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Kanani: America seeks to achieve its goals in Gaza through politics/the strategy of developing the sea-based economy requires a comprehensive project design

The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of our country pointed out that all the evidence shows that the Zionist regime is looking for adventure and stated: Based on our observations with different parties, America wants to achieve what it has not achieved through political means.
– International news

According to the foreign policy correspondent of Tasnim News Agency, Nasser Kanani, the spokesman of the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, today Monday On December 6, he answered the questions of journalists at his weekly press conference.

The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs initially said about the future of Gaza and the US interference: In relation to the Palestinian issue, unfortunately, the US has been part of the problem for the past few decades. have been. In the recent war in Gaza and the aggression of the Zionist regime against the people of Gaza, unfortunately, America was practically a part of this war. America fully supported the Zionist regime in all areas and prevented the end of the war. America is not expected to be part of the solution. America’s help can be to withdraw its support from the regime. Kanani stated that none of America’s plans have solved the problems of Palestine and said: “Because of ignoring the realities of Palestine, America’s plans could not solve the problems of Palestine.” Help end problems. During the recent war and cowardly aggression, America and the Zionist regime could not achieve what they had planned.

The Zionist regime is looking for adventurePointing out that all the evidence shows that the Zionist regime is looking for adventure, he stated: Based on our observations with different parties, America wants to do what the researcher He could not achieve it through political means. In other words, realize the unfulfilled goals of the oppressive war in a political approach.

The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs added: The Palestinian nation will not allow any party to realize its illegitimate interests. The fate of Palestine will be decided in the hands of its people. It is the Palestinian nation that has the right to determine its own destiny. The unjust actions of America, without taking into account the reality, will not help to solve the crisis. The incident we witnessed was the result of this lack of understanding of reality. Kanani said about the claim of 3 European countries towards Iran regarding the nuclear issue: Iran’s response to this statement was given by the Iranian representative. Iran’s positions are precisely stated in this statement. The obligations contained in the JCPOA and Resolution 2231 are based on mutual obligations and require everyone to fulfill the obligations equally. It is only based on reciprocity that commitments remain stable. He continued: The next point is that Iran’s nuclear activities are completely peaceful and in line with Iran’s rights based on the NPT. Iran’s activities are also under the supervision and verification of the Agency.

Iran’s cooperation with the Agency continues based on the joint statement

The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that Iran has fulfilled all its obligations, but some parties claim as if it is Iran that has withdrawn from the JCPOA by violating the resolution. This is politically motivated. We emphasize that these countries mix voluntary obligations with legal obligations and try to make accusations against Iran by hiding the facts. Kanani added: JCPOA has other members and annexes should be added. To be implemented by all members. I emphasize that Iran’s cooperation with the Agency does not come under the influence of the statements of some parties, and Iran’s cooperation will continue on the basis of the joint statement. The path of negotiations has its own path. The path of negotiations is still open and Iran has no restrictions for the continuation of negotiations.

He said about the martyrs of journalists in the Gaza war: Journalists, as tellers of the truth, were a dear and self-sacrificing group who sacrificed more than 60 people to support the Palestinian nation during the developments in Gaza. I pay tribute to the long spirit of the journalist’s martyrs. They showed that they stood toe to toe with the Palestinian nation in telling the truth. May their souls be happy.

Kanaani said regarding the ceasefire situation in Gaza and the possibility of extending it: Today is the fourth day of the temporary and final ceasefire. Our expectation is that the crimes of the regime will basically stop completely and the ceasefire will enter into a sustainable process. This is the wish of the world community. The nations of the world have similar and precise demands. They are demanding an end to the war of aggression by being in the streets. The demands are quite clear.

We are looking for the continuation of the ceasefire in Gaza

Speaker Referring to the talks that have been held and are being held with the regional parties, whose aim is to continue the ceasefire, he said: This issue was also discussed during the visit of the Foreign Minister of our country to Qatar. The ongoing negotiations seek to make the temporary ceasefire permanent. He added: The Zionist regime does not set any limits for itself in violating international regulations and showed that all rights are relative. has violated the people of Gaza. We demand an end to aggression. It seems that the Zionist regime has not had any victory and wants to seek a concrete victory for itself by continuing the crime. According to the information, the government of Qatar has made serious efforts in this field and we hope that the current ceasefire will take on a stable aspect. The region has never played a security role and has always helped to create instability in the region. We evaluate this in the framework of the continuation of the American support for the Zionist regime. It is America

Kanaani added: The next point is that Iran always adheres to security and stability in the region and has played a stable role.

