Iraq’s resistance: America proved to be the official support of crimes in the world
Iraq’s resistance added
Iraq’s resistance added: “The US aggression is a clear reason for its failure to break Yemen’s courageous stance in support of the Gaza Strip.
The statement reads: The brutal bombing that targeted civilians in Yemen is a new link in the evil-centric crimes.
The Iraqi Resistance said: We emphasize our full solidarity with the Yemeni brother and its brave leadership, and we hold the US government responsible for the full crimes against civilians in Yemen and Palestine. We call on all the liberators of the world to stand up to this savagery and condemn it and raise the sound of the truth against the killing machine.
Following the resumption of Yemeni offshore operations against Zionist ships aimed at pressing the regime to break the siege of Gaza, US President Donald Trump ordered yesterday to launch a military attack against Yemen in the context of Zionist support. Attacks that were martyred and injured from late last night until this morning.
While US and British attacks began hours ago in Yemen and continue, Ansarullah announced that it would definitely respond to these attacks.
Al-Miyaddin Network reported today that American and English fighters targeted Sana’a in the south of the Yemeni capital.
“We are not those who accept the violation of their country’s sovereignty, and American voters will be elected to the day who will be a crazy Trump,” said Hizam al-Assad, a senior member of the Ansarullah Movement. Our positions in support of the people of Gaza continue and this support will be growing until the siege ends. Nothing can overshadow our principled positions in supporting the oppression of the Palestinian people. ”