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Joint statement of Iran and Pakistan after the President’s visit

The joint statement of the countries of Iran and Pakistan was published after the visit of the President of Iran to Islamabad.
– International news

According to the foreign policy group Tasnim news agency, then After the visit of Ayatollah Syed Ibrahim Raisi, the President of our country to Pakistan, a joint statement was issued by the two countries, in which bilateral agreements and cooperation as well as international developments are mentioned.

The full text of this statement is as follows:

1. At the invitation of the Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Mohammad Shahbaz Sharif, the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Seyed Ibrahim Raisi, paid an official visit to Pakistan from April 22 to 24, 2024. During the official visit to Pakistan, the President of Iran was accompanied by a high-ranking delegation consisting of Iran’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hossein Amir Abdullahian, and other cabinet members and senior officials.

2 . Ayatollah Raisi, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, had a discussion with Prime Minister Mohammad Shahbaz Sharif at the delegation level. In these talks, the two sides discussed a wide range of bilateral relations between Pakistan and Iran and also exchanged views on regional and global issues of interest to both sides. During this visit, a memorandum of understanding/agreement was also signed.

3. Both sides agreed to strengthen mutual interactions through regular exchange of high-level meetings to strengthen brotherly relations.

4. Emphasizing the historical, cultural, religious and civilizational relations of the two neighboring and Muslim countries, the two sides emphasized their commitment to further strengthen these ties through the promotion of academic, cultural and tourism activities and the development of tourism to historical religious places in both countries. They did.

5. Acknowledging that the common border between Pakistan and Iran should be a “border of peace and friendship”, both sides stressed the importance of regular cooperation and exchange of views between the political, military and security authorities of the two countries to deal with threats such as terrorism, drug trafficking, and human trafficking. , hostage taking, money laundering and kidnapping emphasized.

6. The two sides agreed on the further expansion of trade and economic cooperation and on their commitment to transform their common border from a “border of peace” to a “border of prosperity” through joint development-oriented economic projects, including the creation of joint border markets, free economic zones. And they emphasized the opening of new borders. They also emphasized the importance of cooperation in the field of energy, including electricity trade, power transmission lines and the IP gas pipeline project. The two leaders agreed to increase bilateral trade to $10 billion over the next five years. Both sides emphasized the necessity of sustainable long-term economic partnership and a common regional economic and communication model, especially for socio-economic development in Iran’s Sistan and Baluchistan Province and Pakistan’s Baluchistan Province.

7. In order to further strengthen bilateral economic cooperation, both sides agreed to quickly finalize the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) and the next meetings of the annual bilateral political consultations (FTABPC) and the Joint Commercial Trade Committee (JBTC) as well as the twenty-second round of negotiations of the Joint Economic Commission (JEC) in the near future. They also agreed to facilitate regular exchanges of economic and technical experts as well as delegations from the chambers of commerce of the two countries to deepen economic cooperation. It was also agreed to declare “Rimdan border point” as an international border crossing under “TIR” and to reopen two border livelihood markets.

8. There was agreement on the full operationalization of exchange trade mechanisms between the two sides to facilitate economic and trade activities, especially under continuous joint efforts, such as cross-border livelihood markets, which will help improve the economic status of local residents and take a step forward. It builds more borders in order to increase security.

9. Pakistan and Iran emphasized the importance of using their respective geographical positions to promote communication between the two countries as well as with the wider region. The two sides noted with satisfaction the progress made in the regular transport of goods under the TIR Convention and agreed to fully operationalize the Convention for efficient trade, to promote fast and without barriers between Pakistan and Iran. It was agreed that the full operationalization of the TIR Convention would also enhance regional integration and connectivity across the wider ECO region. .

10. As members of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO), the two countries are determined expressed themselves to strengthen cooperation in the fields of connectivity, infrastructure development and energy. The two countries also agreed to expand the beneficial and stable bilateral relations between the two ports of Gwadar and Chabehar.

11. Both sides, while condemning terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, acknowledged that terrorism is a common threat to the peace and stability of the region and is a great obstacle to the development of the region. It was agreed to adopt a cooperative approach to deal with this threat and use existing bilateral institutional mechanisms to effectively fight and deal with this threat, while fully respecting the principles of the United Nations Charter, especially the principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity of the member states. Both sides also acknowledged the key role of increasing economic and trade opportunities in improving the security environment in border areas.

12. Considering regional and global developments, both sides emphasized the importance of peaceful settlement of disputes through dialogue and diplomacy to find mutually acceptable solutions for common challenges.

13. Both sides emphasized the need to resolve the Kashmir issue through dialogue and peaceful methods based on the will of the people of that region and in accordance with international laws.

14. Both sides strongly and explicitly condemned the continuous aggression and crimes of the Israeli regime against the Palestinian people and the inhuman blockade of Gaza, which has led to widespread death and destruction, as well as the displacement of millions of Palestinians. They called for an immediate and unconditional ceasefire, unhindered access to humanitarian aid to the besieged people of Gaza, the return of Palestinian refugees, and accountability for crimes committed by the Israeli regime. They emphasized their support for a just, comprehensive and durable solution based on the aspirations of the Palestinian people.

