I don’t feel strange in Beirut; Here is our own Iran
, International Group I was! Tehran_Baghdad_ Beirut. TEHRAN – Abadan_Bus_Brot. I would like to bring myself to the flood of crowds that were present at the funeral of Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah and Sayyid Hashim Safi al -Din, but it could not! Not that I don’t have the will! Not that there is no problem in Iranian flights! It couldn’t be because all the Iranians and all the Iranians were facing a Zionist American map.
The Zionist regime spokesman said that Iranian and Iraqi planes were carrying money, weapons and ammunition for Beirut! This was, of course, if Iran had never made money, weapons and ammunition to Hezbollah, not only in the recent war between the Zionist regime and Lebanon, but even in previous wars.
Following this Zionist regime spokesman’s claim, the Lebanese government did not allow Iranian flights to sit at Beirut Airport. Only Iranian flights, even if the Iranian passengers were seen in Baghdad, Basra and Istanbul, they were not allowed to sit at Rafiq Hariri Airport, or were licensed to delay at the airport and delays.
Tehran-Abadan_Bus_Brott was my second console flight. It was about 2 hours to 9am on Sunday. I was looking for Tehran -Shiraz -Sharjah_ Beirut ticket, but I can reach Beirut in less than 2 hours. But it was not and could not! Either the flights were full or stopped in Sharjah for more than 4 hours and I was late to Beirut. I wanted to do my best if I didn’t reach Beirut and the funeral. I had been with myself from the first time my flight was canceled: “Forbidden despair”.
I had never felt the Zionist regime’s enmity so close and deep! He was stubborn and I was more stubborn! He was stubborn and I’m more stubborn! He was bold and I was bolder! Just with the difference that he didn’t think of me and I was going. The day she was announced by Sheikh Naeem Qassim, the secretary general of Hezbollah, the funeral of the resistance commanders, I asked Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah to invite me to his ceremony. I had asked him to pay my day -to -day efforts on the resistance front. I believed in hosting and inviting Sayyid. I was hoping for the last moment. Anyone who was talking about not going, everyone was labeled on our foreheads, I would say, “Hey! We go. ”
I was not disappointed when I heard the definitive console news of the flight of Basra_Brot. I was looking for a Tehran -Najaf flight ticket. The shrine of Baba Ali was the only place that would calm my heart even if I could not go to Lebanon. I was booking a Tehran -Najaf ticket, which came to the message group by the in charge of sending to Lebanon: “Three people have been providing the Tehran -Beirut flight capacity. Considering that the number of people in Basra -Birot’s console flights is 4 people, the lottery is done. Three people whose names are named in the draw tomorrow will go to Beirut on Saturday, March 23, from Tehran. ”
was at 9pm when Mr. Dehghan did the draw online. I was mentioning. My mention was different from all the mention. Not Salat. Neither the owner of the time, or not Hussein! Anna Ali al -Aws was a mention that I had resorted to the lottery moments and repeated it five times. Thanks to Baba Ali or Sayyid’s invitation maybe both! The number 2 draw was given to my name. My tears were flowing. I was not on earth! I was throwing in the sky. I saw Sid! His usual smile was on his lips! It was as if he said, “Finish in Lebanon”
The most prestigious funeral flight of martyr Seyed Hassan Nasrallah
Cancelization of my previous two flights was not my mother; To try to trap me under the Qur’an and pour water behind me. I was on the way to Imam Airport. One of my friends contacted: “Tonight’s flight is directly from Tehran to Beirut and the Iranian delegation to Beirut includes members of the Iranian Supreme Leader, representatives of the government, parliament and Iranian institutions, the most risky flight. Haven’t you seen the Zionist regime’s threats or not to see yourself? What do you do if they have not reached Beirut in the sky? ”
His words were compassionate but couldn’t stop me and give up. He ordered that now that you have a foot in a shoe at least without a will! It is advisable to give a believer. He did not intend to cut the phone and was waiting for my will! I said, “My will is all my writings. I said my words in them. Goodbye. ”
I went to Mahan Country to take a flight card. They were familiar with all, Hi, are you okay? The safe journey didn’t fall out of my mouth. Commander Ibrahim Jabbari, Commander of the Wali Corps, Ensieh Khazali, Deputy Women and Family Affairs of the 13th Government, Ali Bahadori Jahromi, spokesman for Martyr Seyed Ibrahim Raisi, Amir Hossein Sabati, Hamid Rasa’i and Sayyid Mahmoud Nabouyan, the representative of the people of Tehran, Are.