Regarding the claims of the American authorities against Iran, he also said: These are projections. The public opinion of the world will not be fooled by the American media stream. In relation to what is happening by the resistance groups in the region, we have no role in these actions and the natural reaction of the resistance groups in the region is the non-constructive role of America in supporting the crimes of the Zionist regime and the illegal presence of America in the region.

What Yemen is doing is in support of the Palestinian nation

The spokesman said about the actions of Yemen Ansarullah has announced that it will act in support of the Palestinian nation against the goals related to the regime. Supporting Palestine is not related to Yemen and other nations of the region and the world have also taken action. The presence of millions of people from the countries of the world in the streets shows that the support for Palestine has now become global and the criminal actions of the regime against the oppressed Palestinian nation cannot be tolerated by the nations of the world. What Yemen did is what other nations did in support of Palestine.

Iran’s actions to end the Gaza war

In response to Tasnim’s question regarding the results of Iran’s actions regarding the Palestine issue, he explained: Supporting Palestine is a permanent issue and part of the work program of the diplomatic system. The view of the external device is a principled and stable view. It is natural that in the conditions of Gaza, in accordance with the conditions and needs of Iran, it focused its support policies for Palestine on the current conditions. Kanani continued: What had priority was ending the aggression, lifting the blockade, sending aid. It was humanitarian and the forced displacement of Palestinians. We had tangible successes in this field. Now the issue of Palestine has become an important issue of Islamic countries. In addition to the mechanism related to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Iran pursued this issue at the level of the United Nations and the Human Rights Council of the United Nations and in all other mechanisms. Fortunately, this issue has now become global and the desire to stop the crimes has become a global demand. He will not

The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said regarding the sending of humanitarian aid: This issue has been the focus and follow-up of Iran since the beginning. In the framework of the recent developments based on the temporary humanitarian ceasefire agreement, it has been agreed that the amount of aid and trucks will be transferred to Gaza, and this amount does not meet the needs of Gaza. The amount that is transferred is based on the declaration of the relevant international authorities compared to the existing need of a drop scale in front of the sea and cannot be the response of the people who were under the oppressive siege of the occupying regime for more than 16 years.

He continued: It is natural that efforts in this field will continue and communications with the relevant authorities in Iran and international authorities are ongoing. What is certain is that the Zionist regime will not comply except under pressure. It is expected that they will raise this as a basic demand.

The Zionist regime has not reached its declared goals

The spokesperson of the Foreign Ministry said about the warnings of the Zionist regime to prevent the people of Gaza from entering northern Gaza: The Zionist regime has set goals, including the destruction of Hamas. This regime could not achieve a minimal result and had to come to an understanding with a party that was calling for its destruction, which showed that the Zionist regime was not successful in any way. except that he martyred more than 20 thousand residents of Gaza and committed genocide.

Kanaani continued: After the ceasefire agreement, we saw that the flood of the people of Gaza was sent to the north and They did not pay attention to the warnings and it showed that the Zionist regime is facing the people of Gaza and it is the Palestinian people who are standing up for their rights.

He added: The American government should clarify its duties with the groups in the region and Palestine. Whether it is part of the crime and genocide or part of the solution, they showed that it is part of the regime’s crimes against the Palestinian nation. America against the regional resistance forces is an act of aggression

The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs continued: This shows that the American government is exploiting even its own regional bases. Is. America’s action against the resistance forces in the region is an act of aggression. Kanani stated that the US government is taking military action against the Syrian forces by illegally occupying a part of the Syrian territory and this is condemned, he stated: America should to correct its behavior in the region and if it continues to support the regime, such actions against America are completely conceivable and have nothing to do with Iran. The resistance groups in the region are not under the command of Iran and they represent their nations and they make their own decisions about what they do.

America It uses its bases for military aid to the Zionist regime has continuously used it to provide military assistance to the regime and this information has been transferred to the relevant authorities.

At the request of Thailand and some countries We followed the release of their prisoners from Hamas

The spokesperson of the Foreign Ministry said about the cooperation between Iran and Turkey regarding the exchange of prisoners from other countries in Gaza: I informed that based on the request of some Countries including Thailand and in the talks between the Foreign Ministers of Iran and Thailand held in Doha and other requests, this issue was pursued by Iran, and in the same framework, with the humanitarian view of Hamas, a number of Thai citizens were released from the custody of Hamas, and these efforts will continue The issue of Palestine is one of the topics discussed by Iran and Turkey, and it has always been discussed and discussed at different levels, and the discussions will continue.

