Recitation of the Twenty-Three Part of the Holy Quran with Translation + Video
The visual recitation of the Twenty-Three part (Juz) of the Holy Quran, accompanied by Arabic, Persian, and English subtitles, is special for the holy month of Ramadan. This video offers our esteemed Quran-loving audience a Surah-by-Surah navigation feature.
Tarteel (Recitation) of Juz’ Twenty-Three of the Holy Quran
Tarteel of Surah As-Saffat
Tarteel of Surah Sad
Tarteel of Surah Az-Zumar
You can also access the complete recitation of the Holy Quran with Arabic, Persian, and English subtitles, organized by parts and surahs, through the complete Quran playlist on the Aparat channel webangah news.