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How does the civil society evaluate the situation of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the World Human Rights Day?

Azeri journalists believe that there is no such thing as human rights in the Republic of Azerbaijan, but the head of state introduces Azerbaijan in his dream world as a country where there are no economic and social problems and all freedoms are guaranteed.
– International news

according to the report of the international group Tasnim news agency, based on the resolution of the organization’s general assembly In 1948, the United Nations named December 10 as the International Human Rights Day.

What is the opinion of the civil society about the human rights situation in the Republic of Azerbaijan?

Bashir Sulaimanli, the head of the Civil Rights Institute of the Republic of Azerbaijan and a human rights defender, says: depending on the economic and geopolitical conditions of the Republic of Azerbaijan, measures are taken at certain times, but overall the situation has not been good at all. At times, messages were given that Azerbaijan has the problem of Nagorno-Karabakh and therefore cannot move towards democratic reforms. However, we have been solving the Nagorno-Karabakh problem for more than 3 years, but we still do not see any positive steps being taken. Electoral problems persist, the right of citizens to form their own government through elections has been limited, freedom of association has been severely curtailed for 10 years, and freedom of assembly is virtually not allowed. Even under the pretext of the Corona epidemic, the freedom of movement of citizens has been restricted for 3 years, that is, the land borders have been closed. /”/>

According to this rights defender, the problems of the Republic of Azerbaijan are only due to fundamental freedoms. It does not end, the citizens of this country suffer from both economic and social problems.

Bashir Suleimanli believes that: the social problems of the people of the Republic of Azerbaijan will not be solved, this issue has been discussed in different networks at different times. It is reflected in social and media. There is serious social injustice, the economic life of a certain group is secured, the income of the majority of citizens is very low, both the wage and pension debate can be attributed to this issue. Serious problems regarding the right to education remain. The basic rights of the citizens specified in the constitution are still not guaranteed. It is also possible to mention the right of ownership.

He added: There are many houses in the country whose documents are in trouble, which causes serious problems for citizens. There are serious restrictions on political freedoms in Azerbaijan. People who express and highlight these problems are harassed, arrested and tortured. Therefore, there are more than 200 political prisoners in the country. These problems have not been solved and still remain. Arzo Qibulaeva, an Azeri journalist, believes that there is something called human rights in the evaluation of not only this year, but in general the last three years in the Republic of Azerbaijan. does not have. It did not exist before, the rights of ordinary citizens were not protected and will not be. Because according to the authorities, the citizens are the victims.

They face no problems and all freedoms are guaranteed. In this dream, they create the impression that the civil society does not face any oppression, and if they face them, they are simply called criminals. “”/>

This journalist says: In the Republic of Azerbaijan, two worlds There are parallels and only one is true. In this reality, both ordinary citizens and civil society are seen as trade goods in the eyes and hands of the government. There is no one to count them, no one to respect them and no one to protect them. It has been like this for many years and in the language and words of the government, anyone who claims otherwise is lying. The most incredible aspect of the created situation is its normalization.

Anar Mamdali, the head of the Election Monitoring and Democracy Education Center, believes that there is a political crisis in the Republic of Azerbaijan regarding the protection of human rights. Unfortunately, this crisis deepens every year. The participation of courts and law enforcement institutions in protecting the basic rights and citizenship rights of citizens is very low. The protection of political rights is not an issue.

He added: It is the government itself, the relevant institutions of the government, that participate in more violations of political rights. From law enforcement institutions to various government institutions, including the judicial system, the political rights of Azerbaijani citizens are widely violated. In terms of political rights, more freedom of speech, freedom of association, freedom of free assembly, the right of citizens to participate in social and political life have been widely violated, so I consider the situation of human rights in the country to be critical.

In this year’s Reporters Without Borders report on world press freedom, Azerbaijan ranks 151st among 180 countries.

In the “Countries in Transition” report – 2023″ human rights organization “Freedom House” mentioned that the Republic of Azerbaijan is in the list of autocratic regimes.

The authorities of the Republic of Azerbaijan announce that all fundamental rights in this country will be fully restored. and people are not persecuted for freedom. The political authorities of this country do not accept criticism and consider it biased.

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