Based on the trigger mechanism, it is not aimed at Iran It has enough power. Iran has not and will not accept the logic of the threat.

No one has the right to set a task for the Palestinian nation

Regarding the plan of some countries for the Palestinian nation, Kanaani said: No one has the right to set a task for the Palestinian nation. Unrealistic political solutions were proposed by some countries, especially the United States, and showed that it was not a solution and a plan for the continuation of the crisis. Basically, Iran does not consider such plans as a solution. Iran has a clear idea and it is the Palestinian nation that has the right to act on its own destiny. We believe that all parties will have no choice but to comply with the will of the Palestinian people. /span>

He said about the development project of the sea-based economy by the Leader of the Revolution: This is a national project and the role of Iran’s diplomatic system is not particularly important, but rather the strategy of the Supreme Leader. The realization of this idea and vision requires the design of a comprehensive project to divide the roles of all government agencies. Kanani said about Iran’s aid to Gaza: We have been involved in sending humanitarian aid to Gaza since the early days of the regime’s aggression. Israel, we paid attention to this issue. In our talks, we addressed all the international authorities to send our help. We have taken action in this field and unfortunately, due to the opposition of the Zionist regime, we have not succeeded in sending our aid, and this is not only related to Iran, and the amount of world aid, unfortunately, could not be sent due to the closure of the Rafah border.

Iran’s expectation from Egypt, Turkey and Saudi Arabia

The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs continued: It was agreed that a small amount of The aid should pass through the Rafah border and Iran expects Egypt to make more efforts and force the regime to accept the full opening of the border. In relation to Turkey and Saudi Arabia, not only the demands of Iran, but also the Palestinian people expect more help from the international community, especially the Islamic communities, in order to use their full capacity. The convergence of Islamic countries was acceptable and some efforts were made, but it is not enough and it is expected that these countries will make more efforts.

Iran’s cooperation with The agency is not influenced by the unconstructive statements of some parties. He said about Grossi’s report and the dismissal of the agency’s inspectors: Our cooperation with the agency continues within the framework of safeguards and NPT. Moreover, Iran’s peaceful activities continue under the supervision of the Agency, and Iran’s action was a natural reaction to the non-constructive action of the European troika, and Iran will react proportionately to the non-constructive behavior. Iran’s cooperation with the Agency will not be affected by the unconstructive statements of some parties and will continue. We have done

The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said about the two-state plan in Palestine at the summit in Uzbekistan: We will express the views that are against Iran’s principled view in all the meetings. .

Relations with the Republic of Azerbaijan are on a good track

He said about relations with Iran He said with the Republic of Azerbaijan: Our relations are on a good track. Cooperation is forward and satisfactory. There is the will to continue cooperation.

Ansar Allah of Yemen is not closed to the crimes of the Zionist regime

Kanaani said about the seizure of Israeli ships by Yemen: the party that took action has announced that it has nothing to do with Iran. The officials of Ansarullah announced that we are not silent about the crimes of the Zionist regime and we are taking action against the Israeli regime.

He said regarding Zelensky’s speech and claim regarding the conclusion of an arms contract between Iran and Russia: We have a clear position on Especially the crisis in Ukraine. Media creations should not be allowed to influence the official positions of the Ukrainian government and affect Iran-Ukraine relations. We have repeatedly announced that our relations with Russia are within the framework of the common interests of the two countries and that cooperation is conventional and known and is not against any third country. Claims seek their own political interests and goals. They seek to attract as much financial aid and weapons as possible from Western authorities.

Kanaani stated that from the beginning and since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, we declared that we are against war and the displacement of people, and we called for a stop to the war, and reminded: these are our basic positions Is. We are interested in maintaining our bilateral relations with both Russia and Ukraine. Cooperation between Iran and Russia does not mean confrontation with Ukraine, and cooperation goes back to the history before the war between Russia and Ukraine. We have not sent any drones to Russia for war use and we have repeatedly denied these claims.

News The attack on Palestinian students in America was shocking

The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding the attack on 3 Palestinian students Tabar in America said: We also received this news and news regarding the armed attack on 3 Palestinian students of shocking origin Was. It points to the existence of the roots of extremism in the American society and should be the focus of the immediate attention and follow-up of the American authorities. Examples of good neighborly relations are

He explained about Iran-Turkey cooperation: Iran-Turkey relations are quite clear. One of the good examples of neighborly relations can be witnessed in the relations between the two countries in various fields, and God willing, it will continue.

end of message/


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