External branches of the PKK only remove weapons by US order
, International Group December Style = “Color:#000080″>, Ocalan, the founder of the PKK on Thursday, February 6, in a historic move to end the PKK for decades of armed struggle against the Turkish government and the dissolution of the group and emphasized his readiness to participate in the process.
Abdullah Ocalan, who has been imprisoned on an island in the Marmara Sea since 2008, emphasized their support for civil struggle instead of armed struggle, adding that the Kurds should hold a political conference. Kurds and Turks have lived together for thousands of years and have the same fate.
“I want to land weapons and take the historical responsibility of this call,” said the head of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK). The way we struggle is democracy and the creation of a democratic society. There is no other way than democracy and dialogue, and the republic will not survive except through brotherly democracy.
In this regard, Mehr reporter has a conversation with “ Ali Ozgundez ‘ This conversation follows:
Finally, after years of conflict between the PKK and Turkey, at the request of the Baghchali government and some negotiations, Abdullah Ojan called the PKK. A few years ago, the late Turkish journalist Mahmat Ali Brandy had a conversation with Ocalan, who showed the type of Ocalan talk, which was determined by the PKK route, what factors and contexts now prompted Ocalan to call for the dissolution of the PKK?
As Abdullah Ocalan, the founder and current leader of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), has now lost its existence and in the current situation of the PKK has “necessary”. The conversation with the late Mahmam Ali Brandt was about year 4, five years ago, and since then, both in the world and in the region, there have been many changes. In my opinion, Ocalan has taken a pragmatic approach by evaluating the existing conditions and believes that instead of armed struggle, it will be more beneficial to utilize government facilities and advance targets through democracy.
What will be the trend. It seems that the members of the PKK have not yet believed in Ocalan’s message and have announced that Ocalan should send a video message. Do you think PKK will listen to Ocalan?
I think the PKK leadership council in Qandil will respond positively to this call. But today the real PKK is in fact the Kurdish People’s Defense Units (YPG) and the Democratic Union Party (PYD), which has been armed and strengthened in northern Syria, and YPG can only land its weapon if the US wants. Therefore, I believe that the foreign branches of the PKK in Syria and Iran, YPG and PJAK, will not respond positively.
What will be the legal process of condemnation and punishment?
Under our Criminal Penal Code, people who have been sentenced to life imprisonment for the establishment and leadership of the terrorist organization cannot be released and must remain in jail for the rest of their lives. But by amendments to the law, a person who has been sentenced to life imprisonment can be released from prison if he has spent five years in prison with “good behavior” in prison. In this case, there may be a legal way of liberating Ocalan. In fact, Mr. Baghchali’s statements about the use of “right to hope” were also related to this issue.