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Iranian Ambassador to Croatia: Resistance is not our satellites

Iran's ambassador to Croatia, in an interview with Vacherni list newspaper, stated that we do not have any representative groups in the region, and said that the resistance groups in Aqmar region are not of anyone, including Iran.

According to the foreign policy group of Fars news agency, Saeed Khatibzadeh, the ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Croatia, had an interview with Vacherni list newspaper. In this interview, he discussed the current situation in the region and the aggression of the Zionist regime to Gaza, the relations between Iran and Croatia, etc.

* The Israeli regime is the sole cause of this war

He answered the reporter’s question about “Israel and America accusing Iran of By financing and arming Hamas, Islamic Jihad and other Palestinian factions, it is behind the war in the Gaza Strip, and what is your opinion in this regard?” He said: The one and only cause of this war is the Israeli regime itself and its vicious behavior against the Palestinian people, which it has been doing continuously for decades. The well-known Israeli regime read that based on this, it hopes that by manipulating information and accusing others, the world will forget the Palestinian issue and added: Everyone knows that as long as there is occupation and aggression, there will be legitimate resistance. This is a principle and that’s it!

The Iranian ambassador in Zagreb continued: To understand the very simple fact that the main cause of this war is the Israeli regime and its daily and continuous crimes against Gaza. A PhD in Middle Eastern Studies is not required. Israel has turned Gaza into a prison and a big cage for its citizens. When I say cage, I really mean cage. It is very barbaric to put a nation in a cage and set them on fire in that cage. The insolence and shame of the Israeli regime authorities has reached such a level that they call the Palestinians “animals” and “children of darkness”. Because of this annoying belief, they have come to the point where they think that they do not need to adhere to any law and principles regarding the fundamental rights of Palestinians. that the Israeli regime wants the Palestinian land, but without the Palestinian people. unbelievable! This is what is referred to as genocide and ethnic cleansing in international law reference books.

* We proudly stand by Palestine

Khatibzadeh, in response to the reporter’s statement, said, “But I am sure you understand that Israel argues that the right of defense Does he have his own? He asked him: “The right of self-defense” or “The right of genocide?” Even wars have their own rules and ethics. Minute by minute, with the blind attacks of the Israeli regime, we see the killing of innocent civilians piling up: about 15,000 Palestinians have been killed to date, most of them children, women and the elderly. These are not just numbers and figures. We are talking about human lives! This is a human tragedy that is going on!

The Iranian ambassador in Croatia added: In addition, no aggressor and occupier has been defined the right to self-defense in history. On the contrary, it is Palestine whose land is occupied, and therefore the Palestinian nation, like any other nation under occupation, has the inherent right to resist the occupier by using all its resources. As it was right for the proud nation of Croatia during the war. If Croatia had such a right against the aggressor and Europe against Nazi Germany in World War II, why don’t the Palestinians have such a right?

He stood and proudly supported the Croatian nation with what he could, and today he stands proudly next to Palestine. Don’t forget that as the time of occupation of another nation’s land is prolonged, no right will arise for the occupier.

* We are in contact with all Palestinian groups/we are proud to stand by the Palestinians

The reporter said again, “But my question is still whether Iran supports these groups” Has the Palestinian helped or not? Khatibzadeh announced: Yes, we are in contact with all Palestinian groups and we are very proud to stand by the victim, not the oppressor and oppressor. Do not forget that Hamas is not just a simple Palestinian group. Hamas is a legal government that was elected by the free vote of the people of Gaza in 2006, and it was from that time that the Israelis started the inhumane policy of showing the face of the Palestinian victorious party and, with the help of the Americans, completely besieged the whole of Gaza.

This senior Iranian diplomat said that it is ridiculous that democracy is acceptable to Washington as long as it is according to their will, otherwise they will not even accept democracy, adding: Let me say loud and clear that Iran is proud to stand by the Palestinians and not by the apartheid regime. This is what ethics and human obligations dictate to us. We have always been in favor of life and justice and we will continue this policy. History will never forget, just as the world never forgot those who supported the apartheid regime in South Africa.

He raised the question of who can trust the Israeli intelligence service after numerous and continuous lies and big scandals, including the Al-Shifa hospital issue? He stated: They literally killed all the patients and people there, claiming that the main headquarters of the war was located in its basement. Even American officials repeated this big lie. While nothing was found later! nothing. They killed everyone for nothing! can you imagine This is precisely the reason why the Zionist regime desperately tries to change the issue of the events in Palestine to something else, for example, the issue of Iran-Israel or Iran-US.

