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Al-Aqsa storm engineer: a martyr who spent his life serving Palestine

If we leave aside Al-Aroori's childhood and youth years that he spent in the mosque memorizing the Quran and participating in religious missionary activities, this figure spent almost four decades of his life in the service of the Palestinian cause.

Mehr News Agency, International Group, Elnaz Rahmatnejad: Shahada Zinda and; These loved ones influence the political, social and cultural events of the society and the thoughts and souls of people both in their material life and in their spiritual life, that is, after their martyrdom. This influence is inexhaustible and the martyrs are alive and guiding the society. The effectiveness and influence of a martyr is one of the essentials of his being alive, so that he affects the society and his surroundings and moves the society, where after the martyrdom of Soleimani, they said that “Martyr Soleimani is more dangerous to his enemies than General Soleimani.”

The impact of the martyrs is not limited to the land where they live or fight, as the martyrs in various countries such as Afghanistan, Yemen, Lebanon, Iraq, Pakistan, Syria and Nigeria have lofty goals. They followed up against aggression and occupation, the impact of dignity after martyrdom has a national and transnational aspect and crosses borders; Today, we can see its effect in England, America, France, Germany, South Korea, Jordan, Sweden, and Ireland, where freedom-seeking students and supporters of Palestine organize demonstrations in solidarity with the Palestinian nation and condemn the continued genocide and infanticide of the Zionist regime. /p>

Today, the issue of resistance, especially after October 7, 2023, in many countries and the Middle East region, is one of the most prominent and worthy actions that take place in society. Like the resistance that the oppressed people of Yemen are showing and the resistance that is going on in Palestine against the Zionist regime.

Given that societies need effective models to achieve their goals and values. One of the good models whose lifestyle can improve the individual and society is the lifestyle of the martyrs. Of course, the history and fate of many martyrs is shocking and the dimensions of their lives are not known to many people, especially the young generation. According to Today, the virtue of keeping the memory and names of martyrs alive is no less than martyrdom; Due to the importance of the issue of resistance in many countries and the Middle East region, we are opening the case of “Indicative Martyrs of Al-Aqsa Storm” in order to deal with one of the most important issues of honoring and keeping alive the memory of the martyrs, which is to examine and review their lives.

The first report of this case examines and reviews the life of martyr “Mushtaq Al-Saeidi” nicknamed “Abuteqwa” is dedicated, which can be read and checked from the following link:

“A commander who was tireless like Haj Qasim and Abu Mahdi / attention of “Abutaqwa” To the spirituality and spirit of the forces

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In the second part of the mentioned case, we examined and reviewed the life of “Martyr Saleh Al-Aroori” which is detailed in the following report;

Birth in the village of Arora and exiled to Syria and Turkey

Saleh Mohammad Suleiman Al-Arouri on August 19, 1966 in the village of “Arora” located in Ramallah was born. He studied in Palestinian schools and graduated from Tahsil Islamic Studies from Khalil University.

Al-Aroori was one of the prominent Palestinian political and military commanders. He was one of the founders of the Ezzeddin Qassam battalions, the military branch of the Hamas movement, and was considered the mastermind of this battalion’s weapons capability.

He spent almost 18 years of his life in the prisons of the Zionist regime; Then he was exiled from the occupied territories of Palestine. This senior commander of Hamas was exiled to Syria from Azad prison for the last time in 2010 and stayed in this country for three years. After the critical situation in Syria, he was transferred from this country to Türkiye. He stayed in Turkey for several years and then went to different countries such as Qatar and Malaysia and finally settled in Dahiya south of Beirut.

Al-Arouri was elected as a member of the political office of Hamas in 2010 and on October 9, 2017, the Hamas movement declared Kurd said that he was chosen as the deputy of Ismail Hanieh, the head of the political office of Hamas. He was also a member of the negotiating team of Hamas in the “Faye to Azadegan” agreement, or the Shalit agreement.

In 2014, three Zionist settlers were kidnapped in the West Bank, and the Zionist regime after accusing Al-Arouri Having in this operation destroyed his house in Ramallah.

On November 1, 2023, during the Battle of al-Aqsa, the Zionist regime once again destroyed his empty house in Ramallah. Saleh Al-Aroori finally after a lifetime of fighting against the Zionist occupation regime January 2 2024 in the attack style=”text-align:justify”>A drone of this regime was martyred in the south of Beirut.

The reasons for the assassination of the mastermind of the Palestinian resistance

On January 2, 2024, an airstrike was carried out in the Dahiya neighborhood of Beirut, Lebanon, which led to the assassination of Saleh Al-Aroori, became the deputy of the political office of Hamas and one of the planners of the October 7 attack on Israel. In relation to the purpose of this assassination and the reasons for the assassination of Saleh Al-Aroori, there are some noteworthy points that we will read below;

1. After the defeat of the Zionist regime in the military arena, the priority of this regime is on the assassination of Hamas commanders inside and outside occupied Palestine, and the assassination of Al-Aroori is derived from the Zionist strategy of The aim is to kill Hamas commanders.

