Cairo’s reaction to Netanyahu’s stance against Saudi Arabia
report to Mehr News Agency quoted by Russia, quoting Russia, the Egyptian Foreign Ministry strongly condemns irresponsible and completely rejected Zionist authorities against Saudi Arabia, calling it a direct violation of Saudi sovereignty and obvious violation of international law principles. And the Charter of the United Nations.
In this statement,
emphasized Egypt’s full opposition to these unnecessary statements that harm Saudi security and its sovereignty.
Egyptian Foreign Ministry said: Saudi security and respect for the sovereignty is a red line that Egypt will not allow harm. Saudi Arabia’s security and stability are the security and stability of Egypt and the Arab states where it will not be short.
The Israeli statements against Saudi Arabia, violated all existing diplomatic norms and violations of Saudi sovereignty and legitimate and unattractive rights. The Palestinian nation is based on the formation of an independent state on its soil in the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and the East Quds based on June 4th.
Egypt emphasized the full standing of Saudi Arabia against these infinite statements and called on the international community to fully condemn it.
Zionist Prime Minister in an interview with Hebrew Language Network about Saudi Arabia’s condition for normalization of Riyadh and Tel Aviv said: Saudi Arabia has a large area and has a large area. Can form the country of Palestine there.