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“Zahiyeh” Khorramshahri in southern Beirut; Martyrs of “Rozah al -Hura” are Imam Hassani

I don't feel strange in Beirut; Here is our own Iran. The Khorramshahr is another! Whatever was in Khorramshahr; Standing, resistance, faith, zeal, masculinity, unity and empathy, you all see here.

, International Group , Elnaz Rahmaine: And I was king until Zahra, the Iranian girl in the eighties, entered the room with a tea tray and a plate from Cocoa. Twelve fellow people were fond of finding their companionship. I said to her, “What is weighing on your heart? Start from it and say. ”

laughing: “My wife has a jihadist group. The jihadist group has come to Hermel southern Lebanon to help the families of Syrian refugees. I couldn’t stand it, left home and living in Iran, got a ticket and came to Lebanon to be with my wife. I came to Lebanon with my own money, but some people think the government budget belongs to me! ”

I knocked on his shoulder: “Comrade, this is a common pain of us all. One borrowed money, one sold his camera, this one spent his gold, and a few people borrowed themselves to Beirut, the funeral of Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah. They didn’t go for a state budget for a moment! They liked to give their lives and their lives to bring themselves to the funeral. ”

The children’s laughing voice dragged my hungry and hungry lunch to the back of our room. There were three boys and two girls. They were looking for the game. The top was their next game. A few minutes above, they went to the missile hiding. Without realizing they are Iranians or Lebanese, I said loudly, “Hello.” I was stunned. Hi that has no Iranian or Arabic! Why are they surprised! Because I am a stranger?

I heard a sound behind me: “P style =” Text-align: Justify ” These are Syrian displaced children. ”

was the voice of a clergyman. He had colored balloons in his hand. The seed was inflated to the seed and gave a balloon to each child. The kids left the balloons in the air and followed them. The children of their ice were opened and were no longer amazed! They looked at me. They laughed loudly. They gave me a red balloon that means you joined us. Release the balloon in the sky and follow it. But now I was amazed! Had a shout; The walnut was stuck in my throat. My tears were gathered behind my eyes and I didn’t like to flow before the kids. I kept the balloon in my hand and stared at each of them. The crush that closed my throat would not allow the words to get out of my mouth and ask them, “Which sin? To which sin have they been displaced? To what sin has the shadow of the father or mother or both been removed from them? To what sin they have to live in the cold because of living in the tent? What sin have they been deprived of their toys? What sin should not see the color of education? ”

I asked Mr. Rouhani with stuttering and stuttering, “you are in charge of displaced Syrian children in this camp?”
The kids had made her a period of time. They wanted a gift. Hajj slammed into his pocket. Whatever it was divided between the children; Seal, rosary, perfume, shoulder and a few chocolates. On the bench, Imam Reza (PBUH) met: “I am Mohammad Ahmadzadeh, Director General of Khorasan Razavi Endowments and Charities. Like you, I came to Lebanon to attend the funeral of Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah, who accidentally met the kids in the camp. ”

his phone out of his pocket: “The kids asked me to tell them Azan, I also said Azan. Syrian displaced children in Hermel and Baalbek should not be left to themselves. Careful and concerned people should think about cultural work for these kids. ”

Imam Reza (PBUH) said: “Four months and two days have passed since the activity. It has served in Syria for Lebanese refugees and three months in Lebanon for Syrian refugees in Syria. With cash donations and gold donation of the Iranian people to this day, 6,000 hot foods have been cooked and distributed among Syrian refugees. For the holy month of Ramadan, there are 6,000 promises of Iftar and magic that will be distributed. Support, preparation and distribution of hot food is not enough, one should think of cultural work. ”

One kid’s balloon burst. I gave my balloon to him. I was willing to do anything for a few minutes when I was displaced by the Syrian displaced children so that the water wouldn’t move in their hearts! I stood on the stairs. I called them to take a photo. I started counting: “Unit. Lodge. I had not reached the side of themselves that they brought themselves to me. They didn’t let me look for a gesture! Their own gesture; In a sign of victory they took their hands into V.

