What is the future strategy of Hezbollah in Lebanon after the martyr Nasrallah?
In this interview, he stated that Hezbollah’s method of interacting with the Zionist occupation regime, which occupied part of Lebanon’s land, is to the Lebanese government in the current situation, but at the same time, Hezbollah is right to use.
He pointed out that Hezbollah adheres to the martyrdom of Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah and his foundations and role in his resistance and prospects for the situation in Lebanon and the region, although many developments have taken place in Lebanon and the region.
Ali Fayyad rejected the change of Hezbollah to a political party, saying that hezbollah is still a resilient and at the same time a political party. Hezbollah continues to adhere to the option of resistance and considers the Israeli invasion as the right of Lebanon.
he continued that the current situation needs to take a different approach because the nature of the developments was different.
Fayyaz added that one of the changes is that the Lebanese government has tried to take over the process of interacting with the Zionist enemy, and Hezbollah has given the Lebanese government the opportunity to take control of the situation. It never means that Hezbollah will no longer adhere to the resistance option.
Ali Fayyad responded to a question about Hezbollah’s position on the continued occupation of the Zionist regime in the southern part of Lebanon that Hezbollah believes that we should be implemented by Resolution 2.
Hezbollah’s representative continued: “If the government is stunning, we will ask it to give us a precise assessment of conditions and opportunities, and Hezbollah can examine the conditions that lead to the freedom of the occupied land.” However, we consider the presence of the Israelis in four southern part of Lebanon, and we believe that Lebanon has the right to use “all possible tools” to liberate these lands.
He pointed out that the official position of the Lebanese government is exactly the same. The issue has also been emphasized at a summit of the country’s triple leaders, the President and the Prime Minister and the Speaker of Parliament at the Ba’bda Palace, and they stated in an important statement that Israel’s presence in the area is occupation and Lebanon has the right to use all possible tools for freedom of its land.
he explained that the phrase “all possible tools” that exist in the Lebanese government agreement and work plan means all tools, both diplomatic and non-diplomatic.
Fayyaz stated that the current Lebanese government deserves to be given the opportunity to prove it, as it can remain loyal to the programs it has presented in its statute. The government has given its priority to freedom of land and defending the nation and promising to save and reform it, and Hezbollah cooperates with the government in this regard.
He to Hezbollah’s view of the new US government in the region and US envoy Morgan Orthagus’ statements that Hezbollah failed and should be removed from the government, pointing out that these statements were irresponsible and interference.
Fayyaz Hezbollah is the most popular political movement in Lebanon, which has a prominent role and has widespread popular support, and these statements have been the will of the Lebanese nation and the parliamentary faction arising from Hezbollah.
Hezbollah’s representative warned that the US goal is to confront the Lebanese army with Hezbollah and its supporters, saying that it was very dangerous for Lebanon and we are trying to avoid it, we want the best possible cooperation with the Lebanese army.
in response to a question about the possibility of direct communication between Hezbollah and the United States, he said that Hezbollah has good relations with many countries in the world, including EU member states, but due to its full-fledged Zionist regime, we have the Zionist regime. We have directly with the US government. Of course, we differ between the US government and the American community, including media or academic institutions or cultural activists, and we have no direct relationship with them.
He described Hezbollah’s problem with the US government in two important points, including clashes in Palestine and the Israeli-Israeli conflict on the one hand and the type of American view of the world order on the other, and emphasized that this approach was completely inconsistent with the basics of human rights and human rights.
Lebanese parliamentarian, referring to the developments in Syria, stated that the political developments in Syria were a major strategic damage to Hezbollah and could not be ignored. Hezbollah, of course, does not support the nature of the complex relations between the former Syrian government and its nation.
“We follow the Syrian government’s stance on balanced relations between the two countries, but emphasize the importance and importance of supporting minorities and respect for public freedoms and respect for public freedoms and respect for public freedoms.”
Fayyaz continued: “We are also following the new Syrian sovereignty positions on Israel, with many doubts about it.” Israel is currently occupying parts of the Syrian land, but the new sovereignty does not take any stance in this regard, which is strange and unprecedented.