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The distinguishing point of Yemen’s ballistic attack on the heart of the occupied lands

A senior expert on Middle East issues said: The military power of the Yemenis, who are the phenomenon of the one-year battle of the Al-Aqsa storm, has the support of the people and the support of the government based in Sana'a.

Mehr News Agency, International Group, Elnaz Rahmatnejad: Yemenis history They have long defended the cause of Palestine and the Palestinians and are one of the important sides of the axis of resistance. When the resistance groups were faced with the silence of the United Nations, the Western world and the Arab governments in the genocide of the Zionist regime against the Palestinian people and stopping the war in Gaza, they stood by the people of Gaza and launched direct attacks against the occupying regime of Al-Quds.

The Yemeni army made a commitment from October 7, 2023 onwards, when Nwargaza was exposed to the genocidal war of the Zionist regime. As long as this war is not stopped, it will target the ships of the Zionist regime and the ships bound for the occupied territories in the Red Sea and the Arabian Sea. The aim of the Yemeni army with these attacks is to raise the economic cost of the regime and increase dissatisfaction with the war inside the occupied territories. Also, targeting the occupied area Yaffa with the Yaffa drone was another action of the Yemenis in defense of Palestine. . On Sunday, 25 September, we witnessed another heroic and brave action by the Yemenis. This time, the Yemenis in defense of the Palestinian nation and solidarity with the Gaza Strip with the hypersonic ballistic missile. They targeted the occupied city of Tel Aviv. According to Abdul Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, these missiles had high technology, so that the defense systems of the Zionist regime used 20 missiles to shoot them down, which was not successful. .

Examining the consequences and dimensions of the Yemeni missile operation in targeting the depth of the occupied lands and the economic damage caused to the Zionist regime by the Yemeni army from October 7 onwards was a good excuse to talk to the expert Seyyed Razi Emadi Let’s discuss Middle East issues.

This conversation is in the form of the “Anja” program from the international group of the Mehr news agency. deals with regional and international issues in a specialized manner, it was done which is detailed in the following of this report;

Mr. Emadi had a conversation with the coordinates of the missile fired from Yemen to the occupied city of Tal Avio Let’s start. What are the coordinates of this rocket? How has Yemen’s Ansarullah reached this level of military power?

From October 7, 2023, in the almost one-year war of the Zionist regime against the Palestinian nation, Yemen and the Yemeni army are the only Arab countries that directly provided military support to the people of Gaza in this one-year war. Abdul Malik Badr al-Din Houthi, the leader of Yemen’s Ansarullah, said that the United States and England carried out more than 700 missile attacks against Yemen, but they could not stop our attacks and actions against the ships of the Zionist regime and ships Stop the occupied land in the Red Sea and the Arabian Sea. The fact that Yemen is not affected by the American and British attacks shows that the Yemenis are determined to support the cause of Palestine and the Palestinians.

Lebanon’s Hezbollah will defend the people of Gaza from tomorrow, October 7th, by the way, it also defends itself militarily, but Hezbollah is a resistance group; It is not considered the Lebanese National Army. The actions that Yemenis take in support of Palestine are carried out by the government based in Sanaa and the Yemeni army.

The Zionist regime cannot be compared to America and England in terms of power; Yemenis resisted against America and England and against the occupying regime of Quds which is wounded and damaged. This fake regime has suffered many damages and problems during this one year.

Yemen army missile operation in occupied city Tel Aviv It was a unique and unprecedented work. Yemen had carried out drone operation but not missile operation; This was the first Yemeni missile operation. In terms of coordinates, this hypersonic ballistic missile traveled 2,400 kilometers in 11 minutes and 30 seconds to reach the target. This missile was radar-evasive, the defense systems of the Zionist regime and even the US and British systems in the sea could not intercept this missile launched from Yemen. The mentioned missile landed near Tel Avio. The accuracy of this missile may have been less than what they wanted because it landed near a cement factory and did not hit the factory; However, due to this Yemeni missile attack, 9 Zionists have been injured.

The coordinates of this missile show that the military capability and knowledge of Yemenis has reached a stage where they can carry out such an action. Compare this to 2015 when Yemen was invaded by Saudi Arabia. The ability of the Yemenis has come from the heart of an almost 9-year asymmetric war. Their capabilities have increased to such an extent that today they have drones that enter the occupied territories. They have ultrasonic and radar-evading missiles.

