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The story of a bloody battle; How did Jammu and Kashmir join India?

In a message on the occasion of solidarity with the people of Kashmir, the Pakistani president said: "The human rights situation in Jammu and Kashmir is in dire straits and the Jammu and Kashmir conflict is one of the oldest international unresolved disputes."

Mehr News Agency , International , Elnaz Rahmatinejad: from Dispute India and Pakistan over the controversial area ownership “ Jammu and Kashmir “has passed for more than seven decades. Also, the two countries have entered the war three times to date.

The beginning of this Disagreement is rooted in the lack of proper implementation of the principles of distribution. When separating the Indian subcontinent in year 2, State “Jammu and Kashmir” One of the 1 state Has been the princess of India. The British Government recommended the rulers of the area with consider factors such as geographical proximity , Cultural dependence, and most importantly its people’s desires State join one of the two countries of India or Pakistan.

Maharaja state Jammu and Kashmir with Complete disregard for the considerations referred to and in the midst of the revolt of the people State against its cruel governance, sign “Document” and join Jammu and Kashmir to India. This document lacked any legal, ethical and political validity. The signing of the document, which was contrary to the demands of the people state could be considered the arbitrary result of a man despair of saving his government.

An armed confrontation between India and Pakistan led Kashmir to the United Nations. Then a dedicated commission called the UN Commission for India and Pakistan was formed to investigate the matter independently. It was decided to help the parties to a Solution agreed.

The most important outcome of the United Nations Commission for India and Pakistan was the adoption of two resolutions, one on August 2 and the other on January 1. based on These resolutions were asked by the Indian and Pakistani government through public opinion State Kashmir allow them to decide on their fate to join India or Pakistan. Since then, India has been ignorant of the UN Commission’s resolutions for India and Pakistan and the Security Council on the public opinion of the Kashmir people, and against the demands of the Kashmir people, occupying it State has continued.

World Freedom Movement Kashmir in an article: “India to justify the illegal occupation of Kashmir over the years The way to skillfully manipulate the facts has called for the world to convince the world that Kashmir’s accession to India was somehow legal. By his misunderstandings, he has attempted to put the responsibility of the UN Commission’s resolutions for India and Pakistan to Pakistan. New Delhi advertisers have also tried to clearly mix . For example, they have argued that the separation of Kashmir from India by referring to the public vote of the Kashmir people will break the Indian unity. They have also stated that as a result of the separation of Kashmir, the health and security of millions of Muslims living in other parts of India may be harmed. ”

داستان یک مناقشه قدیمی؛ ایالت «جامو و کشمیر» چگونه به هندوستان الحاق شد؟

Judge Hussein Ahmad, the head of the Pakistani Islamic Community Party, established the first day of solidarity with the Kashmir people in the late 1980s. Subsequently, the Pakistani government declared this day as a national day and official holiday, and since that year, the National Solidarity Day ceremony with the Kashmir people marching in Different This country and installing placards and images in support of the people of Kashmir.

As the fifth of February arrives, on Wednesday, February 23, commemoration of “Solidarity Day with Kashmir” with the presence of Muhammad Pakistani Ambassador to Tehran, Ms. Esmat Hassan Kardar Pakistani Embassy in Tehran, Zahed Monir Amer and Dr. Ali Bayat from the Tehran University and Saad Khan The head of the Eco Organization was held at the Pakistani Embassy in Tehran.

داستان یک مناقشه قدیمی؛ ایالت «جامو و کشمیر» چگونه به هندوستان الحاق شد؟

Correction Day message with the people of Kashmir Ali Pakistani President Zardari by Mohammed Madam Tippo and Pakistani Prime Minister Mohammad Shahbaz Sharif was read by Esmat Hassan at the ceremony.

Human rights status in Jammu and the occupied Kashmir

Asif Ali Pakistani President In a message on the occasion of the day of solidarity with the people of Kashmir, he said: “Every year on February 5, the people of Pakistan declare their solidarity with the Kashmiri brothers and sisters.

