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The American political system: a complex structure with key and hidden weaknesses

The American political system, which was known with components such as "federalism", "balance of power" and "bipartisanship", is facing weaknesses such as lobbying, politicized judiciary, "filibuster" and "electoral assembly" systems.

Mehr News Agency, International Group: until the 2024 US presidential election on November 5th (Aban 15). will be held, there is less than a month left; An important event that makes it necessary to investigate the political system.

The political structure and decision-making in the United States of America is based on a federal republic and representative democracy in which power is divided among different levels of government. This system was established by the United States Constitution in 1787. The American political structure is designed in such a way that power is divided between different levels of government and institutions and helps to balance the powers.

This structure consists of three main branches, which are the executive branch, the legislative branch, and the judicial branch. Also, the system of federalism and the role of state governments are also essential features of this structure.

It should be noted that the US Constitution is the basic document for the political structure of this country. This law was passed in 1787 and, along with subsequent amendments that include the Bill of Rights and other important amendments, provides a legal basis for all government actions. The constitution generally divides power between the federal government and state governments.

1. Executive branch: presidency and cabinet

The executive branch in America includes the president, his vice president and the cabinet. As the highest executive officer, the president is responsible for the implementation of federal laws, leadership of domestic and foreign policies, and the general command of the armed forces. The election of the president is done through a special system called “Electoral College”. The president is elected every four years and can only serve for two consecutive terms.

The cabinet consists of ministers appointed by the president to lead various federal ministries. These ministers are responsible for implementing the president’s policies in various fields such as foreign affairs, defense, treasury and education.

نظام سیاسی آمریکا: ساختاری پیچیده با نقاط ضعف کلیدی و پنهان

The president in the United States has broad powers and responsibilities, which include the following:

-Execution of federal laws: the president is responsible for the implementation of laws approved by Congress through various executive bodies.

-Veto laws: The president can veto bills passed by Congress. If the president veto them, Congress can veto them with a two-thirds vote. to cancel.

-International relations: The president acts as the country’s representative in the international arena and can negotiate and sign international treaties, of course, these international treaties must be approved by the Senate. .

2. Legislature: Congress including the Senate and the House of Representatives

The US Congress has two chambers, which are the Houses of Representatives and the Senate. Each of these two parliaments has specific duties and plays an important role in approving laws, budgeting and monitoring the performance of the executive branch.

نظام سیاسی آمریکا: ساختاری پیچیده با نقاط ضعف کلیدی و پنهان

A. House of Representatives

The House of Representatives consists of 435 members who are elected every two years from different constituencies. The number of representatives of each state is determined based on the population of that state. The main duties of the House of Representatives include passing laws and starting the budget process. Also, this parliament has the power to impeach the president and other high-ranking officials.

B. Senate

The Senate consists of 100 senators, regardless of the population of the states, each state has two senators. Senators are elected for 6 years, and every two years one third of the Senate seats are up for election. The Senate is responsible for approving the appointments of the president and ratifying international treaties. Also, if the president is impeached by the House of Representatives, the Senate is responsible for conducting the trial.

3. Judiciary: Supreme Court and Federal Courts

The judiciary in America is tasked with interpreting laws and ensuring their compliance with the Constitution. The highest judicial authority in this country is the Supreme Court, which has nine judges. These judges are appointed by the president and approved by the Senate. The Supreme Court is responsible for the final review of legal disputes and the interpretation of the Constitution.

نظام سیاسی آمریکا: ساختاری پیچیده با نقاط ضعف کلیدی و پنهان

The American judicial system is designed in such a way that federal and state courts operate in parallel. Federal courts deal with issues such as violations of federal law, disputes between states, and constitutional claims.

From the federalist structure to the two-party system

One ​​of the outstanding features of the American political structure is the system of federalism. The mentioned system means that the political power is divided between the federal government and the state governments. The federal government is responsible for national and international issues such as national defense, foreign policy, and regulation of interstate commerce. In contrast, state governments are responsible for issues such as education, public health, police and local affairs.

Regarding the role of political parties in this country, it should be said that the American political system is mainly dominated by two major parties, the Democratic and Republican parties. These two parties play a key role in the country’s politics and nominate their candidates for political positions, including the presidency. The founders and decision-making institutions in America believed that the competition between these two parties will lead to the formation of a balance in political decisions.

