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Erdoğan’s adviser’s statements about the reasons for the continuation of corruption in Turkey for 400 years

Jamil Cicek believes that the unofficial and hidden sphere in Turkey has made the official and legal sphere either ineffective and paralyzed or fall into the trap of corruption.
– International news

According to the international group news agency Tasnim, these days in Turkey, there are many news and reports about financial corruption and banking scandals. The corruption that even the biggest Turkish football clubs have been infected with. He gave the money of a sports financial fund to a woman named Sechil Arzan to invest in Deniz Bank of Turkey. But this high-ranking employee of the said bank, instead of entering the money into the financial system, each time gave a simple receipt to Trim and placed the money through several other accounts at the disposal of a wide financial network of local bankers to make a huge profit. Give money to people. Is! This incident was revealed only a few days after the widespread financial corruption of Dilan Polat’s network was also destroyed and reports showed that this network had laundered tens of millions of dollars from the drug mafia.

Meanwhile, there have been several violent attacks, shootings and showdowns that show the depth and breadth of the competition. Mafia networks are in Turkey. /Uploaded/Image/1402/09/10/1402091010563535628883494.jpg”/>

As a simple employee, show that he misused the money of a sports financial fund with his greed and the ability to hide the bank. But Ismail Saimaz, a famous Turkish journalist, announced that he has close relations with the Justice and Development Party and is a trustee of this party in a bigger financial fund!

The sum of these events has caused the debate about these people to rise in the media, virtual space and Turkish public opinion. But one of the famous Turkish politicians believes that bringing the discussion to this low level is a strategic and dangerous mistake and the root of the problems should be understood.

Turkey’s historical disease and three levels of analysis

Jamil Chichak, currently a member of the high-ranking board of advisers of the presidency It is the Republic of Turkey. The members of this committee all have the experience of chairing the parliament.

He is one of the politicians who, since the beginning of his political career, as a defense lawyer, mayor and parliamentarian with Erbakan and Masoud Yilmaz. accompanied and then joined Erdogan and Gul as one of the founding members of the Justice and Development Party. On important political and executive experiences, he has a tremendous mastery over issues related to the shadow government, influence and security risks.

کشور ترکیه , رجب طیب اردوغان ,

Turkey said: “We are faced with 3 different types of analysis and approach to evaluate this situation. The first level of analysis is that everyone is talking about people. Day and night, they say that a certain person stole several hundred million dollars or committed massive crimes. This is the most superficial and dangerous attitude of analysis. Why? Because it involves the whole of Turkey in superficiality and empty and meaningless words, and it only continues around rumors and yellow news. he does. But the second level, which is a little higher and better, is the level where we are not talking about people, but about the event itself. For example, you see everyone talking about corruption. In my opinion, this is also superficial and we should try to go to the first level of analysis. That is, to the place where we talk about the principles, causes and backgrounds”.

Chichak continued about a chronic and historical disease called “the formation of a section called the section outside the registration documents He speaks.

He believes that the public sector and the private sector have a specific and routine path for work and activity. But what should be called the “non-document sector” is the same powerful actor who easily interferes in all affairs without having a political and executive role and responsibility with money and extensive facilities. It is everywhere.

This influential and experienced department is active in three areas:

Af) Economy.

b) Politics.

c) Religion.

This “unofficial” activist earns huge profits in business and bidding and auctions. It does not leave a trace. Because it carries out its work and affairs through indirect and unrelated channels. At the same time, it connects with political and executive institutions and makes everything go in the direction of the goals of the informal sector.

کشور ترکیه , رجب طیب اردوغان ,

Jamil Chichek believes that repressive policies At the beginning of the 20th century, it was done against the religious structures of Turkey and the takayas and tariqats, it caused parts of these institutions to go underground and have a secret and scary organization.

Not long ago, an unofficial tariqa, without fear of the law and security institutions, held demonstrations in the heart of Ankara and Istanbul and no one could stop it. Why? This is because he is sure that he has brought some figures with him and created a margin of security.

According to Jamil Çiçek, the governments in the contemporary history of Turkey have always focused on the influential sector. have been open informally, and the formation of the powerful institution of Fethullah Gulen’s students was also rooted in this fact. A movement that turned from a small religious group into a parallel society and structure that was even bigger than the government and manages tens of billions of dollars of capital and hundreds of subordinate institutions at the international level.

Turkey is a country of deceived people

Jamil Cicek, the former speaker of the Turkish Parliament and The current member of the high-ranking presidential advisors organization says: “Turkey is a country whose people have been deceived in three important areas: politics, religion and business”. He then mentions his long-term research activity in the Turkish Parliament and says: “During the entire Ottoman period, we had books called policy papers. I carefully reviewed 25 volumes of these books. These are the works that are often compiled based on a kind of political and executive pathology and provide a set of wise solutions and recommendations to the king and the court in order to solve the obstacles and problems. Most of the political treatises known as policy papers were written during the time of Sultan Suleiman. What I noticed is that all of these documents ultimately point to six or seven important strategies and policies. For example, the most emphasis of our policy letters, including warnings about cruelty and injustice, the dangers of bribery and corruption, disregard for meritocracy, and the dangers of appointing useless and corrupt people! Unfortunately, more than 400 years have passed and we are still talking about the same problems! Nothing has changed in Turkey and we are still facing problems such as injustice, bribery and incompetence of agents”.

کشور ترکیه , رجب طیب اردوغان ,

According to the former Speaker of the Turkish Parliament, this country in terms of having texts There is no problem with proper legislation and Turkey cannot be called a country that has a legal vacuum in sensitive matters.

The main problem is the lack of enforcement of laws and the lack of deterrent punishment for people who They bypass the convenience of the law.

Jamil Chichek says: “Actually, we have no shortage of laws.” But laws are bypassed by hidden hands and unregistered structures, and we have not been able to overcome this deplorable situation for centuries.” A politician who still wears the mantle of Erdogan’s adviser is largely surprising. Because Blent Arenc, one of the other former presidents of the Turkish Parliament and a former member of the advisory board of the presidential institution, was forced to resign because of his criticisms. However, Jamil Chichek showed a lot of recklessness in expressing his criticisms and even in a TV program, he openly declared that the Justice and Development Party must accept its mistakes and repent and seek forgiveness in several areas.

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Publisher Tasnim News
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