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Al-Akhbar reviewed: Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah’s strategy in the Third Lebanon War

Referring to the past initiatives of Seyed Hassan Nasrallah in the leadership of Lebanon's Hezbollah, a Lebanese newspaper outlined his general strategy for the war against the Zionist enemy.

According to Webangah News quoted by Mehr Khabargazari, Lebanese newspaper Al-Akhbar in a detailed report on the strategy of Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary General of Hezbollah in Lebanon in the third war Lebanon, which has most likely started its scope, and writes that although Hezbollah is not a big party compared to other parties in the Arab and Islamic world, it can be said to be the most influential and is the strongest and most famous of these parties, and its elements are the most experienced and knowledgeable people. This issue has caused this party to become a real obstacle against many western projects in the region, including the division of regional countries or militarization or civil war in the region.

On the other hand, this party’s commitment to the cause of Palestine as the central cause of the Islamic world and the continuation of resistance activities against Israel, which is one of the biggest military and economic tools of Western colonialism has kept it in the field of regional developments.

Al-Akhbar adds that Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah, since assuming the post of Secretary General of Hezbollah in Lebanon, has two strategies Kelli has considered everything for himself and Hezbollah in Lebanon: the first approach: supporting a free, united, safe and independent Lebanon with a strong and just government and the second approach: playing a role in the liberation of Palestine and restoring this The land belongs to its real owners. Therefore, the wars that Hezbollah has faced during this period are connected links of a chain, each of which is based on one of these two internal and external strategies.

First: Lebanon’s Hezbollah wars

Al-Akhbar states in its article that some of the wars fought by Hezbollah during the period of General Secretary Seyed Hassan Nasrallah entered into it, defensive wars, including the July 1993 war and the 1996 war or the 33-day war. In some cases, Hezbollah has carried out pre-emptive operations, including intervention in Syria in 2011 and supporting Gaza in the Al-Aqsa storm operation in 2023.

All of these wars have been highly calculated and redefined the security and integrity of Hezbollah and succeeded in restoring the balance of power in Lebanon and the region. slow Lebanon’s Hezbollah, which once started in villages and remote areas, today has an influence beyond the region.

Al-Akhbar in this article points out two basic points about Hezbollah’s wars and in More description of these two approaches writes:

Second: Nasrallah follows the entry into the wars imposed on Hezbollah with religious and historical motivations and tries to answer historical questions through the stages of development and progress of this party. and related religion to fulfill the ideological goals of this party. For this reason, the speeches of the Secretary General of Hezbollah are full of religious and historical symbols.

Nasrullah, while paying attention to the realities and material conditions and moral and religious foundations, does not hide the spiritual and occult dimensions and aid. Therefore, the wars that Hezbollah engages in are associated with material and religious approaches and moral and historical motivations and are part of the conflict between right and wrong. In the real dimensions of these wars, he raises issues such as the direct goals of the people or the supreme interests of the country, and on the other hand, he highlights the Quranic and moral teachings and their importance in defeating the enemy.

Second: Seyed Hassan Nasrallah’s coalitions

One ​​of the most important missions of Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah since assuming the position of the leadership of Lebanon’s Hezbollah is to create internal and regional coalitions. He clarified his relations with the Amal movement, which was complicated and ambiguous for a long time, and redefined the political and military competences of each of these sections. The issue of resistance is one of the basic axes agreed between Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah and Nabiyeh Bari, Speaker of the Lebanese Parliament. And he was the head of the Amal movement and kept them away from party conflicts. Further, electoral and rational understandings were established by Hezbollah with other parties, which made the resistance create a suitable environment to expand its activities in the political arena. This coalition showed its role in many internal currents and aggressions of the Zionist regime.

Another understanding that Lebanon’s Hezbollah made during this period was the alliance with the free national movement, which was based on an open policy towards all sectarian and political structures in Lebanon. . This coalition was actually a bold move by both sides against the traditional and classic balances in Lebanon.

