International Energy Agency: The oil market moves toward a shortage of supply
reports Mehr News Agency Reuters reports on the prospect of global oil demand: The International Energy Agency did not change its forecast about world oil demand in the year 6, but referring to China’s impact, its estimation for this year Reduced.
The energy institution announced that the end of China’s economic mutation after the spread of the virus Corona restricts global oil demand, but advanced economies, especially the US, consumes one -third of the world’s gasoline, have offset demand shortages.
International Energy Agency, pointing out that the US summer driving season will be the most consumed season since the Corona virus epidemic, announced the decline in supply by the Oil Exporting Countries (OPEC) and its allies (OPEC) (OPEC) (OPEC) (OPEC) (OPEC) OPCPLS) has limited the supply of oil in the physical market.
The energy monitoring agency also said in its monthly oil report: Oil supply is now trying to maintain its speed in summer demand, leading to a shortage of market. Supply leads.