Khatibzadeh addressed the reporter saying “Don’t fall into this trap,” he continued: What is happening in Gaza right now is a completely Palestinian issue. The Israeli regime can end this tragedy today by recognizing the rights of the Palestinians and accepting a fair and free referendum with the participation of all the original inhabitants of Palestine, including Jews, Muslims and Christians.

* The Israeli regime cannot continue this ethnic cleansing

according to Fars report, the reporter This Croatian newspaper stated, “Since the beginning of the war in the Gaza Strip, Hossein Amirabdollahian, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran, has constantly claimed that if Israel continues its aggression against the Palestinians, the other axes of the resistance movement, referring to Lebanon’s Hezbollah, the Houthis in Yemen and Other Iraqi groups will also join the war, which are actually already participating in the war. How much influence does Iran really have on these groups?” And the Iranian ambassador in Croatia stated: Iran has actively tried to end this tragedy through diplomatic means, but unfortunately, the Israeli regime has stopped all serious efforts.

He continued: Our foreign minister is tirelessly traveling from capital to capital to find an acceptable and workable diplomatic solution. Surely, the first step was to stop these insane bombings in Gaza and the killing of Palestinians and prepare the ground for providing humanitarian aid. The news about the temporary ceasefire is promising, but it is definitely not enough.

This senior Iranian diplomat stated that the Israeli regime should stop its brutal attacks and stated: It is clear that the regime Israel can not continue this ethnic cleansing. /span>

The reporter said that “Iranian leaders have repeatedly emphasized that the war in the Gaza Strip can spread to the entire region” and asked Khatibzadeh, “Are you worried about the possibility of that scenario?” ?’ To which he replied: Of course, this possibility exists. If Israel continues, there will be a great risk of the war spreading and who knows – God forbid – there could be an all-out war in the region. But let me go back to your previous question. As our officials have stated many times, Iran does not have any proxy group in the region and this is not our way of regulating relations with our friends in the region. They themselves are mature, local and national groups that act independently and based on calculations and strategic understanding and within their own national framework. In fact, they are not the satellites of anyone, including Iran, and this is precisely the main reason for our stable friendship.

* Netanyahu is obsessed Mental illness about Iran

According to Fars report, the reporter of Vecherni List newspaper said, “Netanyahu considers Iran responsible for any attack on Israel. Even after the seizure of an Israeli ship by the Houthis, Netanyahu said that this is another terrorist act by Iran and a step forward in Iran’s aggression against the citizens of the free world, with international consequences regarding the safety of global shipping lines, and Khatibzadeh, the former spokesman of the Ministry of Affairs In this regard, the foreign ministry stated: He (Netanyahu) has a pathological mental obsession with Iran. It’s an old story that everyone knows. In addition, he thinks that by constantly accusing Iran, people will forget the crimes of his regime. And added: If he wants to decide to stop this whole tragedy, he can do it in the blink of an eye. But it seems that because of the irreparable failure that his regime experienced, he is very confused and confused at the moment and therefore commits these crimes. Finally, these days will pass, but as the highest official of the Zionist regime and because of his serious crimes against humanity, his crimes must be dealt with in the International Criminal Court.

Khatibzadeh continued: the Israeli regime He has committed all possible international crimes, including rape, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide, not once, but several times, and in some cases, all such crimes at the same time. This is why the international community must end Israel’s impunity and impunity. And we will not neglect the health of our forces and our interests in the region

Iran’s ambassador in Zagreb, in response to the reporter’s question, said “America is doing what it claims in Syria Has it bombed Iran’s IRGC bases in response to repeated attacks on American military bases in Iraq and Syria, which, according to America’s claim, Iran is behind these attacks? He stated: While we use maximum patience, we will never compromise on the security and health of our forces and interests in the region and we will not compromise with anyone. Americans know this very well. We have proven this in the past and we will act on it in the future. Possible interference by Iranian henchmen in the region, as they say, he asked Khatibzadeh what Iran could do in the event of a possible escalation of the conflict between America and, for example, Hezbollah or Ansarullah. Will he join the war? And this senior Iranian diplomat replied: Everything is possible and Iran is ready for any scenario, but I think we all should now focus on finding a lasting solution to end the decades of occupation and aggression against the innocent people of Palestine. .

He reminded: Although I agree that there may still be some kind of infatuation relationship between some Western countries and the Israeli regime, but even they themselves have understood the fact that this The regime has become a scourge and expense for them. That is why I am optimistic that they will act wisely.