There is no doubt that Nasrallah did not stop at these two alliances to strengthen his relations and deepen his presence in the domestic arena, and expanded the scope of his efforts and communications when needed. He has a specific view of Lebanon as his country. It is true that the movements that entered into an understanding with Hezbollah in Lebanon have different goals, but this shows that Nasrallah believes that strengthening Hezbollah’s position by isolating others or ignoring their interests – even if it is politically and morally justified – causes isolation. It becomes a party and the fi agreements between them lead to hostile approaches.

Nasrullah believes that one-sidedness and unipolar approaches should be overcome in order to solve problems through go solved.

He also took action in his foreign alliances, which are part of Hezbollah’s development process and its political and strategic responsibilities. He called for help from Arab and Islamic parties that had common priorities and responsibilities, including in the field of the Palestinian cause and the freedom of Palestine. He believes that these coalitions can be an important turning point in the process of confronting direct and indirect colonialism and freedom from the reason of these forces.

Third: From the leadership of Hezbollah to the leadership of the resistance axis

This article adds that the influence of Lebanon’s Hezbollah is increasing day by day, it is true that Hezbollah’s domestic and international rivals are doing their best to destroy its image and settle scores. personally and to erode Hezbollah, but these events do not make Nasrallah abandon Hezbollah’s strategic priorities. After the liberation of southern Lebanon in 2000 and after the important facts of the 33-day war of 2006 became clear, Hezbollah created a new model of ideological parties that went beyond ideological parties. It was Arab that Israel had entered into a war with before.

Sayed Hassan Nasrallah started talking about the axis of resistance after the tripartite meeting with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Bashar Assad, the presidents of Iran and Syria in Damascus in February 2010. , the axis that challenged the Western-Israeli current in the region and influenced it. Sardar Qassem Soleimani was the main responsibility and field coordinator for the establishment of this axis.

After 2010, the desired approaches of Nasrallah became more and more obvious, he realized that he should focus his efforts on areas that play a fundamental role in the liberation of Palestine and destroy the hegemony of the West in the region, therefore, after several years, the axes of resistance in Yemen, Iraq, Syria and Palestine entered into a coalition that they were well aware of its strategic dimensions and at the same time they also knew the security, economic and political consequences of their coalition. .

Syed Hassan Nasrallah made a lot of effort to complete the roles in this axis and draw maps and prepare its agents and facilities and had many communications and meetings with the leaders of the resistance movements. and transferred the political and military experiences of Hezbollah to them. This meant that Nasrallah’s war with Israel was no longer exclusive to him and he had to prepare himself for a new round of wars that would be created with the help of its regional allies and would have a decisive victory for them and would change the maps of the region and the world. .

By influencing the axis of resistance against the enemy’s war plans in Syria, Yemen and Iraq and the enemy’s threats against Iran, Nasrallah has shown himself as a regional leader. And he presented his views and ideas regarding the future developments in the region and showed developments that can support the Islamic Ummah and preserve its integrity and identity.

Fourth: strengthening the military base of Hezbollah in Lebanon

The prediction of a major regional war was always in the eyes of Seyed Hassan Nasrallah, and he always prepared himself for this great day, a day that requires continuous logistical and human preparations. was Curbing the enemy’s internal and external threats required political and strategic convergences and accurate assessment of internal and external balances and powers. He believes that the existence of a trained and powerful army can destroy the enemy’s goals and ensure victory over the enemy in the future war, for this reason, since 2006, he has started his greatest efforts to recruit Lebanese youth to train them for the day. Great fight to teach. At the same time, he showed great effort not to fight with two enemies at the same time. His decisions were accurate and wise and without passive and emotional positions.

Hezbollah’s strong and integrated combat power system has created results that lead to changing the balance of power in the region and the world. There is no doubt that the events in Lebanon after 2006 and the events in Syria, Iraq and Yemen show the importance of Hezbollah’s efforts and initiatives, all of which are based on the general strategy of Hassan Nasrallah. After the 2006 war, Hezbollah sought to strengthen its communication lines and strengthen its presence in various regions to provide self-support and financial and weaponry, and then took the initiative to be present in Syria and Iraq. sent to Yemen to support Ansarullah in Yemen. All these developments are a strategic development in a confrontation that can be the final and decisive confrontation.


© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Mehr News Agency
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