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Statement of the Human Rights Headquarters in protest against the anti-human rights action of the German police

The Human Rights Headquarters of the Islamic Republic of Iran issued a statement protesting the anti-human rights action of the German police in attacking the Islamic centers in Hamburg, Frankfurt, Munich and Berlin and closing them down.

Quoted by the Human Rights Headquarters, the text of the statement of the Human Rights Headquarters in protest against the anti-human rights action of the German police in attacking Islamic centers in Hamburg, Frankfurt, Munich and Berlin and shutting down They are as follows:

Simultaneously with the continuation of genocide and crimes against humanity by the Zionist regime in Gaza, which has been accompanied by the massacre of nearly 40,000 Palestinian citizens, including 17,000 innocent children, and the injury of more than 90,000 people, the western supporters of this criminal regime also Adding to the scope of their violent repressions, they silence and block any anti-Zionist protest calls, justice-seeking, pacifist movements and awareness-raising centers that promote tolerance, consistency and tolerance between religions. At the same time that the Biden administration gave an honorable welcome to Netanyahu, the commander of the Zionist killing machine in Gaza and Rafah, and the representatives of the Congress of this country praised and encouraged him with great enthusiasm, the German police as another supporter of the Zionist regime in an action Anti-human rights, Islamophobic and hate mongers attacked Islamic centers in Hamburg, Frankfurt, Munich and Berlin on Wednesday, August 3rd, and while confiscating the assets and properties of these centers, they were prevented from continuing their activities with the false and baseless reason of “promoting ideas” “Extreme Islamist”?! prevented.

This unjustified and baseless claim is raised while the Islamic Center of Hamburg, with its history of more than 70 years, plays an irreplaceable role in introducing religious and Islamic teachings based on rationality, spirituality, solidarity and social peace, promoting peace, dialogue and coexistence. It has played a peaceful role among people and as a result negation of extremism and differences and violence between religions. This center, as a precious heritage of the world’s precious Shia authority, Hazrat Ayatollah Boroujerdi, and under the guidance and management of scholars and learned and virtuous personalities, including Martyr Beheshti, is a center of opposition to classism, extremism, intolerance, insults and spreading hatred against religions and religions. It has become known for promoting enlightened, justice-seeking and anti-oppression Islam, and by establishing social, scientific and academic relations and cooperation and constructive interactions with other religious centers in Germany and across Europe, effective steps have been taken in strengthening and consolidating the fields of Islam. Mutual recognition and dialogue between religions and cultures has taken away.

Undoubtedly, the accusation of promoting extremism to a center that is a barrier against extremism and has a brilliant history in the field of tolerance, consistency and dialogue between cultures and religions, and closing this legal center that promotes peaceful approaches, waves of awareness, values Islamic highness and opposition to Zionist extremism and apartheid and Pajhwok will not silence the voice of seeking justice and defending the ideals of the oppressed Palestinian people in the European society.

It is worth noting that the actions against human rights and the false accusations of the German government against the mosques and Shia centers of this country are a precedent-setting project and have been seriously pursued by some extremist authorities and neo-Nazi groups in recent years. As far as it can be claimed, anti-Islamism has become an integral part of the politics and strategy of this country. In November of last year, the German police illegally attacked the Islamic Center in Hamburg and 54 other centers in 7 federal states, but did not provide any documented and valid reasons to support their baseless claim; Repetition of this event without providing any documents shows that the main goal and concern of Germany is not to fight against the alleged extremism but simply to gain the satisfaction of the Zionist lobbies, and behind the scenes of the recent attacks on mosques and Islamic centers, the presence of the Zionist regime is also evident. . Otherwise, which common sense would believe that a country that has become a safe haven for terrorist groups, including members of the terrorist group of the hypocrites, members of ISIS, and Zionist lobbies, and extreme right and neo-Nazi parties are gaining a higher position in its decision-making structure every day, is a concern. Is there a fight against extremism?! And on what evidence can it be accepted that a center that has a 70-year history of promoting tolerance, tolerance, non-violence and dialogue between cultures, religions and religions can be closed under the pretext of promoting extremism?!

Unfortunately, the targeted policy of the German government to intensify the pressure on Muslims and promote Islamophobia and hatred in the last few years has exposed the Muslim community of this country to threats and violations of human rights more than ever, and since the aggression of the Zionist regime to Gaza, has increased the scope of these escalations. Islamic mosques across Germany frequently receive threatening letters, and numerous attempts are made to set fire to mosques and Islamic centers. Muslims face systematic discrimination in education, in the job market, in the search for housing, in the media and many other cases. More disastrously, Muslims who have been subjected to hatred and discrimination, are deprived of access to a neutral and independent judicial authority and a fair trial. According to the available statistics, 9 out of every 10 Muslims who are subjected to anti-Islamic attacks in Germany do not complain to the police and the judiciary of this country. Because they believe that the police and judicial authorities do not pay attention to their complaints. This situation has also spread to the schools of this country and Muslim children have been exposed to serious threats, discrimination and rejection. It is clear that violent actions, arbitrary inspections, illegal and unjustified arrests and expulsions of Muslims by the German police and local authorities are the most obvious examples of deprivation of fundamental rights and social and judicial security of Muslim residents without the possibility of asserting their rights and enjoying fair proceedings.

In this framework, the Human Rights Headquarters of the Islamic Republic of Iran expressed its disgust and expressed its strong protest and concern regarding the targeted spread of insulting religions, spreading hatred and Islamophobia in German society, especially the illegal and anti-human rights attack. The police of this country to the Islamic center of Hamburg and other Islamic centers in Berlin, Frankfurt and Munich, first of all, deeply expects the government of this country to fulfill its obligations under international human rights documents and treaties, including the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights in guaranteeing the right to freedom of expression. Respecting the right to freedom of religions and sects and the freedom of peaceful gatherings and gatherings and taking urgent measures to immediately cancel the order to close and confiscate the property of mosques and Islamic centers, to compensate the material and spiritual damages to these centers and their Friday imams and their guardians, to prevent repetition adopt these illegal and anti-human rights measures and create a suitable platform for the continuation of the activities of these centers in promoting the culture of dialogue and tolerance between religions; Secondly, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, as the highest human rights official of the United Nations, while condemning the discriminatory policies and actions of the German police against the Muslims of this country, including the attack on the Islamic Center in Hamburg and the issuing of orders to close similar centers, the attention of all governments and Draw international human rights institutions and arrangements to the sinister effects of the spread of hatred and Islamophobia in Western countries and take immediate measures to deal with it. Undoubtedly, the spread of this dangerous phenomenon causes the escalation of tension, hatred, Islamophobia and violence against Muslims, and is considered a threat to international peace and security and human rights, and a threat to peaceful relations between nations and followers of divine religions and peaceful coexistence. /p>


© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Young Journalists Club
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