Iran and Iraq; Convergence opportunities and future prospects
href = “”> Mehr News Agency , International Group : Numerous religious, cultural, and geographical commonalities have come back to many years and have created a favorable context for the increasing development of relations between the two countries. These relationships are not limited to the contemporary and era of the post-paid but historical, religious, economic and geographical commonalities have practically connected the two nations and have created deep relationships at all levels between them.
Tehran during post-Saddam Saddam is considered one of the most important Iraqi political scene actors and supporters of the political stability process in the country, and the parties are trying to enhance the regional stability. Use terrorism and foreign interference.
Opportunities waiting for the will
two countries and Iraq relying on the following components have several elements of convergence:
1. Economic Exchanges: The volume of trade exchange for the two countries has reached about $ 2 billion in year 2, and Iraq is still in the first rank of Iran’s non -oil exports, which has the potential to increase to more than $ 5 billion a year.
۱. Society is intertwined: Popular relationships in social layers are one of the most important areas of development of relations between the two countries. In year 2, more than 5 million Iranians arrived in Iraq to pilgrimage to the sacred pilgrimage, and in contrast, 1.5 million Iraqi citizens entered our country with tourism and pilgrimage goals; Statistics that account for about 5 % of all foreign tourists.
۱. Student and University: In the current situation, more than 6,000 Iraqi students are studying in Iran, who hold a large part of international students in Iran, and four major Iranian universities have set up a branch on Iraqi soil. These scientific relationships are not only a prelude to the strengthening of Iranian public diplomacy in Iraq, but also promote the cultural values of Iranian society and the ideals of the Islamic Revolution among the Iraqi elite. This statistic has the capacity to expand up to 6,000 students.
۱. False Duals: Unlike the credit duals in the region such as Shiites and Sunnis or political and non-political Islam, the foreign policy of the regional countries must be virtually divided into two types: a) Policy focusing on regional convergence opportunities b) Foreign-centralized policy and interference. Under these circumstances, adopting an endogenous and independent policy of Iran and Iraq on the scene of regional and international policy can help the two countries’ increasing convergence and regional converter.
۱. Reconstruction Metropolitan: Following the victory of ISIS and strengthening political and security stability in Iraq and improving economic conditions affected by increased oil exports, Baghdad sought to rebuild infrastructure and improve citizens’ livelihoods. Given Iran’s valuable experience in the post -war reconstruction process and the high capacity and optimal quality of Iran’s domestic industries, our country will be able to play a positive role in this direction.
Iran-Iraq convergence in regulating the relations of the parties
Iraq has been out of the instability process for many years Pasadian stepped out of instability and stabilize its regional position and has played a role between Iran and regional security. In this context, Iraq not only hosted a few rounds of normalization of Iran -Saudi relations, but also conveyed the message between Iran and Western powers.
This activism implies that Iraq is capable of playing a mediating role in regional and international conflicts rather than becoming a conflict. The continuation of this role requires the continuation of Iraq’s independent policy against the great powers.
State-based strategic security cooperation
West Asia region has become the center of intervention and presence of trans-regional powers, especially the United States, in the 1980s, and Washington sought to expand its security and political influence in the country and to expand its interests from this country. Style = “Text-align: Justify”> Follow the duct . In the current situation, Tehran and Baghdad are capable of acting as a “Buffer Zone” and repel threats against other existence and prevent terrorism from spreading at the regional level. The emergence of this restricted area provides the context of the formation of a security framework that guarantees the development of endogenous initiatives commensurate with the perceptions and interests of the regional governments.
This security framework rejects any transnational non-non-non-regional non-constructive intervention and emphasizes the endogenous capacity of the regional countries to solve the challenges of . This framework, unlike similar projects such as the Century Trading and the Gulf Cooperation Council’s plan, is a regional initiative taking into account the interests of regional countries and trans -regional powers.
forming a joint anti-terrorism, Iranian and Iraqi leadership force in support of Palestinian ideals and countering the Zionist regime, utilizing each other’s diplomatic capacity and moving towards the most important Iranian security. Are two countries.
The cooperation of joint security cooperation of the parties not only helps promote the security of the region, but also regulates security relations between the two countries. Despite Tehran and Baghdad’s security cooperation and achievements over the past two decades, such as the fight against US occupation and countering ISIL terrorism, Tehran’s security relations with Iraq has been limited to non -governmental entities and resistance groups, and the transformation of bilateral cooperation and a role in shaping regional relations.
, in any case, what seems clear is that Iran-Iraq relations are not limited to bilateral relations, but the center of regional balance, and the regulation of these relationships can be the axis of regional peace and security.
Dr. Mohammad Amin Hazrat; Senior Researcher of Sharif Governance School