Grossi repeated claims about Tehran at a seasonal meeting of the Board of Governors
reports Mehr News Agency In his opening statement at a seasonal meeting, the agency’s general manager Rafael Grossi repeated his claims about Iran.
Grossi claimed: Following my previous report, uranium reserves (U‑۲۲۵) have been extended to 5 kg in the previous quarter of the previous quarter. Iran is the only non -nuclear country to enrich this level, and this is very worrying for me!
he added: “It has been four years since Iran has stopped implementing its nuclear commitments under the Comprehensive Comprehensive Action Plan, including voluntary implementation of the Additional Protocol, that this means that the IAEA has not been possible for four years.”
The IAEA’s general manager repeatedly claimed to be discovered of uranium particles in places that had not been announced before, saying: The agency must know where the discovered nuclear materials or equipment are now located and how they are used.
Grossi also referred to the contradiction in the alignment of nuclear materials related to metal uranium production tests in the laboratory “ Jabarben and claimed that Iran has not yet responded to this issue.
The agency’s general manager continued to claim that Iran refused to implement the refined code of the sankship agreement and this is which is a legal commitment to Tehran.
He also expressed his serious concern about what he called the “unsolved” sacrifice issues significantly. According to him, this concern is raised by Iran’s requirements under the comprehensive agreement of the and must be resolved for the agency to be in a position to ensure the peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear program.
Grossi also in the final part of the opening statement Seasonal Governors’ Season The Governor’s Council called for increased high-level interactions to advance dialogue between the agency and Tehran, and pointed out that the new journey to Iran and Iran. And Iranian Foreign Minister Abbas Arakchi showed that space is available for constructive interactions. He expressed hope that he would soon meet with Iranian officials to continue the process of discussions and achieve tangible results.
Gross claims about Iran’s nuclear activities, while Tehran has repeatedly emphasized that it has no deviation in its nuclear program and all its activities are within the framework of sanction and cooperation with the Agency.
Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization recently issued a statement in response to recent Grossey statements and encouraged him to take impartial, professional and political stances (