Washington called for the end of Iraq’s energy imports from Iran
reports Mehr News Agency ۱۳۹۲ The renewal of US sanctions exemptions to Iraq on importing Iranian gas to the country ended and the Iraqi government cannot use Iranian gas to generate electricity.
US State Department spokesman Tommy Bruce said all the sanctions exemptions that helped Iran have been economically voiced by the Iraqi government should have ended Iran’s closer energy resources to Iran’s Energy Sources. Give.
US State Department spokesman responded to a question that if it extends exemption to Iraq for energy imports from Iran, can the country pay for electricity to Iran: We will not announce anything about the current sanctions exemption that ended in March 6.
We examine all the current sanctions exemptions that allow Iran to benefit economic and financial.
US President Donald Trump said in his first speech in the new presidency that we advise the Iraqi government to end their rely on Iran’s energy in the closest possible time, and the Iraqi Prime Minister’s adherence to this would lead to energy independence in the field.
The Trump administration emphasized its determination to re-sign a sanctions exemption again, and is seeking maximum pressure on Iran, according to the National Security Document on February 7.
Despite that Iraq is one of the great powers in the field of energy, it suffers from lack of self-sufficiency in two areas of gas and electricity. As part of this deficiency by relying on Iran.
Iraqi economic experts reported the lack of half of electricity generations in Basra province by stopping Iranian gas.
Saadon Lami, a member of the Iraqi Parliament’s Oil and Gas Committee, said there was no other replacement for Iraq at the present time. He further stated that cutting off gas imports from Iran would reduce the hours of electricity production; Particularly that summer is very hot in Baghdad and other provinces.