Yemenis are a one-year phenomenon of the Gaza war. They directly entered the war, directly showed the will of dignity, directly carried out military action and were not afraid; They did not think that they were engaged in war for 9 years. They repeatedly criticized the Arab countries for not taking any action to defend the Palestinian nation and condemning the Zionist regime. The Yemenis were a phenomenon, as we move forward, the features, indicators and measures of this phenomenon become more visible.

What message does this Yemeni army operation have for the Zionist regime and what message does it have for the jihad and resistance axis?

The actions carried out by the Yemeni army are widely supported by the people of this country. In recent days, we witnessed the presence of millions of Yemenis in the celebration of the birth of the Prophet (PBUH) in Yemen. Yemeni people are a strange phenomenon. Experts should come and analyze the cultural, political and behavioral characteristics of these people, how is it possible for a country whose people have been under war for 9 years but still support the actions of the army in support of Palestine. Yemen’s military power is accompanied by popular support; This is a message to the Zionist regime and its supporters.

Yemen’s missile attack sent the message to the Zionist regime that how vulnerable they are from the inside. A rocket was fired, but it was announced that 2 million Zionists went to shelters. Social fear, insecurity and anarchy are raging inside the occupied territories and show that the Zionist regime is very threatening. If these actions are repeated, Netanyahu’s fragile cabinet will be under pressure. Even now, we are witnessing an unprecedented demonstration against the Zionist regime within this regime, who demand an end to the war.

The pressure that the regime occupying Jerusalem has put on the resistance; In Palestine to Jihad and Hamas, in Lebanon to Hezbollah, in Iraq to Iraqi groups, in Syria to Syrian groups and in Yemen to Ansarullah, it has not weakened the axis of Jihad and resistance. This axis has coherence and integrity; Hezbollah, Ansarullah and Hashd al-Shaabi come to the aid of Jihad and Hamas. This coherence provides the axis of resistance; Not only this one-year war did not destroy cohesion and integration and did not weaken the axis of jihad and resistance, but it also made them reach a realistic belief, which is that they should improve their military capabilities and self-reliance and self-defense. Don’t wait for anyone and defend yourself. The action of the Yemenis showed that the Yemenis are moving in this direction; This is a serious threat to the Zionists and a message for the axis of jihad and resistance.

You mentioned the celebration of the Prophet’s birthday in Yemen, where the presence of millions of Yemeni people can be seen. It is necessary to remind that the celebration of the birth of the Prophet (PBUH) in Yemen is 11 centuries old. For 11 centuries, Yemenis have been celebrating the birth of the Prophet (PBUH) for 30 days in all provinces. If you look at the published photos of Yemen these days, Yemen is covered in green, they have covered the whole country in green. The special speaker for the celebration of the birth of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in Yemen is Abdul Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi.

The Hebrew media admitted that the Yemeni missile attack woke up the whole of Israel. The defense systems of the Zionist regime sent 20 missiles towards the Yemeni launched missile to shoot it down, but it was not successful. If we want to make a distinction between this action of the Yemenis and their past actions, what is this difference and distinction?

Hebrew media reacted widely and as you mentioned, they admitted the failure of the Iron Dome and the Zionist regime, which failed to intercept and shoot down the missile launched by the Yemenis using the 20 rocket. The first difference between this action and the previous actions is that in the past, the Yemeni actions were carried out at a smaller geographical distance, for example, they attacked the ships of the Zionist regime or the ships that were going to the occupied territories. The distance was less. This attack was carried out at a distance of 2,400 kilometers.

In order to reduce the severity of this humiliation, the Zionist regime claimed in the media that this is a missile that the Islamic Republic gave to Yemen. The missiles delivered by the Islamic Republic were captured and fired by the Yemenis. These statements are made to reduce the severity of humiliation.

The second difference is that the Iron Dome system could not intercept this missile. Although I believe that the target was not shot accurately. God willing, the next operations will be more effective so that the damage they intend to do will be done.