* Resistance is in our genes

Khatibzadeh responded to the journalist’s question that “While America and Israel are threatening Iran, information is leaking out that the Americans are sending messages to Iran through intermediaries. and ask them to reduce the tension and try to reduce the tension and prevent the spread of war. How true is this?” He said: You know that the public space is not a good place to discuss such issues, but what I can assure you is that no side wants the conflicts to escalate, except the Israeli regime, which sees its victory in further escalation of the conflicts. /p>

In response to the question, “Are you afraid of the possibility of a war, God forbid, and the creation of a front between Iran, America, and Israel, and what will this war look like?” He said: No one likes war. But if that happens, it will be the mother of all wars in the region and beyond. We have always been a nation of planning, patience and peace. We have never invaded any country, at least not for centuries. But whenever we have been attacked, we have resisted until the end. Resistance is in our genes. In addition, we are more powerful and ready than at any other time in our recent history. It wants to win the war with American blood, just as it rules with American taxpayers’ money. This is how they commit so many crimes.

* Every oil and gas producer has its share in the international market.

The reporter of Vecharni List newspaper asked the Iranian ambassador that “Iran has increased oil and gas production despite the sanctions.” If the sanctions against Iran are lifted, can Iran replace Russia’s gas and oil to the world?” To which he replied: There are no sanctions by the United Nations or the European Union on Iran’s economic or industrial sectors. What you are referring to is the illegal, unilateral and extraterritorial sanctions imposed illegally by the US government.

respect responsibly and everyone should reject the economic terrorism imposed on the people of Iran these days. I think that every oil and gas producer has his own share in the international market and no one can take another’s share. They say that if America does not cross the red line, the nuclear agreement may be signed at any moment. What kind of red line is this and how close are we to the nuclear deal between Iran and world powers? He said: From the legal point of view, the nuclear agreement is still standing and alive, although practically, due to the sanctions of the United States and the passivity and inaction of the three European members, this agreement has few vital signs.

Khatibzadeh He explained: The nuclear agreement is a part of a binding resolution of the UN Security Council, which must be adhered to by all. However, the United States has not only withdrawn from this agreement, but has tried to destroy it. For this reason, the moment Washington decides to fulfill its international obligations is the moment we can announce the revival of the agreement. Whether that’s possible or not depends on the White House.

Baz reporter asked that “there are rumors coming from the European Union and the United States that Russia is doing everything to undermine the signing of the nuclear agreement, what does Russia really want?” What kind of guarantee? Can Russia destroy this agreement? If this is true, does Russia want to prevent Iran from replacing Russia in the global supply of gas and oil with this disruption?” He said: I understand what you mean, but I can assure you that the only obstacle to the revival of the agreement is the United States. As far as Iran’s foreign relations are concerned, I want to emphasize that we act only based on our national interests. This is our absolute red line. All our friends and peers know it too.

* Our economies complement each other

According to Fars report, in response to a question about his assessment of the political and economic relations between Croatia and Iran, Khatibzadeh stated: Iran was the first country among all Asian and Muslim countries to recognize Croatia’s independence. He recognized and actually did everything he could to support Croatia during your difficult war in the early 90s. There is a saying that true friends are found in difficult times. Whether these friendships have translated into economic relations, I doubt. Unfortunately, the economic relations between the two countries are at a very limited level, even though our economies complement each other. Everything you need, we provide you with the best quality and price, and everything you have can be easily transferred to the Iranian market.

He explained his priorities for The president of two countries, Croatia and Iran, also said: I have come here with only one mission, and that is to protect and promote our relations. We are nations with culture and civilization that have many common roots in history. Thousands of common words in daily literature are among the facts that show how these two nations have been close to each other throughout history. Although we should realistically consider the limitations and opportunities at the same time, I would like to emphasize here that there are no restrictions on this path from our side.

* Return of INA to Iran?

The reporter asked the Iranian ambassador in Zagreb that “Is there any hope for the return of INA (the company Croatian oil and gas) to Iran? To which he replied: Yes, why not, but this is something that INA should decide by itself. There are definitely many opportunities.

The reporter of this newspaper stated that “when I interviewed Hossein Amirabdollahian, he said that Iran is ready to help INA return to the Syrian oil fields.” He asked Khatibzadeh whether this proposal still stands and how much Iran can help in its realization. He said: “I’m sure there will come a time when Croatia will decide to do this.” We are always ready to help and facilitate this. Surely INA and Croatia can do this business and profit from what is really theirs.

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