Hamas message to the summit of the Arab states
In his message, Darwish emphasized Hamas’s constant position for the post-war day in his message, saying it was a purely Palestinian and national agreement and support for Arab countries.
He is also fully prepared to interact with any agreed Palestinian option, whether for the formation of a national agreed government, including expert technocrats and specialized Palestinian personalities, or forming a social support front proposed by the Egyptian brothers to manage the Gaza Strip.
In this regard, Darwish emphasized Hamas’s decisive opposition to imposing any projects or any form of non-Palestinian management or the presence of foreign forces in Gaza.
Hamas movement also desire to organize the Palestinian domestic arena, especially the Palestinian Liberation Organization, based on the full participation of all groups, so that the organization would be a real representative to all Palestinians. It also emphasizes the holding of public elections at all levels of national levels and rebuilding democratic life and empowering the Palestinian nation to elect leaders and to determine its political and future Palestinian options with complete freedom.
Darwish praised the united positions adopted by the Arab states in front of the Palestinian expulsion project, especially the Egyptian and Jordanian states.
In another part of the message, it is emphasized that the project and other projects aimed at displaced the Palestinian people and the incorporation of the West Bank and the strengthening of the al-Aqsa mosque are crimes that do not target the Palestinian nation.
The head of the Hamas Movement’s leadership council has actively participated in the Reconstruction of the Gaza Strip as the most important step to strengthen the Palestinian nation’s resistance and consolidate them in their land and prevent any Palestinian displacement plan.