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Criticism of Turkish newspaper on Erdogan: Concession to Greece, enmity with Syria

Watan Party believes that Turkey's reconciliation with Greece has economic reasons and that giving Athens concessions along with hostility to Damascus is a big mistake in Erdogan's government's foreign policy.
– International news

according to the report of the International Group Tasnim News, two days have passed since the visit of the President of Turkey to Greece, but still different views about this trip are reflected and many political parties and groups are still worried. Greek policies. Because they believe that Erdogan has given many concessions to Michotakis and has retreated from his previous strong positions against this European neighbor.

Aindlak newspaper, the media organ of the Communist Party of Turkey, has challenged Erdogan’s decision to be friends with Greece and ignore the normalization of relations with Damascus by publishing a critical report.

Although the Watan party supported Erdogan in the last few elections, but Dogu Princek, the leader of this party, occasionally raises important criticisms against Erdogan and the Justice and Development Party, along with friendship and companionship.

کشور ترکیه ,

 In the headline of the Aydanlak newspaper, such a phrase is included: “Score In Greece, hostility against Syria. And privileging Athens along with hostility towards Damascus is a big mistake in Erdogan’s foreign policy. We review the report of this newspaper about the contradictory policy of Erdogan’s government towards Syria and Greece:

Acparty and Return to the West

Idenlek wrote: “The government that emerged from the Justice and Development Party turned to the West once again. The process of getting closer to the European Union in order to obtain money and foreign exchange resources has forced Erdogan’s government to make concessions and compromise. For this reason, Ankara stopped all its activities in the Aegean Sea and the Eastern Mediterranean and finally sat down at the negotiating table with Greece at the request of the West. Of course, we know that Germany played the biggest role in the meeting between Erdogan and Michotakis”.

Borrell’s role is mentioned in the following and it is stated: Josep Borrell, the EU foreign policy official, set two conditions for the development of Turkish-European relations:

A) Turkey to completely stop exploration and drilling activities in the Eastern Mediterranean.

b) Turkey will stop supporting the independence of the Turkish government in northern Cyprus.

According to the Turkish Homeland Party, Erdogan’s government is under the burden of accepting these conditions, and it seems that it is a serious concession for peace and compromise with Greece. have given. This newspaper also believes that supporting the idea of ​​compromise with Greece is not a diplomatic idea created by the Turkish diplomacy, but one of the recommendations of Mehmet Shimsek, the Minister of Treasury and Finance, in order to secure currency and return to the EU membership negotiations. .

Erdogan rejected the opportunity of friendship with Syria

Idenlek further wrote about Turkey’s foreign policy: “Rajb Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said during his visit to Athens: Let’s look at the glass as half full. Leave all problems aside. But the Greek Prime Minister did not pay attention to Erdogan’s request and openly said that he does not accept Turkey’s positions in the Eastern Mediterranean. Meanwhile, Erdogan, on this side of the Mediterranean and near the southern borders of Turkey, pushed the opportunity of friendship with Syria to the other side of the table and ignored it.”

کشور ترکیه ,

Aidenlak wrote about Damascus “The Justice and Development Party government suspended the normalization process with Syria. The same friendly, brotherly and Muslim country that fights hand-to-hand with America and Israel and gives the most help to Palestine. We know that in May 2023, the foreign ministers, defense ministers and heads of the intelligence services of the two countries met in Moscow and discussed the normalization process. At the Astana meeting in June 2023, it was decided to prepare a road map for normalization. Russian representative Lavrentiyev announced that as soon as the road map is completed, the meeting between Erdogan and Assad will be on the agenda. On November 11, 2023, the leaders of the two countries attended the Extraordinary Joint Summit of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and the Arab League in Riyadh and were in the same frame for the first time in 12 years. However, President Erdogan rejected a great opportunity by refusing to meet with Assad here as well.”

According to the Turkish Homeland Party, after the official contacts between Ankara and Damascus, a series of events took place in Syria.

K and its satellite institutions. However, instead of offering concrete support to the tribes or even launching military operations in areas such as Manbij and Ain al-Arab, Turkey watched the developments from afar. Asad did not care and did not take a step to return to the table. Unfortunately, Erdogan forgot that Syria was one of the countries that was ready to recognize the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and rush to Turkey’s aid. The benefits of normalization with Syria are several times greater than the agreement with the European Union. =””/>

The Turkish Homeland Party says: normalizing relations between Turkey and Syria is a step with great achievements. Among them, expelling the US from the region, eradicating the PKK, cleaning up extreme terrorism, and ensuring the security and stability of Turkey’s borders. Syria was one of the most attractive markets for Turkish investors before the war started in 2011. With the trade agreements and cancellation of reciprocal visas, Turkey’s exports increased 10 times in 10 years and reached 1 billion 642 million dollars in November 2010. While the volume of trade between the two countries was over $5 billion by the end of 2012, trade also took a big hit when the war started. This is despite the fact that before, the market of cement, energy, insulated wires, cables, petroleum oils, synthetic fibers, plastic pipes, structures and iron and steel parts, pipes and hoses in Syria was in the hands of Turkish businessmen. Today, the volume of trade between the two countries is much less than it should be. The establishment of relations between the two countries provides important opportunities for Turkish producers to re-enter the Syrian market. In addition, Syria is a gateway to the Arab geography.

Doğu Princek, the leader of the Turkish Homeland Party, stated that the main incentive for the normalization of relations between The government of Erdoğan and the Zionist regime is America, but it is only the Turkish people who are willing to support the normalization of Ankara-Damascus and Ankara-Eurasia relations.

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Publisher Tasnim News
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