«ضاحیه» خرمشهری در جنوب بیروت؛ شهدای «روضه الحوراء» امام حسنی‌اند

I liked to use the moment of my presence in Lebanon. My seven -day trip was two days! One day, yesterday, February (February), it was from morning to night at the funeral of Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah and martyr Seyed Hashim Safi al -Din. I intended to hit the heart of the heart today; From Ruzah al -Hura and Ruzah al -Shohada to the site of martyrdom and burial of martyr Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah. We all got in a van we got from Hezbollah and headed to the Zahiyah area in southern Beirut.

the car stood behind the red light. My eyes were on the wall of a large painting on which the photo of martyr Haj Qasim Soleimani, martyr Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah and martyr Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah. I took a photo of the painting wall and said to the ladies, “Our gallery is filled with the photo of people who are going to return someday and shed blood again next to Imam Zaman.”

Van holds a street near the site of Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah. We get off one by one. No one is in his own hands! Their heart burns. Their tears flow. The hair is all over! I think they think about 2 tons of trenches and 2 six -storey building blocks that are the same.

The Lebanese are not just the day of the funeral of Sayyid mourning! On October 5, when the fake Zionist regime attacked and assassinated Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah, they were mourned and continues! They have been buried and buried, but their hearts have not calm down and the sadness of Sayyid has not been remembered that they are crying and crying.

«ضاحیه» خرمشهری در جنوب بیروت؛ شهدای «روضه الحوراء» امام حسنی‌اند

One Iranian lady wants to take the site of the martyrdom of Sayyid Tabraki and bring it to Iran that the team in charge will not allow the team to be poisoned due to bombs. “

Women, women’s breasts, tears and sighs came to a point full of photos of Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah. Lebanese flags, Hezbollah, Iran, Hashed al -Shabi and Hamas are also seen. The bouquet of flowers is stacked together. This point is the site of a 4 -ton bomb that led to the testimony of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah. Sid’s pure blood was shed at this point. Our shoulders shake at this point. Our crying is not in our hearts and we are in the heart. By the way, why didn’t we do anything?

I don’t have a picture! I only have a voice! I hear the voice of a woman: “Prayer is close to the place where the blood of the martyr is shed.” We take all our hands to the sky and begin to read “the Divine of the Prophet”. To “or Rumi, or the Saheb al -Zaman, al -Ghus, al -Ghus, al -Ghus, Adkani, Adkani, Adkani, al -Sa’i, al -Sa’a’a, al -Sa’a’a, al -Jal, al -al -Jal, al -Ajal, or the righteous of Muhammad and Allah al -Taherin” Two or three drops of his tears sits on the palms of our hands.

I get a little away from the place of ascension and go to the alley behind the alley. The houses are demolished and uninhabited. I was in front of one of them. The head is installed in the photo house of Hazrat Agha and Imam Khomeini and Allah Ajal Lolik al -Faraj. I go to another ruined house with a few barrels of green barrels. It is as if it is customary in Zahiyyah to take a photo of the Prophet and the Imam in the houses. There is also a red flag of “Lubik or Rasulullah”. On the right wall of the house is written with black spray: “America al -Shaytan al -Akbar and Alamut Lasrail” on the left wall is also closed with a red spray:

The more home the houses become! Here each of their houses and walls have a word to say! You have to sit and watch them for hours. The people of the house have gone to the enemy’s attacks because of the conditions of war and staying safe from enemy attacks, but the faith of the houses is in place. Lifts my tears; A house that is devoid of inhabitants, gadgets and means of life, but written on the wall: “Al -Ahmadullah Rab al -Amin” also attracts the flag of “or Hussein Mazlum”. The photo of the martyrs of Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah, Emad Mughniyeh and Sayyed Abbas Mousavi shows the head in his home.

