immigration is present. It shows.

The extremists who attacked the immigrants claimed that an immigrant in the city of Southport, England, attacked children with a knife on July 29 and killed three of them. He injured eight people.

One ​​day after the bloody incident in Southport, the extremist group known as the “English Defense League” called people to the streets to demonstrate against Muslims and immigrants, and after this Farakhan, Southport Islamic Community Mosque was attacked. In addition, in twenty other cities in England, including Bristol, Liverpool, Glasgow Hall, Blackpool, Stoke-on-Trent and Blackburn, and in 4 different places in Belfast, the capital of Northern Ireland, extremists took to the streets against immigrants. But the British police officially announced that the killer is not an immigrant from the English Channel and is a person who was born in Cardiff, the capital of Wales.

Attacks on mosques, libraries and Muslim and immigrant communities are among the actions that have been condemned in the media and on political platforms by the prime minister and politicians, but to deal with No effective measures have been taken to arrest the leaders of radical movements and those responsible for inciting the people.

An excuse called the anti-security behavior of immigrants

The radical and nationalist groups of England, both in the virtual space and in the squares and political circles, consider the arrival of thousands of migrants on boats from the English Channel to British soil as They are considered a national threat. They cite exaggerated figures regarding the arrival of immigrants to scare ordinary citizens and create the impression that unemployment and famine will soon occur in England due to the presence of immigrants! In addition, by publishing hundreds of posts on social networks, they accuse immigrants of being involved in all crimes and misdemeanors in different English cities. This is despite the fact that none of these two claims have a logical, documented and substantiated basis. Therefore, in the course of the extremists’ heavy attack on the immigrants and especially the Muslims, there is a targeted propaganda in the middle, which spreads false claims in order to excite and provoke the public opinion.

Four dangerous groups, wave of violence against immigrants

The far-right and anti-immigrant movement in England has been growing in recent years, and the extremists, to justify their actions, increased concern about immigration, cultural identity And they have used economic insecurity as an excuse. Some of the groups and currents that play a role in this story are:

The extremist group known as “Britain First” ), one of the most dangerous anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim trends in England. This far-right movement is known as a neo-fascist party and hate group that was founded in 2011 by former members of the British National Party (BNP). Anti-abortion campaigner and far-right preacher Jim Dawson openly calls for attacks on mosques, Muslims and immigrants, warning of the dangers of the Islamization of Britain and the destructive consequences of multiculturalism. A very dangerous and worrisome aspect of the activity of this radical trend is the harsh and anti-Islamic propaganda on the internet, the formation of groups known as Christian patrols, and imitating the way the Irish work, that is, having a military wing in the heart of the political party.

“English Defense League” group He is another extremist who has organized many marches and protests against immigration and Islam in Britain, which have often led to violence and conflict. Tommy Robinson, real name Steven Christopher Yaxley-Lennon, is the most important leader of this controversial group. He escaped from England because of his previous crimes, but for a long time, on the Internet platform of social networks, he has been inciting his fans and extreme right-wing groups to commit violence in order to intimidate immigrants. This controversial figure has always had harsh and extreme positions against Muslims and immigrants. Robinson grew up in the Muslim neighborhood of Luton in North London and has always been at odds with the Muslim citizens of his country.

UKIP ): Although this party has not clearly defined itself under the intellectual and political umbrella of the far-right movement, in the past few years, it has fueled anti-immigrant sentiments and promoted xenophobic policies and practically Hardliners have expressed sympathy.

Radicalization and violence on the internet or online: Internet in England It has provided a safe platform for far-right groups to easily spread their violent messages and attract new members. This behavior has led to the emergence of online communities that share hate speech and violence against immigrants and other marginalized groups.

The unpredictability of lone wolves: Lone wolf attacks are one Another security problem in England is that unknown people who believe in extreme right-wing ideology commit violence, and the murder of MP Jo Cox in 2016 was one of the lone wolf crimes. Jo Helen Cox, a member of the Labor Party and a member of the British Parliament, was known for having humanitarian positions, openly opposing the Zionist regime and supporting the people of Palestine and Syria. She was killed by three bullets and seven stabs by a person who shouted while committing a crime: “Britain first, Britain first”.

In the end, it must be said that England is not a safe place for immigrants, especially Muslims. In addition to the problems related to the widespread activity of the extreme right-wing and anti-immigrant extremists, we must also find out the fact that the British police have been repeatedly accused of bias and racist behavior against immigrants and Muslims, and critics such as Chris Nineham, the vice president of the “Coalition to Stop the War” and violence”, considers the actions of the police in London, Manchester and other cities against immigrants to be unjustified and considers it an example of deliberate violence against immigrants and criticizes the immunity of police forces in committing violence against immigrants.

Nainham condemned the violent beating of a Muslim immigrant at Manchester airport and pointed out about other behaviors that police attacks on Muslims in East London and The beating of a pro-Palestinian social activist by police officers is an example of their hostility towards Asians and Muslims.


© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Mehr News Agency
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