The most important weaknesses of the American political system

Despite some positive points, the American political system has serious weaknesses, some of which are formed due to the complexity of the political structure, the role of money in politics, and strong party differences. . In the following, we point out some of the most important weaknesses of this system;

نظام سیاسی آمریکا: ساختاری پیچیده با نقاط ضعف کلیدی و پنهان

1. Party polarization and extreme politicization

One ​​of the most important weaknesses of the US political system is extreme partisan polarization. The two main parties, namely the Democratic Party and the Republican Party, have been so ideologically and politically opposed to each other that bilateral agreements and cooperation have greatly decreased. This leads topolitical deadlocks, with the passage of vital laws or the advancement of important policies being delayed or stopped altogether in many cases. Party differences can have a negative impact on important issues such as government budgets, economic policies, health and immigration reforms.

2. “Electoral Assembly”


The Electoral College is one of the most important structural elements of the American presidential election, which is often criticized. In this system, the president is not directly elected by popular vote, but is chosen by an electoral body composed of state representatives (in proportion to the number of congressional representatives of that state). This system can lead to a person who won the majority of popular votes still not being able to become the president. For example, in the 2000 and 2016 elections, the winner of the popular vote could not reach the presidency, which calls into question the political legitimacy and trust in the election system.

3. The role of money in Policy

The influence of money in American politics is one of the biggest weaknesses of this system. Very high election costs and strong dependence of politicians on donations, especially from lobby groups and large companies, can have a negative effect on the transparency and democracy of the system.

4. System «

Filibuster (Filibuster) is a legal tactic used in the Senate to slow down the process of passing legislation. postpone or block. This system allows senators to stop the passage of legislation by delaying debate or preventing a vote. To overcome a filibuster, 60 out of 100 senators must vote for it (normally a 51-vote majority is needed to pass legislation). This has caused even a small minority of senators to stop the approval of many important laws; This reduces the effectiveness of the legislature and makes it difficult to pass key laws.

5. No period limit for Congress and increasing corruption

While the President of the United States can only serve two four-year terms, there are no term limits for members of Congress (Representatives and Senators). This situation makes some politicians stay in power for decades and become professional politicians. The absence of term limits in Congress can foster corruption and lack of accountability, as long-term politicians may be more concerned with preserving their position than serving the public interest.

6. Focus more than Limit on mid-term elections

Every two years elections are held for the House of Representatives and a third of the seats in the Senate, and these mid-term elections put pressure on politicians to focus on long-term policies that are useful for country, think more about winning the next elections. This issue makes policymakers pay more attention to short-term results and political popularity among people instead of solving long-term and fundamental issues.

7. Politicized judicial system

The selection of Supreme Court justices by the president and their confirmation by the Senate has been highly politicized, especially in recent years. Each party tries to select judges who are aligned with their political ideology. This has caused the judiciary, which should act as an independent institution, to act in many cases in favor of a party or an ideological group. This process may question the impartiality of the Supreme Court and undermine public trust in the judicial system.

8. The influence of lobbying on Policymaking

Lobbying is another important weakness in the American political system. Lobby groups and large corporations have the ability to greatly influence policy. These groups can change political decisions in favor of their interests by using financial contributions to politicians and election campaigns. As a result, some important policies that should benefit people and society may be ignored or changed due to lobbying influence.

9. Mismatch between the speed of changes in society and the political structure

The American political system sometimes lags behind rapid social and economic changes due to its complex structure and long processes of passing laws. Many laws and structures are not up-to-date and do not respond to modern challenges. For example, issues related to new technologies, climate changes, and economic crises urgently require political response, but the American political system lags behind these developments in many cases.


The American political system, despite some strengths, such as trying to establish a balance of power between the executive, legislative and judicial branches, as well as managing affairs in the form of federalism, faces challenges and There are many weaknesses. Extreme partisan polarization, the role of money in politics, and the influence of lobbying are among the factors that can reduce the effectiveness of this system and damage public trust in ostensibly democratic institutions. However, ongoing debates about political reform suggest that the system still has potential for improvement.


© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Mehr News Agency
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