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Hezbollah is in the hearts of people and fighters

Abdullah Safiuddin said at the international conference of solidarity with Palestinian children and teenagers: Hezbollah's foundations are in the hearts of the people and fighters, that's why this noble family will be more resistant and there is no need to worry.

reportedAl-Dura, the seventh meeting between International Solidarity with Palestinian children and teenagers was held today, Monday, October 16, with the presence of 30 different countries in the summit hall.

Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf, Chairman of the Islamic Council, a group of representatives of the Islamic Council, Nasser Abu Sharif, a representative of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement in Iran, Seyyed Mojtabi Abtahi, Secretary General of the International Conference in Support of Palestine, Abdallah Safi Aldin Representative Hezbollah office in Tehran, Sheikh Abdallah Aldaghi representative of Isa Qasim, leader of the Bahraini Shiites, Hashem Al-Haidari Secretary of Al-Ahed movement of Iraq, Mamusta Iqbal Bahmani, member of leadership experts, Mohammad Ibrahim Al-Dilami Ambassador of the Republic of Yemen to Iran, Hojat al-Islam Mohammad Hassan Akhtari, Chairman of the Committee to Support the Islamic Revolution of the Palestinian People of the Presidency and Sheikh Ghazi Youssef Hanina, one of the Lebanese Sunni scholars, attended the mentioned conference.

Hello Sardar Qaani to the International Solidarity with Children Conference and Palestinian teenagers

Sardar Ismail Qaani commander of the Quds Force of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps to the seventh meeting between International solidarity with Palestinian children and teenagers sent a message. Moderator of the 7th international solidarity meeting with Palestinian children and teenagers while reading the message of Sardar Ismail Qaani He announced: The commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Quds Force has greeted all the participants in this meeting and apologized to the participants for not being able to participate in this meeting due to attending another important meeting.

حزب الله در قلوب مردم و رزمندگان است

international legal and international dog rabid America in They don’t take the area

At the beginning of this conference Hojat al-Islam Mohammad Hassan Akhtari by stating that this international conference In the name of Shahid Muhammad Al-Dura is a 12-year-old Palestinian teenager, he said: the mentioned conference can create a special harmony among the supporters of the resistance front for a stronger, stronger and tougher resistance against the child. Killing, genocide and crimes of the barbaric Zionist regime will be done and the root of corruption in the region will be destroyed.

He pointed out the presence of more than 30 countries and some groups and groups in the said conference and continued: The purpose of this summit is to convey the cry of the oppressed children of Palestine to the world. The continuation of the capability, strength and success of the Resistance Front is of great value to us. Today, legal and international institutions are observing the crimes of the Zionist regime, but they are silent and in front of the rabid dog. /span> They don’t catch America in the region.

The head of the Presidential Committee for the Support of the Islamic Revolution of the Palestinian People added: The resistance front has become stronger and has more facilities compared to 30 years ago. An example is Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah, who laid the foundation for the formation of Hezbollah and the Resistance Front in 1360. Today, the resistance front is very developed and Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah was able to expand the resistance front in all the countries supporting this front.

According to him, Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah was able to gather all groups and clans in the resistance front and create a united, strong and unified group and with the testimony of Seyed Hassan Nasrallah, the structure The resistance front will not fall apart, because the resistance front has become stronger in most countries, including Lebanon, Yemen, Syria and Iraq.

Hujjat al-Islam Akhtari added: The supreme leader of the revolution considered supporting the resistance front as a duty for everyone, and other scholars also emphasized this issue. As the Almighty God has promised in the Qur’an, attack the enemies of God and you will definitely win.

حزب الله در قلوب مردم و رزمندگان است

There is no need to worry; Hezbollah’s foundations are in the hearts of people and fighters

Abdullah Safi Aldin is one of the other speakers of this international conference said: From the solidarity and condolences of the dear people of Islamic Iran and at the head of all of them, Imam Khamenei (Madazla Al-Ali) and all the officials of the Islamic Republic for the martyrdom of Seyyed Hassan I appreciate Nasrullah.

He added: Talking about martyrdom and victory has always been important. The contemporary history of Iran entered a new stage after the victory of the Islamic Revolution. This victory caused the two issues of victory and martyrdom to become one. In the early history of Islam, martyrdom was mostly mentioned, but during the time of Imam Rahal and the supreme leader of the revolution, at the same time, one can present a martyr and achieve martyrdom, one can also be victorious.

The representative of the Hezbollah office in Tehran continued his speech and said: “The resistance in Lebanon has seriously touched this issue, therefore it became victorious, dear and powerful with the martyrdom of its fighters and commanders, for this reason.” It is suggested that scholars and intellectuals should plan in this field, tell the new generation about such elements and give them new thoughts and ideas.

