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Satellite images of the latest Zionist regime movements in Syria

Arab media reported the latest aggression and movements of Zionist military in Syria.

reports Mehr News Agency According to al -Quds al -Arabi, Zionist troops who had withdrawn yesterday from the governorship and court of al -Qatira province in southwest Syria. They left.

Zionist troops brutally burned the electronic systems and computers in these buildings and destroyed the buildings of the area. They also set fire to Syrian citizens’ cars and wrote sentences in Hebrew on the walls. These Zionist occupiers destroyed all the evidence recorded in the al -Qaedra court.

, on the other hand, although the Zionist regime claimed to be temporary during the rape of Syrian territory, it would be temporary occupation, but the establishment of its military equipment and satellite images of this Rejects the claim.

Al-Arabiya Network site reported that satellite images indicate the establishment of six armored vehicles at the Zionist regime base in Jatiba al-Khabb. A similar building is also built on a distance of five miles to the south.

all of these areas connect to each other with new soil routes created by the Syrian Golan Heights. Analyzing these satellite images, experts also point to the construction of the Third Base near the other two bases.

الصورة تظهر مقارنة بین صور الأقمار الصناعیة التی التقطت فی 20 دیسمبر/کانون الأول و21 ینایر/کانون الثانی بناء قاعدة إسرائیلیة جدیدة بالقرب من الحمیدیة، سوریا، فی غضون شهر واحد فقط. (Planet Labs)


© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Mehr News Agency
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