I said that I don’t feel strange in Beirut; Here is our own Iran. The Khorramshahr is another! Whatever was in Khorramshahr; Standing, resistance, faith, zeal, masculinity, unity and empathy, you all here.

«ضاحیه» خرمشهری در جنوب بیروت؛ شهدای «روضه الحوراء» امام حسنی‌اند

Rouzah al-Hura Zaynab (SA) is the most calming point of Beirut! In my head, I planned to me if you were in Tehran, like the times when I was going to Paradise Zahra, I would put my tent in the middle of the lesson and work, I would wear my linen, without having to close the congregation or not, I would look at me for half a minute, I would take me to the first vehicle. Look at them … Then, then talk, sad and tired, down my head and go back to the head and go back to the head.

The tomb of the martyrs of Rudzah al-Hura has no tombstone! The tomb of every martyr is framed with wood. On the tombs, they have taken the Quran, the photo of Mr. and Imam and Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah, the candle, flowers and heads of “Anna Ali al -Dawf”. The martyrs of Ruza al -Hura are Imam Hassani! One has been in the midst of a will until the Imams (AS) do not have a tomb for us.

In their faith, in the moment of their ascension, the greatness of their dignity, to the illumination of their mausoleum, to the tutorials that all the needy gives their blood. I ask them, “How did you live in that God made you anchor? Why every time I walk in the tomb of the martyrs is your dirty light? How did you pray to God that he testified to you? ”

Oh: “Read to us Hamadi that you are alive and we are dead!”

If I go back to Tehran and ask me where did your heart stay in Beirut? I say in the Ruzah al -Hura Zaynab (SA) in Zahiyah. The newer the hot is, the more one burns! Well, in Ruzah al -Hura, I miss it more! Martyrs have calmed down in the recent war between the Zionist regime and Lebanon and have recently been buried. The body of martyr Sayyid Hashim Safi al -Din was also buried in a corner of Ruza al -Hura, which was buried yesterday. I wish in the al-Hura 1 Hot was just fresh not too much! For example, a hot, two hot, three hot … at all! I think it is more than a hundred hot that in every grave, not a martyr but three martyrs.

«ضاحیه» خرمشهری در جنوب بیروت؛ شهدای «روضه الحوراء» امام حسنی‌اند

Ruzah al-Hura Zaynab (SA) and Rozha al-Shaheedin are located in South Beirut with a short distance from each other. Women walk from Rouzah al -Hura to Rouzah al -Shaheedin. I watch the commuting of cars, open shops, and houses that are not uninhabited; Life is flowing. Before the ceasefire houses were uninhabited.

I stand by the street and take pictures of some demolished buildings. The band’s ladies have gone and I have come together. I take my steps to get to them. Ruzah al -Shidin was once a garden belonged to the Beirut Municipality. April 7, two brothers, 2 and 6 years old, Mustafa Hashem and Mehdi Hashem, are martyred in the Emma Movement in eastern Beirut. At the suggestion of the people, these two martyrs are buried in their neighborhood gardens. Imam Musa Sadr prays for them and after reciting the prayer he calls this place Ruzah al -Shidin.

After the martyrs of Mustafa Hashem and Mehdi Hashim, the martyrs of Hezbollah members are gradually being buried in this place. Emad Mughniyah and his son Jihad, Mustafa Badr al -Din, known as Sayyid Zulfiqar and Sayyed Hadi Nasrallah, are the son of former Hezbollah secretary -general Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah, a martyr of Rouzah al -Shidin. The body of martyr Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah was also buried in a corner of this place.

is not the first time I fell from the ladies of the group; Everywhere I go, I take pictures and talk to people that I fall back to minute. I get to the rosary of al -Shaheedin. I walk slowly between the tombs of the martyrs. I stare at their photos and look at them; As if it is the last time.

