French reaction to the life of Maryam Rajavi
reports Maryam Rajavi in France under the protection of dozens of people and the huge costs for the very magical life of this terrorist and its closest media have reacted and reacted from French media.
In recent days the famous French weekly Kanar Anne It is: Rajavi has been present at luxury and 5-star hotels, Spa This journal has reported as Example reported that December Rajavi at the five-star hotel Art Style = “Text-align: Justify”> Deco and in addition to resettlement from services such as Hydroomasage Style = “Text-Align: Justify”> Goli and have used personal coaching sessions.
written by “ Kanar Annena that the Mafa’in has only been spent on this year. It reaches more than 6,000 euros, which has paid these costs in cash.
Anhne with surprise that these costs are paid with the irony that these costs are not cheap for a group living with financial assistance.
Connar Style = “Text-align: Justify”> Money Laundering and illegal economic actions of the members of the organization have said that the French judiciary in is now research in this .
as it turns out, Rajavi a significant portion of the earnings earned earnings and while that members of this group are from such features and conditions to .
looks like in the future round new dimensions of Money Laundry Style = “Text-align: Justify”> Effects The head of this terrorist organization is disclosed for the well-being of and ‘s relatives, and the reaction of ordinary members of this Style = “Text-align: Justify”> Pressure Maryam Rajavi and group leaders have been!