“Al -Haya”: We continue to enhance the level of strength of the resistance forces
The head of the Hamas movement's political bureau emphasized the continued promotion of the Palestinian resistance forces despite their siege.
reports Hihi Political Bureau of Hamas Movement in Gaza in the pulpit program al-Quds emphasized: We have great leaders like Martyr Ismail al-Sunwar and Martyr Saleh al-Akari . Those who were witnesses of truth in this battle.
“We are on the eve of World Quds Day at the initiative of Imam Khomeini and the leader of Sayyid Ali Khamenei We also cherish Remembrance and the name of Martyr Ebrahim Raisi.
Hihi added: Resistance to scandaling the realist’s true face as a strategic enemy Ummah Time does not come back and resistance continues to enhance its power despite the siege. We don’t come from this option. We will not face the victory or testimony on this path.