From the stairs I climbed as soon as I sat down, I leaned my head into the chair. My eyes fell on the monitor screen that showed Tehran and Beirut clock. It was 9pm in Tehran and at 1:37 pm. The voices of the passengers got up and we finally flew. How much I was running for this flight. How stressful and anxiety I was. I was going around the world. Tehran_ Baghdad_Brut. TEHRAN – Abadan_Bus_Brot. TEHRAN -Shiraz_Sharjeh_Brot. What did I know I was going to fly from the same Tehran capital of resistance with Mahan Air?
W3 Mahan Air Iran’s flight on Saturday, March 23, 2008 at 4 pm is the most prestigious funeral of martyr Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah, because all of its occupants have taken their lives and Tehran’s direct flight to Beirut.
Login Lebanon; From Ms. Lebanese to accommodation in Hezbollah Camp
a Lebanese lady was standing in the middle of Rafiq Hariri International Airport. He provided his WiFi password to Iranian women to contact their families. The news of their arrival to Beirut and get them out of concern.
A van that was mounted in front of the photo of martyr Seyed Hassan Nasrallah and martyr Seyed Hashim Safi al-Din and is written on it: ” We are not failed »Waiting for us Iranian women. We boarded the van and moved to the fault of al -Ahmad. We were stationed in one of the Hezbollah military camps. One of the officials explained that my heart did not! The electricity goes a day. Water is ice. The Internet is also disconnected. Maybe if I was anywhere else instead of Lebanon, why isn’t the hotel accommodation? Or go home. Especially when I delivered my bed in a 4 -person room! I decided to live for two days like the Lebanese, the Syrians, and the Palestinians who were away from home and in fatal conditions. Of course, accommodation in this camp is more royal than living in Gaza tents. This is not a tent here for the blue to enter it! Only the floor is carpet and a few hours a day. Water is ice, but there is a heating device that you want to warm up if there is no heating in the tents and many lose their lives. I wish we could hear the news of his death and the like instead of the cruelty and crimes of Netanyahu and Trump.
I was in the same thought that I fell asleep on the bed, not on the ground without pillows and blankets, and woke up in the morning. The ablution in the cold weather and with cold water made me want to be a little cute to God. To say, for the sake of this ice water, I prayed to pray and how much this morning prayer was.
The electricity had gone. I would put the curtain aside to fall into the room with a large kitchen behind the window. It was written in Persian on the head: “Imam Reza (PBUH) – Beirut. In my phone’s notebook I wrote to visit the Mokab after the funeral of Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah.
to pray with the phone of prayer. The sound of the exterior was heard. The Lebanese had begun mourning after the morning of mourning and moving to Kamil Simon Stadium for the funeral. In the dark of the room I was ready to get out of the house like the Lebanese and go to the stadium.
Beirut; From free human beings to Zionist fighters
Alley Beirut Alley Anna Ali al-Aw. It is out of the alley of Beirut. Free people love their heroes regardless of every belief. It is as if not all Shiites or Muslims here! Not everyone has a veil! Tens of thousands of non -Shiites and even non -Muslims are the mourning of Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah and Sayyid Hashim Safi al -Din. The yellow flag of Hezbollah has taken over and on foot intends to reach the funeral of resistance leaders.
A woman is passing by the Iranian flag. I doubt it is Iranian or not! I ask him, “Am I Iran?” He replies, “La, I’m Beirut.” I ask about the Iranian flag carrying it on his shoulder. He laughs: “God forbid Iran is over our head. Al -Hamdullah, who is a funeral as an Iranian. “Al -Ruisna, the Iranians are on our head.” I say somehow and go a little further. The Lebanese ladies have spent all the tastes of Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah today. One of the photos of Sid with sunflower flowers is flowering. That one with red rose and the other with Narges.
Ceremony forces stand by the street. On their clothes there is a “Hezbollah” logo. They have covered their faces. Next to the age of the highest, an old man with green eyes. I say to him aloud, “Anna Iranian, Lebanese and Hezbollah.” The old man pushes his face. The merits of his white are found. She laughs: “I just welcome. Welcome to Lebanon. ”
I look at the young boy wearing Hezbollah’s dress. An Anna Ali al -Awar is also closed. I miss her. I kneel beside him, “Smack?” He responds with embarrassment, “Amir Ali’s name.” Her mother, who stands by her, asks me, “Am I Beirut?” I am shaking: “La, I am Iran. Anna Mermaql al -Maqwa. ” His eyes are full of tears: “I raise Amir Ali to the love of Imam Khamenei’s soldier.”