According to Abdullah Safi Aldin, Martyr Seyed Hassan Nasrallah was able to obey the supreme leader of the revolution during the last forty years. create a management style that is organization-oriented. He organized personal work. This structure can be seen in all aspects of Hezbollah. All organizations related to Hezbollah have a framework and will never suffer damage.

He emphasized: Hezbollah during the time of martyr Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah was the same Hezbollah during the time of martyr Seyyed Abbas Mousavi, which Seyyed Hassan established with his special influence and influence and is still in Confronting the enemy is Hezbollah. The foundations of Hezbollah are in the hearts of the people and fighters, that’s why this tree of Tayyaba will be more resistant and there is no need to worry.

حزب الله در قلوب مردم و رزمندگان است

The Zionist child-killing regime was created by the United Nations

Mohammed Baqir Qalibaf said: No doubt, at this point, we lost dear martyrs, which is difficult and a great tragedy for us. We definitely feel their emptiness with all our being. Their presence brought us blessings, strength, strength and security. We mourn and suffer them, and of course we have no doubt that they survived and we survived. We have no doubt that today the spirit of those loved ones is a companion, companion and supporter of the resistance front; As we mourn and bereave them, we are never passive, but bravely and thoughtfully continue the path.

He added: Everyone saw how the child-killing and criminal enemy behaved in a cowardly manner, but did not stay in the scene of the confrontation in the square. We all know that the responsible and sponsor of these crimes is criminal America. We have never made a calculation error in this fight and we will never make a mistake because we have stepped into the field based on our beliefs. We have entered this field based on beliefs that Imam Rahel and %B1%DB%8C”> Supreme Leader and foundations based on divine traditions established that this path is not a path that will face failure.

The Speaker of the Islamic Council, referring to the interpretation of Imam Khomeini (RA), said: We are victorious whether we kill or are killed on this path; This is our culture and belief. Undoubtedly, our leaders, commanders and loved ones reached the height of human virtue and martyrdom in the resistance front; This is our pride and this is a profitable deal they made with Almighty God.

According to Mohammad Baqer Ghalibaf, this child-killing and illegitimate regime was formed by the British, the Security Council and the United Nations. The occupying regime, with all its support and occupations, thought that with the passing of time, the change of generations, the displacement of Palestinians, the bombing of camps, the gathering of people in the occupied land, the issue of Palestine and the Palestinians would be forgotten, but today Standing against occupation; Palestinians and Lebanese are determined to resist

Ebrahim Mohammad Al-Dilami called the silence of the western countries a shame and said: Dozens of children are martyred in Palestine every day and this incident It is a great shame for the western countries that see these crimes and remain silent.

Nasser Abu Sharif said: Today, Palestinians and Lebanese are determined to resist, all countries, especially Muslim countries, must join hands give and stand against the occupation, and definitely the support of countries, especially Muslims, can be a solution.

حزب الله در قلوب مردم و رزمندگان است

Some Arab countries are not the “Iron Dome” but the “Paper Dome” of the Zionist regime.

Hashem Al-Hydari said: Some Arab countries are not ashamed to try to intercept the missiles of the “Wada Sadiq 2” operation against the regime. Are Zionists proud? What is this ugly betrayal and humiliation that some Arab countries have become the “iron dome” of the Zionist regime? It is better to say that some Arab countries have become a “paper dome” to defend Israel.

The secretary of Al-Ahed movement of Iraq continued: It is the duty of every Muslim, every resistance movement and every free government or nation to Defend Palestine and Lebanon with all means and facilities. After all the crimes committed by the usurping Zionist regime against Lebanon, Palestine, Gaza and even the southern Dahiya and the martyrdom of Seyed Hassan Nasrallah, the brave and powerful Hezbollah has the right to the infrastructure of the army. The occupier of Quds should raze ammonia warehouses, petrochemical plants, power plants and buildings in Tel Aviv and Haifa; This is Hezbollah’s right. Hezbollah will prove that it is able to change the equations and upset the game table.

Al-Aqsa storm destroyed the trade and peace agreements of the Zionist regime

Teacher Iqbal Bahmani at the end of the seventh international conference Solidarity with Palestinian children and teenagers said: October 7 coincides with the anniversary of the Al-Aqsa storm. The storm that changed the Middle East and the world and led to the awakening of the world against the Zionist regime.

He added: Marches of 100,000 people in New York, less Angeles and European cities and universities in support of Gaza, Palestine and Lebanon is a sign of world awakening. If before the Al-Aqsa storm, the supporters of the Resistance Front were not a handful, today all nations support the oppressed people of Palestine. After the Al-Aqsa storm, trade and peace agreements with the Zionist regime were broken, and the nature of the child-killing regime was more exposed for the Arab countries. The voice of the oppression of the Palestinian people was heard in Asia, Europe, America and Africa after the Al-Aqsa storm.


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