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Signs of the end of the military operation of the Zionist regime in Gaza

With the establishment of a new unit to protect the settlements around the Gaza Strip and the reduction in the army forces, the Zionist regime is in a logistical bottleneck, and it is not unlikely that it will take steps to end ground operations in Gaza or reduce them to escape this crisis. .
– International news

According to the international group Tasnim news agency, the Israeli military attack on the Gaza Strip while entering It has been the ninth month that the Zionist regime has not been able to achieve any of its defined goals. They have not freed their prisoners, nor destroyed the military strength of the resistance. Rafah is the last geographical area of ​​the Gaza Strip for military operations of the Zionist regime. They have been operating in Rafah for more than a month. The result of the Zionist army’s actions in Rafah was nothing more than North and Khanyounes. It is said that the number of Israeli soldiers killed in resistance ambushes has increased more than before, street protests in the occupied territories are several times higher than before, and with the departure of two members of the war cabinet, this cabinet has practically disappeared.

In this situation, one of the possible options is to end the military operations in Gaza so that the Zionist regime and Netanyahu’s cabinet can get out of the current pressure. In this context, there are signs that can be considered as the groundwork for ending ground operations. These signs cannot be considered definitive. Some of these signs have existed in similar conditions, but the difference with the previous periods is that never during the last 9 months have all these factors come together. Therefore, its occurrence at this point is more likely than in the past and more important.

New unit of the Zionist army in the Gaza Strip

About two weeks ago, the Zionist media announced the formation of a new unit in the Zionist army to protect the settlements around the Gaza Strip. This unit, introduced by the abbreviation “LOTAR”, is a part of the 143rd Division of the Zionist regime. The forces of this unit are veterans of the elite unit of the Zionist army and reserve forces who live in the settlements around the Gaza Strip.

According to the announcement of the Zionist army This unit will receive training to be able to respond quickly to possible attacks in this area. The forces of this unit will be trained to be a special force to respond to the challenges of the Gaza Strip. The commander of this unit is introduced as “Lieutenant Colonel A”. He announced that hundreds of people have already applied for membership in this new unit and these applications are under review. He said that this unit will act in such a way that there will be no more threats from Gaza to the Zionist regime in the future. It suffers from a lack of forces. It is a sign based on the possibility that the Zionist regime formed this unit to protect the settlements around Gaza in order to provide the conditions for the return of the Zionists living in those settlements soon after the end of the war in Gaza.

Postponing the vote on the bill to increase the retirement age of the reserve forces

On Sunday, the Zionist government cabinet had to warn “Gali Baharav Miara, Attorney General, to withdraw the bill to increase the retirement age of reserve forces. This bill increases the retirement age of regular reserve forces from 40 to 41 and the retirement age of reserve officers from 45 to 46. Netanyahu’s cabinet, which had extended this age for 4 months in the middle of the recent war, now planned to solve the problem of the lack of combat forces in the Gaza Strip by increasing the withdrawal time of the reserve forces by one year. But now the approval of this bill is in an aura of uncertainty. religious (Haredi) in the Knesset of the Zionist regime has been extended for another year with the majority of votes. That is, on the one hand, the Zionist regime deprived its army of several tens of thousands of troops by abandoning the mandatory conscription of the Haredi. In the second step, the suspension of the bill to increase the retirement age of the reserve forces has prevented part of the current reserve forces from leaving.

This means that The Zionist army will soon lose thousands of reserves without being able to replace them.

Short stop of ground operations for the arrival of humanitarian aid 

Another sign in the Gaza Strip that could indicate the nearing end of the ground operation is the short pauses in operations in the Gaza Strip. The stops announced by the Zionist army. Although the Zionist regime has always shown that it uses this tool for propaganda, the direct announcement of the Zionist regime to carry out these stops is a new sign that has been unprecedented in the past 9 months.

Before this, the Zionist regime was not willing to temporarily stop the war even under American pressure, but now this regime itself is talking about short stops, which is a new sign. This new sign could be an attempt to influence public opinion or propaganda, but in any case, it signals a change of approach in the Zionist regime, one possible aspect of which could be laying the groundwork for stopping ground operations.


 Two New American Plans  

Over the past two weeks, the United States has presented two different plans to end the war. The first plan was Joe Biden’s cease-fire plan, which was presented to permanently end the war in 3 phases of 42 days. The second plan was a plan that was presented according to the announcement of “The Times of Israel” to change the plan of the two governments. As it is clear from their name and content, these plans are presented for the end of the war and without any interpretation and analysis, they target the context of the end of the war.

Intensification of protests against the ruling structure of Israel Knesset
Hebrew media: the number of Israeli army casualties reached 4 digits
Dissolution of Israel’s War Cabinet; Netanyahu’s fragile situation

every One of the above signs alone cannot be a reason for the end of the war in the Gaza Strip, but when these reasons and signs are put together, they raise the possibility of the end of the war or at least laying the groundwork for ending it stronger than in the past. The current war has a different characteristic from the past wars in the Gaza Strip, and that, with the change of the past indices, the calculations and rules of the game in Palestine have changed now, and the characteristic of this war is the disruption of all calculations, which the above signs are also from They will not be excluded.

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© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Tasnim News Agency
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