I and my two other friends are excited about the Lebanese woman’s talk and laugh. I refer to the inspiration from Amir Ali to Iranian souvenirs. Inspiration from his bag of chocolate and nuts and offers Amir Ali and Amir Ali’s mother. If we knew the Lebanese, they would have been souvenir in Qom and Mashhad with chocolate and nuts.
in Beirut I don’t feel strange; Here is our own Iran. Lebanese are familiar with everything Iranians; From Qom, Mashhad and Shahragh to Hazrat Agha and Haj Qasim. In their view, Sohan is Iran’s most delicious pastry. The vegetable cut is in the queue of popular foods. O Sahib Zaman’s army, be alert and greeting a lot of commander.
a girl closed her face with a white Palestinian pile and seized the photo frame of Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah. Is written on it: “Lenn Netchley; We will not abandon Palestine. ” A little further on the other side of the other girl has a Palestinian red chapel. On the white cardboard he received, he wrote: “Or dear Palestine.” I take pictures of both girls and think that Palestine was the first issue of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah and the Lebanese have left it well.
comes from the middle of the crowd of one of the Lebanese women. It gives me the Lebanese flag and wants to carry both together with the Iranian flag. The woman raises her hand. He points to his vein: “The Iranian tail and the Lebanese tail; “Iranian and Lebanese blood is one.” Right too! The highest unity is when the two brothers give blood to each other. The Iranians sacrifice their lives for the Lebanese and the Lebanese for the Iranians. We do not have such a thing in the world that a country is far -fetched and we defend them and that a country of fars is far from our country and defends us. This is the relationship between Iran and Lebanon. Haj Qasim Suleimani, Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah and Emad Mughniyah were Iranians and Lebanese who broke the legend of the Zionist regime in the 6 -day war. I want to go ahead of the flag of Iran and Lebanon as another Miss Lebanon says, “Sayed Sayed Ali Khamenei.” They call the Prophet Qaed and want to say hello to Qaeda
I said that I don’t feel strange in Beirut; Here is our own Iran. Today is Sunday, the 5th of the funeral of the martyrs of Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah and Seyyed Hashim Safi al -Din and the National Day of the Lebanese people. On the National Day of Lebanon and the funeral of Karen Homayounfar music resistance leaders; The Lebanese cries break. They call Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah with “Sayyid” and “Abanah”. They believe it is fresh. Sometimes a music can tell all the unspoken words, all epics, sorrows, joy, and cry, just like Karen Homayounfar.
After Karen Homayounfar’s music, the voice of Sid is aired: A girl named Amani says my father died three years ago. I didn’t cry so much for my father that I was crying for Sid. Amani was right! Beirut lost the father and the bureau cry like a lost father.
The Zionist regime fighters arrive. No one shakes! They look at fighters with anger. They tie their fists. “Lubik or Nasrallah” and “My Highness”; Even the smallest to be Amir Ali.
yellow flags are raised by people. They continue to bid farewell to their father and are ready to listen to the speech of Sheikh Naeem Qasim, the secretary general of Hezbollah in Lebanon. Sheikh Naeem Qassim’s speech, which reaches the middle of the Zionist usurper regime. With the sound of iron and the stupid act of dignity, they want to scatter the Hezbollah nation. They think of the funeral that represents from 5 countries. The presence of representatives from 5 countries is unprecedented in the funeral of someone who did not have a state, formal and state personality and the opposite of the West. From one of the Lebanese ladies May Why don’t you fear? The eye and Eyebrow raises: “The Zionist regime is spider web. The spider web is not afraid. ”
is at 4pm in Lebanon. The body of the martyrs of Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah and Sayyed Hashim Safi al -Din out of the Kamil Simon Stadium enters the crowd outside the stadium. The Lebanese who have not believed in Sayyid’s testimony can believe them! Yellow coffins are carried on the black shoulders of the congregation. They see their own eyes that they are dying.
Abu Ali Khalil is the head of the Martyr Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah Protection Team. Seeing Abu Ali’s face, I remember Haj Qasim’s handwriting for martyr Hussein Badpa, who wrote: “I pray every night and pray. If you go, don’t forget me. You promised to say hello to Younis, Hussein, Haj Ahmad, Mir Hosseini, all. Knowledge has a limit. Tell them my stranger with soul and soul. Dusk flight with wings and broken. The pigeons have gone into the trap of fishermen. God who can be free from my trap. ”
a few steps, a few hours and a few kilometers, I don’t know!? His account is lost and with the crowd I have reached the site of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah.
I said that I don’t feel strange in Beirut; Here is our own Iran. Sadness stretches in our generation. It is as if it is June 14th. January 13th. May 30th.
Dear Sayyid; You said that we don’t tell our martyrs goodbye; We add to them: “Eli al -Laqa” to join them. Hoping to meet Abuadi. We will join you someday.
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