The conclusion of the Zionist regime was that the Yemenis only have drones, the missile attack showed that the Yemenis do not only have drone equipment, but also missile equipment; It is also hypersonic.

10 months have passed since October 7. Yemen’s Ansarullah army and movement are in solidarity with the Gaza Strip, which has been under siege since October 7, 2023. The Zionist regime started a dirty war, they continuously attack Zionist cargo ships or ships bound for the occupied territories in the Red Sea and the Arabian Sea with missiles and drones. What economic damages have these Yemeni attacks caused to the Zionist regime since October 7?

I believe the Yemenis are acting intelligently. Their attacks are not aimless attacks, but targeted. They have put their hands on the economy of the Zionist regime. Their actions have an economic cost for the occupation regime of Al-Quds. The ships that are going to the occupied territories operate in the economic field, they import goods and are responsible for exports.

Economic experts believe that the blockade of the Zionist regime by Ansarullah has caused more than 10 million dollars in damage to this regime daily, and that changing the movement of ships and bypassing Africa by them, trade with this regime has made it unprofitable.

The operations of the Yemenis in the Red Sea have messed up the management of the strategic planning of the port of Haifa, and the ships need a longer time to reach this port. For example, the ship that needed a week to reach the port of Haifa, should now be three weeks on the way. Also, the shipping income of Eilat port has dropped by 85%. Meanwhile, this port is the only port of connection between the Zionist regime and the East.

Yemen’s missile operation will confront the Zionist regime with internal and international crises and will endanger the future of Tel Aviv. fell, what are the crises of the Zionist regime at the international level?

The real face of the Zionist regime has been proven to public opinion; This is the most important crisis of the Zionist regime at the international level. Until October 7, 2023, the Hebrew and Western media tried to present a peaceful image of the army of the occupying Al-Quds regime. These media insinuated that the Zionist regime is an actor who is in favor of peace and the resistance is against peace. The genocide that took place in Gaza on October 7 has destroyed this image. Many of the Hebrew and Western media censor the crimes of this regime, they don’t talk about Islam, they don’t mention the camps and the displaced people, they don’t talk about the lack of medicine and they don’t report about the attack on schools. For the Zionist regime, the false face of the Western world has disappeared and the real face has been revealed. No one pays attention to Western media lies anymore. The axis of jihad and war resistance has taken over the narratives.

This regime is no longer a child killer, but a genocide. The Secretary General of the United Nations is appointed by the West, but he cannot remain silent in the face of the crimes of the occupying Al-Quds regime. He repeatedly stated that what is happening by the Zionists is genocide. The loss of moral and human virtues is happening at the hands of the Zionist regime.

Another crisis of the Zionist regime at the international level is that public opinion is mobilized against this regime in the world. In the past, demonstrations against the Zionist regime were held in certain countries, but today, demonstrations in America are held not only against the Zionist regime and the defense of the Palestinian nation, but also against its cabinet and government. People declare that we do not accept the policies of the Biden administration, because these policies support genocide and war crimes. This is an important crisis for the Zionist regime that in the heart of America, Europe and England, demonstrations of several hundred people are held in support of Palestine and condemnation of the crimes of the occupying Jerusalem regime.

Today, the message of the oppression of the Palestinian people has been sent to the world. The world has realized that the Zionist regime has occupied the Palestinian land with the help of Britain and America. As time passes, this occupation has increased. In the deal of the century, only 15% of the Palestinian land was given to Palestine, a large part of this 15% is being taken from them in this year-long war. Public opinion is against world powers, especially the Zionist regime. They oppose the West’s approach of supporting Zionists and selling weapons to them.

Fortunately in Currently, the “struggle against the Zionist regime” has become a global movement, especially in Western countries. Today, there are few countries where the army flag of the occupying regime has not been burned and people have not witnessed the struggle and demonstrations against the occupation and the existence of this fake regime.

The action of the Yemeni drone against Tel Aviv marked the emergence of a new actor in the military scene of West Asia and the Arab world. An actor who does not dwell on the crimes of the Zionist regime and targets Tel Aviv directly. The leader of Yemen’s Ansarullah has also emphasized that the continuation of aggression against Gaza and genocide against the Palestinian nation will cause more dangers and unprecedented problems for the enemy.


© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Mehr News Agency
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