Persian language media and exploitation of rabid dog theory in psychological war against Iran
Mehr news agency, international group *; theory of “dog Har” (Mad Dog Theory) in the field Political science and international relations refers to a country that tries to protect its interests or attract the attention of other countries with unpredictable and aggressive behavior. Such a country deliberately ignores international rules and shows destabilizing behavior in the region and the world.
In the first part of this report we mentioned that the Zionist regime Using the theory of rabies dog, he tries to achieve his goals while creating extreme fear among his enemies and neighbors. In this section, with a brief look at the media activities that take place within the framework of the rabies dog theory, it was mentioned; In the framework of the rabies dog theory, these media mainly use tactics such as scaremongering, humiliation, or controlling the audience’s emotions instead of providing accurate information and inviting thought and analysis. they turn Their goal is often to create an emotional atmosphere, full of tension and confrontation, which ultimately leads to securing their strategic interests.
The question that was raised in the first part of this report was whether Persian-language media abroad to defend the Zionist regime with the audience in the framework of the dog theory Har they meet? In a situation where as seems special, these media by combining different genres and taking advantage of emotional, visual features and speed of publication, dog theory Har is implemented.
Persian language media and the use of the Zionist theory of rabies
Before I make a suggestion to Iranian media, I would like to tell some e networks that are in the framework of Let me point out that Rabid dog theory act aggressively, unilaterally and provocatively in the Persian-language media space.
1. BBC Farsi
Features: use of one-sided analysis and crisis coverage focusing on the negative aspects.
Aggressive coverage of social protests in regional countries using emotional and selective narratives to provoke people.
2. Iran International
Features of this network:
Focus on crises and breaking news in exaggerated form.
Using emotional and provocative language to fuel political and social differences.
Covering sensitive political events by inviting experts who have specific, harsh and destructive views. . that most of their image, behavior and literature are related to economic streams
3. Voice of America (VOA)
Focus on direct confrontation with Iran’s domestic policies.
Highlighting negative news and using news techniques that lead to emotional stimulation.
Producing reports that show only part of the truth and ignore opposing views.
4. Radio Farda
Publication of critical reports emphasizing negative points and crises.
Selecting topics that specifically reinforce social and political divisions and tensions.
Production of programs that use provocative images and sounds.
5. Me and you
Indirect attack on personalities or institutions through cultural productions.
Producing documentaries with an emotional and one-sided narrative to undermine history or national policies.
These networks, depending on their policy and sponsors, use various tools such as documentaries, breaking news, political analysis and even humor and entertainment programs to exert pressure and They use public opinion control. Their main goal is to create confrontation, provoke emotions and create distrust.
The author of this article, who has worked in the field of journalism for many years, suggests that in this media war and against “dog journalism” har” use “eagle-sighted journalism”. Dear media colleagues, as you know;
In today’s media war, where the theory of “dog journalism rabies” with aggression, excitement , and the creation of crises and the destruction of the media environment have been affected, our duty as media activists in Islamic Iran is to take a different path. The path of “seeing eagle journalism” is a path that can lead the society towards awareness and peace with deep insight, accuracy in action, and responsibility.
Instead of drowning in the level of events and emotional news, examine the issues with a broad and analytical view. Society needs a media that thinks beyond everyday life. Therefore, by providing accurate and clear information, gain the trust of the audience and provide a solution. In an environment where rumors spread quickly, you must be the beacon of truth.
Since the media is the intellectual leadership of the society, as a result, the media should not only reflect crises, but should guide public opinion and produce constructive discourses. With this full-scale media war, the media of our country should avoid aggression and excitement, and when faced with news and competitions, they should put aside emotional reactions and act calmly and intelligently. Look at the behavior of the eagle, it hunts carefully and patiently, not with excitement and haste. We must be a media that the audience considers us as the main source of truth. This authority is obtained through commitment to professional ethics and production of reality-based content.
against the “rabid dog” journalism, which today is the policy of anti-Iranian news networks and It seeks to intensify emotions, destroy and tear apart the Iranian nation, Iranian media can, like an eagle, analyze issues from a high altitude and wide view and guide the society towards awareness and solutions. Instead of presenting cold and dry news, by using new artistic styles and techniques and storytelling of human narratives, connect the common feelings and values of the society. The narrative of the country’s media should show people that they are not alone in their difficulties and challenges. Narrative in “Aqab Bina Journalism” should focus on providing solutions and opening new horizons, overcoming crises and emphasizing people’s achievements, efforts, and abilities, in order to revive hope in the heart of society. In an environment where destructive foreign and domestic narratives try to undermine the identity of the society, the eagle-eyed journalism creates a strong shield against these attacks with narratives that give identity and strengthen national cohesion. Telling the truth /span> in the media should be accompanied by attractive and dramatic narratives in order to draw the audience’s attention and leave the message deeper in his mind. Narratives that are accompanied by captivating narrative evidence have high staying power.
In the era when the theory of “dog journalism rage” by creating controversy, excitement, and division has dominated the media space, the duty of the country’s media as media activists is to follow an intelligent, deep, and constructive approach. Like an eagle that carefully observes the environment from a high altitude, our media narratives must be multi-layered and deal with national and global issues simultaneously. Multidimensional narratives deepen the audience’s understanding.
“Eagle Seer Journalism” not only guides the society towards awareness with detailed analysis and strategic insight, but also uses the power of narration to have a positive impact. Storytelling is one of the most powerful media tools that can neutralize destructive currents. Remember that our media narratives should promote hope, awareness, and unity. Eagle-sighted journalism not only sees the truth, but also narrates it in the most beautiful and effective way. This is not only a professional duty for media workers, but also a moral mission that by adopting it, we will help strengthen public trust and build a bright future for society.
Zablizadeh – faculty member of Sada Vasima