UAE’s proposal to Zelnski in the shadow of disputes with America
reports Almunitor in a report referring to the role of the UAE in post-war reconstruction: UAE in the shadow of disputes between the United States and Ukraine and Abu Dhabi competition with Riyadh, to Style = “Text-align: Justify”> Zelnsky President E Country gives an economic rescue loop.
The report said: When the US and Russian representatives held a meeting in Riyadh, Abu Dhabi hosted the Zelnski Span>. This timing was by no means accidental, and after the UAE’s efforts to host the US -Russian summit.
Zelnski after leaving the UAE had a business agreement with Abu Dhabi. The Ukrainian ambassador to the UAE and Bahrain also said that this inclusive economic agreement could attract UAE companies to carry out various projects, especially in order to rebuild Ukraine.
he emphasized that the UAE will play a decisive role in Ukraine after joining the EU.