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The bombing of the entire Gaza Strip this morning

The continuation of air and ground attacks by the Zionist regime against the Gaza Strip and southern Lebanon and the threats of the war-seeking minister of Tel Aviv against Netanyahu are among the latest news related to Palestine.

Mehr News, International Group: While the air and artillery attacks of the Zionist regime against the entire Gaza Strip and southern Lebanon continue to take victims, the attack of the Zionist military on the West Bank caused a conflict in this region.

Bombing residential areas of the Gaza Strip and southern Lebanon

Al-Mayadeen network reporter reported that the Zionist regime’s fighters bombarded the south of Al-Zaytoun neighborhood in the east of Gaza City.

These barbaric attacks by the Zionist regime also included residential houses in the Salam neighborhood located in the east of Rafah city in the south of the Gaza Strip. These aggressor fighters also targeted an agricultural field in the north of al-Maghazi camp in the center of the Gaza Strip.

Palestinian websites also reported that the Zionist regime’s fighters bombed the city of Deir al-Balah, located in the center of the Gaza Strip. These aggressor fighters also targeted al-Zawaida area in the center of the Gaza Strip.

In addition to the residential parts of the Gaza Strip, the occupying army of Quds once again targeted parts of southern Lebanon.

بمباران سراسر نوار غزه طی بامداد امروز

In these early morning attacks, Al-Labuna area, located around Al-Naqura, was targeted. Media reports also tell about the targeting of Gibal Balat, located in the south of Lebanon, by the Zionist regime’s artillery.

The Al-Jazeera reporter also reported that Al-Khayam and Al-Dahira areas in southern Lebanon were targeted by the fighters of the occupying Quds army.

Inflammation of the situation in the West Bank in the shadow of the Zionist military attack

This is while the early morning attacks of the Zionist military have continued on the West Bank and have caused conflicts in this area.

Al Jazeera’s reporter emphasized that the Zionist invaders attacked Beit Amr area in the north of Hebron this morning. Local sources also reported the attack of aggressive elements on al-Maghir village located in the northeast of Ramallah.

These sources stated that clashes between Palestinian youths and the invaders took place at the entrance of Beit Amr area and the invaders used tear gas extensively.

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Quds Brigades also announced that Palestinian fighters clashed with Zionist elements in Rafidiya axis and shot them. The Zionist forces also raided the Birzeit area north of Ramallah and arrested a number of Palestinian citizens.

Palestinian citizens’ houses on Ta’awun street located in Nablus were also attacked and searched by Zionist elements. During the attack of the aggressors on Beita area in Nablus, clashes between Palestinian youths and the occupiers took place.

Combined operations of Palestinian fighters in a 15-hour battle with the invaders

The Qassam battalions announced that the Palestinian martyrs made a noble epic in the Deir al-Ghosoon area of ​​Tulkarem. The battle of these martyrs with the occupying elements lasted for at least 15 consecutive hours.

These battalions also emphasized that Alaa Adib Shareteh, Tamer Abdurrahman and Adnan Tissir Samare, commanders of Qassam, were martyred in Tulkarem.

بمباران سراسر نوار غزه طی بامداد امروز

Qassam battalions added: Palestinian martyrs inflicted terrible blows on the Zionist enemy. They carried out several combined operations, the most prominent of which were Beit Lied and Al-Nabi Elias operations against the Zionist elements.

Warlike minister threatened Netanyahu

This is despite the fact that the war in the Gaza Strip is protracted on the one hand, and Tel Aviv’s pre-announced goals in this strip are not being fulfilled, on the other hand, there are verbal conflicts. It has escalated among the authorities of the Zionist regime.

In this regard, Al Jazeera reported that the Minister of Internal Security of the Zionist regime, Itmar Ben Guer, has threatened the Prime Minister of this regime, Benjamin Netanyahu.

Ben Guer said in his latest words: I welcome Netanyahu’s decision not to send the negotiating team to Cairo.

He further added: We do not want to reach an irresponsible agreement and we are in favor of attacking Rafah.

This belligerent minister of the Zionist regime emphasized: I hope Netanyahu will stick to his commitments that he promised me last week, because he knows very well the price What is failure to adhere to these obligations!


© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Mehr News Agency
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