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Europe’s missile controversy; Why is the West worried about Tehran-Moscow cooperation?

With the intensification of America's geostrategic competition with emerging eastern powers, Washington is trying to prevent the deepening of strategic relations between revisionist powers such as Russia, China, Iran, Brussels and North Korea.

Mehr News, International Group: During the last few weeks, a new round of the “Iranian security” project and the intensification of “pressure diplomacy” by the United States and the European Union have begun. The starting point of this new campaign was the suspicious report of the “Wall Street Journal” newspaper and the “CNN” news channel, citing knowledgeable sources (!) regarding the sending of short-range Fatah-360 missiles to Russia for use in the Ukraine crisis. At the same time, the US Foreign Ministry also implicitly confirmed this news. A little later, “Sky News” quoted a “Ukrainian source” and claimed that the transfer was carried out via the ship “Port Olya 3” in the Caspian Sea and about 220 missiles were sent to the port of Astrakhan in Russia.

After the widespread publication of this “fake news”, the American-European authorities announced the imposition of new sanctions against Tehran under the pretext of Iran’s military support for Russia in the Ukraine war. For example, the American diplomatic system announced that it will impose new sanctions against the Yade ship and several Iranian figures. The European Troika also announced that %D8%A7%DB%8C-%D8%AC%D8%AF%DB%8C%D8%AF-%D8%A7%D8%AA%D8%AD%D8%A7%D8%AF%DB%8C %D9%87-%D8%A7%D8%B1%D9%88%D9%BE%D8%A7-%D8%B9%D9%84%DB%8C%D9%87-%D8%A7%DB% They will impose new sanctions against Iran Air and limit Iran’s commercial flights to Europe and England. These aggressive actions are taking place while the 14th government is becoming more efficient, whispers about the improvement of Tehran-Brussels relations are heard more than before.

جنجال موشکی اروپا؛ چرا غرب نگران همکاری‌های تهران- مسکو است؟

From the first days of the crisis in Ukraine, the national and army officials in Tehran clearly announced that Iran will not be a part of this conflict and will not enter the field for the benefit of any of the conflict parties. became. In addition, Tehran tried to appear as a “mediator” like other countries in the region and try to prevent the escalation of tension in Eastern Europe by sending a message between Kyiv and Moscow.

Supreme Leader during the Nowruz meeting with different sections of the people in the holy shrine of Razavi, while praising the vigilance of the Russians regarding NATO’s plan in Eastern Europe, about Iran’s official position Regarding the crisis in Ukraine, they said: “We clearly declare our support for the resistance front, and we categorically reject participation in the war in Ukraine.” They falsely claimed that Iran is participating in the war in Ukraine; There is no such thing at all; We have no partnership. The war in Ukraine was actually started by America; In order to expand NATO to the east, the preliminaries of this war were actually created by the United States; Even now, America is getting the most benefit from the war in Ukraine. The poor people of Ukraine are in trouble, the American arms factories are profiting from it.”

جنجال موشکی اروپا؛ چرا غرب نگران همکاری‌های تهران- مسکو است؟

1. Basically, the bilateral cooperation of UN members in different fields; Especially military-security is something accepted in international law and custom and no one denies it. For example, while the Zionist regime’s war machine is massacring civilians in Gaza and the regime’s army is preparing for a large-scale attack on southern Lebanon, the United States has not cut off the arms transfer route to the occupied territories. Tehran-Moscow also have strategic arms agreements and cooperation for years, and this fact is not hidden from anyone.

On this basis, any arms deal between Iran and Russia was either before the start of the war in Ukraine or it is part of the arms agreements between the two countries. In other words, Iran has not given Russia any weapons to use in the Ukraine war, and the Westerners are trying to prevent the imminent signing of the Tehran-Moscow strategic cooperation document under the pretext of the Ukraine crisis and prevent the formation of a new power bloc in the Eurasian region.

2. Another key issue in this media-political controversy is the non-confirmation of this news by reliable sources. During the historic meeting of the heads of “CIA” and “MI-6”, William Burns, after expressing his concern about the possibility of sending Iranian short-range missiles to Russia, could not make this claim in response to the question of the reporter present at the meeting. confirm.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky also openly stated that there is no evidence of sending Iranian missiles to Russia. The official page of the Iranian Embassy in London also reacted to this media show and wrote in a tweet: “This is not journalism, it is adventurous storytelling.” Europe’s re-accusation caused Nasser Kanani to condemn the statement of EU foreign policy official Josep Borrell and once again emphasize Tehran’s neutrality towards the Ukraine crisis. When this “fake news” is not confirmed even by the highest American-Ukrainian officials, it is necessary for experts to reconsider the role of Europe as a “good police” in the Iran-West conflict.

3. The fact is that the countries of the Euro-Atlantic region intend to embargo Tehran under various pretexts and stop the progress of Iran as a “revisionist” country in international relations. To date, more than 1,400 sanctions by the United States and the European Union have targeted various sectors of Iran’s economy and armed forces. Although the number of rulings issued against Russia is much higher than that of Iran in the club of sanctions, the precedent of crippling sanctions against Tehran is much longer.

In such a situation, the key question is how a country under US and European sanctions was able to achieve such a missile technology that could deliver this weapon to one of the three powers. To export a global missile? The Americans have always criticized the impact of the crippling sanctions and want to intensify them, but today they are concerned about the increase in Tehran’s capabilities and the military cooperation of this emerging power with Russia.

4. The history of military-intelligence support of European countries such as Germany and France to Saddam’s regime for attacking Iran and causing human disasters in the southern, western and northwestern cities of Iran requires Brussels to appear as a “respondent” in the Hague Court and to the record of rights Bushra himself should be ashamed of the people of Iran.

On this basis, it is suggested that the diplomatic system of the country, in cooperation with the judiciary, conduct the hearings of the European Crimes Investigation Court against Iran and impose sanctions in accordance with the issued rulings. widely against the members of the European Troika. If Brussels intends to continue to beat the drum of sanctions instead of using the opportunity created to reject “unilateralism” and emphasize “multilateralism”, it is once again on the orbit of Washington-Tel Aviv’s demands. In this show, Tehran will actively defend its national interests against Europe’s adventurous sanctions and will naturally try not to tighten the Western sanctions ring.

Bahre Sakhan

With the intensification of America’s geostrategic competition with emerging Eastern powers, Washington is trying to prevent the deepening of strategic relations between revisionist powers such as Russia, China, Iran, Brussels and North Korea. take The Westerners describe accusations such as nuclear-weapons cooperation, intensifying cyber attacks against the West, interfering in the election process or creating a campaign to spread false information in an attempt to punish the mentioned countries and not allow them to grow more and more in various fields. In addition, the production of literature based on the dual basis of “authoritarianism” and “democracy” will help the West to once again expand its lost cohesion around common enemies.

Mohammed Bayat; Researcher of international issues


© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Mehr News Agency
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