19% fall of Telegram tone coin with the arrest of Durov
reported Mehr reporter quoted Rashatoudi, the publication of the news of the arrest of Pavel Durov, founder of messenger software and CEO of Telegram, by the French judicial authorities. So that the value of Toncoin, Telegram’s virtual currency, falls by 19% in just one day. This virtual currency has also become negative by more than 4% in today’s transactions.
The virtual currency Toncoin was first introduced in 2018 by Pavel Durov and his brother Nikolai were introduced, but due to the disputes with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission in the supply of 1.7 billion dollars of this virtual currency, the two were forced to Abandon Toncoin.
Finally, in September of last year, Durov relaunched the Toncoin project. and announced that from now on companies and developers can normally use Toncoin in Telegram.
Before the arrest of Durov, the value of each unit of virtual currency Toncoin was $6.79 but has now retreated to $5.41.
Toncoin also due to the drop in its market value, which reached from 17 to 14 billion dollars, on the verge of leaving the list of 10 currencies. It is the best in the world market of virtual currencies.