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Imam Khamenei’s message on the occasion of the start of the 12th term of the Iranian Parliament

Imam Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Republic, issued a message on the occasion of the start of the 12th term of the Iranian Parliament. The head of his office read the text of this message in an opening ceremony and swearing in of representatives this morning, May 27, 2024.

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

All praise is due to God, Lord of the Worlds, and peace and greetings be upon our Master, Muhammad, and his pure Progeny, particularly the Remnant of God on earth.

As the 12th term of the Islamic Consultative Assembly (Parliament) convenes on time and without delay as usual, I turn to the threshold of the Almighty, Wise God in humility and thank Him for the continuity and strength of religious democracy, which is a great, divine gift to the Iranian nation.

Each new Parliament has the potential to bring a fresh glow to the nation’s bright horizon, adding to the hopes and motivation of the people. The combination of new representatives with skill and experience sends the clear message that the House of the People, by drawing upon its constitutional authority and by being committed to its heavy responsibility as one of the country’s institutions, will be able to combine innovation and modernity with maturity and prudence, safeguarding the processes of legislation and preventing turbulence, chaos, and stagnation.

Without a doubt, disciplined, empathetic interaction with the other branches of government coupled with everyone’s correct conduct and patience in the legislative body will contribute to the realization of all the attributes of a balanced Parliament and ensure the enduring legacy of its representatives.

One point I have always emphasized is that the Parliament should serve as a source of peace and hope. It should be inspirational while fostering empathy and brotherhood in the country’s public sphere. Within the Parliament itself, pointless competition in the media and damaging political disputes should not consume the time and energy of this brief period of responsibility. Otherwise, the valuable potential of the representatives’ presence in this esteemed position will be wasted, and this would be a great loss.

The next point is about the oath for joining the Parliament. This oath is not a formality or a symbolic gesture. It is a solemn, binding pledge that will have consequences both in this world and the Hereafter. Honorable representatives must constantly keep the tenets of this Islamic oath in mind throughout their tenure and consider adherence to it to be a benchmark for evaluating their performance.

The next point concerns ethical obligations. The Islamic lifestyle, a significant part of which is composed of moral virtues, takes on even greater importance when facing political challenges and in a legitimate competition. It is here that the alchemy of piety, forgiveness, fairness, honesty, and working responsibly and selflessly reveal their true worth. The martyrs of the Ordibehesht Flight [referring to the fatal helicopter crash involving Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and his entourage on May 19, 2024] – for whom the entire country is now mourning – were known for their adherence to moral virtues. Being mindful of oneself in this regard must be taken seriously. 

Finally, it is important to bear in mind that each member of the Parliament represents the entirety of the Iranian nation. As such, the primary duty of a representative is to safeguard the interests of the nation. Following up on issues related to their local constituency must be done within the framework of a broader perspective that takes national affairs into consideration. Additionally, it is crucial to avoid the excessive approval of development projects that are beyond the capacity of the budget for construction projects.

My dear brothers and sisters! Working with the intention of serving the people is a righteous deed and a meritorious act that will be rewarded both in this world and the Hereafter by God, the Appreciative, the All-Knowing. Winning the hearts of the people and their unwavering gratitude is one of the divine rewards in this world, and the massive funeral processions attended by millions in honor of the late President and his honorable entourage is an example of this divine reward. Loyal, aware people in numerous cities showered those pure bodies with flowers and tears, reviving the memory of the martyrs of the 1980s for the country’s new generation. In doing so, they effectively countered the thousands of lies, slander, and rumors. May God’s peace and mercy be upon them!

In conclusion, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the honorable representatives of the 11th Parliament, particularly the hardworking Speaker [Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf] and the Parliament’s active Board of Directors.

May God’s peace and mercy be upon you.

Sayyid Ali Khamenei
May 26, 2024


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