He stated that on February 5, we renew our shaky support for the fair and legitimate Kashmiri struggles in fulfilling the right to determine the fate of the dignity: the dispute Jammu and Kashmir One of the old most unsolved disputes between It is international because India still occupies many parts of Jammu and Kashmir, contrary to the desire of the people. Following India’s illegal and unilateral actions on August 1, with the aim of transforming Kashmiris into a powerless society in the land of dignity, the situation worsened.

Pakistani President continued to say: Today India is trying to occupy its occupation in Jammu and Kashmir Occupied by a series of administrative, judicial and legal measures to consolidate . However, these actions cannot suppress the unpredictable demands of the Kashmir people in determining the right of dignity. Over the past five years, the Kashmirians have made countless sacrifices to achieve democratic in determining their future. On this day, I pay tribute to Endurance Kashmir people against terrorism and government oppression.

according to Asif Ali Zardari in The message of solidarity with the people of Kashmir is the human rights situation in Jammu and the occupied Kashmir is serious, because India deprives the Kashmiri rights and freedom and exposed them to suppression. And it puts severe government violence. People live in an environment full of fear and intimidation, and the real representatives of the Kashmir people are still in prisons. Indian security forces use force overly to brutally sacrifice political activists and human rights defenders.

He emphasized at the end of the message at the end of the message. However, any amount of cruelty cannot undermine the Kashmir’s determination and weaken their legitimate struggle. On February 5, the responsibility of the international community is reminded of the oppressed people of Kashmir. The United Nations must respect its commitment five years ago and support the struggles of the Kashmir people in determining the right to fate. Pakistan will always stand shoulder to shoulder to the Kashmir brothers and sisters. We will continue our full moral, diplomatic and political support for their fair struggle in the realization of the right to determine the fate of the dignity, as stated in the relevant UN Security Council resolutions.

داستان یک مناقشه قدیمی؛ ایالت «جامو و کشمیر» چگونه به هندوستان الحاق شد؟

داستان یک مناقشه قدیمی؛ ایالت «جامو و کشمیر» چگونه به هندوستان الحاق شد؟

dispute Jammu and Kashmir; Pakistani Foreign Policy Column

Pakistani Prime Minister Mohammed Shahbaz Sharif also said in a message on the occasion of solidarity with the Kashmir people: “The government and the people of Pakistan are” on the day of solidarity with the Kashmir people. ” Renewal from the fair and legitimate struggles of the Kashmir people in the attainment of right to determine the fate of the dignity.

He stated that the right to fate is a fundamental principle in the law between International The United Nations adopts a resolution every year on the legal right of nations in the decision of its fate ‘s fate emphasis Does. Unfortunately, the people of Kashmir have not yet been able to take advantage of this certain right. Today Jammu and the occupied Indian Kashmir is one of the world’s most the world’s most . Kashmiris live in an environment full of fear and intimidation. Political activists and human rights defenders face long -term arrests and confiscation of property. Political parties that represent the real ideals of the Kashmir people are banned. The purpose of these cruel acts is to suppress the opponents.

Pakistani Prime Minister continued to say: India is taking measures to consolidate illegal occupation of this line . Following India’s illegal and unilateral measures in ۱ August ۲۰۱۱ India’s efforts aimed at restructuring demographic and political structure to become a powerless society in their land. . Developments recently in the Middle East show well that it should not be allowed to be long-term disputes. By suppressing the real aspirations of the indigenous people, sustainable peace cannot be achieved. In order to Sustainable Peace in South Asia, the community between International should ask India to give people people Kashmir to allow them to freely determine their future.

He emphasized at the end of the message mentioned : Justify “> Jammu

and Kashmir will remain as the main column of our foreign policy. Pakistan will continue to provide its shaky moral, diplomatic and political support from the Kashmiri until the right to determine the dignity, as stated in the relevant UN Security Council resolutions. I also grab the opportunity and salute the courage and courage of the brave people of Kashmir, who continue to sacrifice in their struggles for their fundamental rights and freedoms.

Video Report of Solidarity Day Ceremony with Kashmir is visible from the following link:

“a href =” “> commemorate Solidarity with People Kashmir


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