I am in charge of the group in charge of the group: “I wish we could not return to Iran tonight. Each martyrs who are sleeping in Ruzah al -Hura and Ruzah al -Shuddin have to say; How do I go back to Iran? I wish the world could stand here and stay in the Ruzah al -Hura and Ruzah al -Shidin for hours. Let me write a one -by -one name, find their family and friends, get a conversation about the dignity, but a pity … “

I will not wait for an answer; It was important that I hit! I look at it. Around is a martyr who is sleeping; From the commander to the soldier. I’m stuttering again! As when I saw the displaced Syrian kids. Cut and whisper with eyes full of tears: “We haven’t remembered what you have sacrificed! One beloved one of his pain, the other has the corner of his love, the other has no sign that his mother’s heart is calm, in this way you have not only died but also showed the way to divine love … “

Martyr Emad Mughniyah and his son Jihad and Mustafa Badr al-Din are at the most central point of al-Shidin. I do not know the women’s ladies, but in Ruzah al -Shidin, the voice of Emad Mughniyah is in my ear: “The obvious, and precise al -Israel is the obvious goal of my existence, clear and precise purpose; Clear Israel from the page of the day. ” I said that I don’t feel strange in Beirut; Here is our own Iran. Imad Mughniyah consider themselves a student of the Iranian martyr Sayyed Mustafa Chamran.

«ضاحیه» خرمشهری در جنوب بیروت؛ شهدای «روضه الحوراء» امام حسنی‌اند

our happiest soil of our era

Islamic Resistance Groups of Iran, Iraq, Palestine and Yemen are present at the funeral of martyr Seyed Hassan Nasrallah. Tied their fists and chants; They have come with Sid to renew allegiance. Men’s and feminine queues are formed. One queue of men goes to the tomb of Sayed, and then a queue of women. It is our queue. I have a red rose branch. The yellow head of “Anna Ali al -Dawr” is also closed around my left wrist. I start counting: one, two, three, four, five… five people left to come to me and see myself above Sid’s grave. I love the slogan “Anna Ali al -Awar”, reminding me of martyr Hamid Bakri: “The war is over and the warriors are divided into three categories. The first category disagrees with their past. The second category chooses the path of indifference. The third category remains loyal to their past. ”

Five people have been visiting and gone. It is my turn and I see myself above Sid’s grave. I bend. I put the red rose branch on the tomb with the “Anna Ali al -Dawf”. I put aside aside! I don’t know if it is customary in Beirut! Lebanese ladies do this or not! I sit on the knee. For a moment I put my head on Sayyid’s grave and whisper: “I think there is no greater for our generation than the division of Haj Qasim and Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah. It is as if the sad loved ones will not destroy us … This piece of land that encompasses the body of Sayyid Martyr is the happiest soil of our era. Martyr Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah for us was the Ayatollah of God; He showed the world to still stand masculine, live men, and masculine. ”

«ضاحیه» خرمشهری در جنوب بیروت؛ شهدای «روضه الحوراء» امام حسنی‌اند

Madam’s servant plays her shoulder with her green pale: I raise my head. I touch the grave of Sid. I said that I don’t feel strange in Beirut; Here is our own Iran. The writings on the tomb of martyr Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah are by Iranian artist Masoud Najabati. Sayyid Faraz “La Kheir Fei al -Haya Don Don Hijak” loved the Hello Commander’s song, who wrote on his shroud: “No love for Mehdi there is no good in the world.”

I don’t like to say goodbye to Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah! I get up from the tomb of Sid. As I look at his mausoleum and go back: “Every martyr has Karbala. The soil of Karbala is thirsty for his blood, and time is expected to reach the foot of the martyr in Karbala and then the blood of the martyr will break the gravity of the soil. It will take the darkness and open a passage from the light and take its soul from it to a journey that there is no other way than to be martyred. Hoping to meet dear Sayyid. ”

Part 1 report ” I don’t feel strange in Beirut; Here is our own Iran


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