15. The two sides agreed that the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) is an important forum for regional security and development that provides opportunities to realize economic, transit, trade, provides youth and communication between member states. The two sides expressed satisfaction with the close relations and cooperation between the two countries in all mechanisms of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. They also emphasized the importance of the early resumption of the Shanghai-Afghanistan Cooperation Organization Contact Group activities to coordinate efforts to maintain stability and develop economic relations in the region.

16. While emphasizing the importance of regional cooperation for economic development, the two sides acknowledged that the ECO region has a lot of capacity to develop the economy of the member countries and called for active cooperation among the countries of the region within the framework of ECO. They shared the view that cooperation between SCO and ECO can play a valuable role in accelerating the progress and development of the entire region.

17. Both sides emphasized their commitment to the development of Afghanistan as a peaceful, united, independent and independent country free from the threats of terrorism and drug trafficking. Pointing out that the presence of terrorist organizations in Afghanistan is a serious threat to the security of the region and the world, the two sides emphasized their desire to strengthen cooperation in the field of fighting terrorism and security and creating a united front against terrorism. The two sides also emphasized the importance of coordinating regional and international efforts to ensure security and stability in the region and emphasized the positive participation of existing regional assemblies in this regard. While respecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Afghanistan, the two sides acknowledged that the greater participation of all sections of Afghanistan in basic decisions will lead to the strengthening of peace and stability in this country.

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18. Ayatollah Raisi, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, also met Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. The leaders of the two countries expressed satisfaction with the existing level of bilateral relations and emphasized their commitment to strengthen multilateral cooperation in mutually beneficial areas.

19. Yousef Raza Gilani, Speaker of the Senate of Pakistan and Sardar Ayaz Siddique, Speaker of the National Assembly of Pakistan also welcomed the President of Iran. In their meetings, the two sides emphasized the need to increase the interaction between the parliaments of the two countries.

20. The parties agreed to release each other’s prisoners and take measures for their extradition based on the extradition treaty between Iran and Pakistan approved in 1960 and the agreement on the transfer of convicts between the two countries approved in 2016.

21. The two sides strongly condemned the attack on the consular section of the Iranian embassy in Damascus, which was an unacceptable violation of Syrian sovereignty and undermined its stability and security. They agreed that the attack violated international law and the UN Charter and was illegal under the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations. Acknowledging that the irresponsible action of the Israeli regime forces was an escalation of tension in an already unstable region, both sides asked the UN Security Council to stop the adventurism of the Israeli regime in the region and the illegal actions of the Israeli regime in attacking its neighbors and targeting centers. prevent foreign diplomacy.

22. Both sides condemned the increase in incidents of Islamophobia, desecration of the Holy Quran and sacred symbols in some countries. They also stressed that advocacy of religious hatred that amounts to incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence should not be allowed under the pretext of freedom of expression. They welcomed the adoption of United Nations General Assembly Resolution 264/78 entitled “Measures to Combat Islamophobia” in this regard and demanded the appointment of a special UN envoy to combat Islamophobia as soon as possible and also the implementation of other related measures contained in the resolution. . The Islamic Republic of Iran also appreciated the initiative of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to approve the resolution “Measures against Islamophobia” in the United Nations General Assembly.

23. Both sides emphasized international respect for the diversity of social, legal and governmental systems. They also emphasized the principles of universality, neutrality, objectivity and non-selectivity, constructive international dialogue and cooperation in the promotion and protection of all human rights, and declared their firm opposition to interfering in the internal affairs of countries in any way. .

24. Both sides emphasized that each nation has its own history, culture and unique national characteristics, and diverse social systems and levels of social and economic development, and that human rights must be protected in accordance with obligations under international human rights law. . In this regard, the two sides emphasized on increasing consultation and cooperation to preserve and promote human rights.

25. The President of Iran and the Prime Minister of Pakistan discussed all aspects of the cooperation between the two countries in multilateral forums, including the United Nations, the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO), and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). , Organization of Islamic Cooperation (Organization of Islamic Cooperation) welcomed. OIC), D-8 Organization for Economic Cooperation, Asian Cooperation Dialogue (ACD) ), welcomed the initiatives of the conference of heads of parliaments of six countries in the region, the initiatives of the meeting of the secretaries of the Security Council of the member countries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, and the initiatives of the meeting of the foreign ministers of Afghanistan’s neighboring countries. They also expressed their agreement to start free trade negotiations in ECO.

26. The President of the Islamic Republic of Iran also visited Lahore and Karachi on April 23-24, 2024. He visited Allama Muhammad Iqbal’s tomb in Lahore and visited his tomb. Raeesi in Karachi participated in the wreath-laying ceremony at Quaid’s mausoleum. He also gave a speech in a meeting with a large presence of businessmen from both sides in Karachi, and in his speech, he encouraged the private sectors of the two countries to develop closer relations within the framework of the joint business council, as well as through the exchange of business delegations and the holding of business exhibitions.

27. The President of the Islamic Republic of Iran appreciated the warm and generous hospitality of the Prime Minister of Pakistan to the Iranian delegation. 28. The President of the Islamic Republic of Iran also asked the President and Prime Minister of Pakistan for the trip. Officially invited to Iran.

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© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Tasnim News Agency
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