2. The Zionist regime has attempted to assassinate Hamas commanders outside of Palestine due to its lack of intelligence and ability to assassinate Hamas leaders inside Gaza. Meanwhile, the regime’s focus is on the commanders who play the main role in supporting the Palestinian resistance inside. They have occupied territories.

3. Al-Aroori is a person whom the Zionist regime had announced many times to assassinate, and he was considered the mastermind of the Palestinian resistance in the West Bank due to his connections and place of birth. In such a way that the Zionists have repeatedly announced that Al-Aroori is the most dangerous member of Hamas.

4. Al-Arouri is the person who is mentioned as the balancer of the strength of the Palestinian resistance against Israel, along with other Hamas commanders, and he plays an important role in the strategy of the unification of fields. Palestinian resistance has been in the West Bank, Gaza and Lebanon.

5. Saleh Al-Aroori was one of the prominent figures of Hamas who had good relations with Hezbollah in Lebanon and Iran. He was the military officer of Hamas in the West Bank and played a significant role in arming it. Al-Arouri was mentioned as the shadow commander of Hamas.

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Ominous American Zionist Decision

Al-Aroori which was carried out by the occupiers of Quds in Dahiyeh South Beirut and with Azzam Al-Aqra and Muhammad Elris one of the commanders of Qassam battalions was martyred, he is considered one of the most important designers of the “Battlefields Unity” project in the Hamas movement.

“The unity of the battlefields” is one of the strategies that the Hamas movement has been pursuing with all seriousness in the past few years, and this strategy was demonstrated in the “Holy Sword” battle that took place in May 2021. It happened, we witnessed it.

At the same time, Hamas announced the news of the martyrdom of Al-Arouri, whose valuable efforts, the last of which was defeated by the “Al-Aqsa storm”. was, he remembers well, the battle in which he and his brothers were present.

The occupiers with the terror of Al-Aroori intended to hit three programs that “sheikh” (the word used by the members of the movement, Al-Aroori was called by that name) had skill and art in it and of course achieved tangible results in these three areas, results that according to analysts and some circles of the movement Hamas caused the anger of the Zionist regime and the United States and caused “the decision to assassinate him to be an American Zionist decision.”

Resistance programs and cases that Al-Arouri followed and caused the Zionist regime to suffer and made him an enemy It was converted for the occupants, as follows:

1. Arming the West Bank: This was a mission that Al-Aroori started very soon (in the late eighties).

2. Trying to end the internal division among the Palestinians

3. Coordination of “Battlefield Unity” to support the Palestinian resistance in the Arab and regional fields

Four decades of full service for Palestine

If the childhood and youth years of Al-Aroori, which he spent in the mosque to memorize the Quran and participate in religious preaching activities, Let’s leave this figure aside, he spent more than two-thirds of his life in Hamas, and since the emergence of this movement in 1987, he was one of its founders in the West Bank. He spent six years of his life in the organizational activities of the movement at the university, and after that, he was imprisoned by the Zionists for eighteen years and spent thirteen years in exile, that is, in total, out of the 57 years of his life, with his blessing, nearly four He spent the decade completely in the service of the Palestinian cause.

He performed the services of the mosque secretly

Al Arouri was born in August 1966. As the broker Al-Aroori, the sister of martyr Al-Aroori told the reporter of “Al-Arabi Al-Jadid” has said that since he was a child, he used to attend this holy place with his father, who was in charge of the mosque, and participated in the programs of memorizing the Quran and carrying out religious preaching activities.

He continued: “My brother Saleh loved the mosque since he was a child and spent most of his time there during his childhood or adolescence. One of the most important and outstanding features of him was that he did all the work (and services to the mosque) secretly and secretly, without anyone knowing about it.”

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Manzil al-Arouri; Place of transportation of media

Makhr al-Aroori’s house in the village where he lived was the place where he traveled and attended the media. The simplicity of this house was surprising to the extent that it raised the question in the mind of every visitor whether this house belongs to the deputy head of the political bureau of the Hamas movement. The sister of Shahid al-Aroori said: “We were brought up in such a way that we should live simply and stay away from worldly manifestations. Salih lived simply and was an ascetic in every sense and had no attachment to the world and its temptations. One of his most important traits and characteristics was selflessness. He prioritized others including his family, friends and even strangers.”

A 12-year engagement

Sari Arabi, a writer and researcher, told Al-Arabi Al-Jadid reporter: “Along with martyr Adel Awadullah and Mr. Ibrahim Hamed, Al-Arouri is one of the founders of the Qassam Battalions, the military wing of the Hamas movement in It was the occupied West Bank. At that time, they were in contact with Dr. Musa Abu Marzouq (the leader of the movement at that time).

Al-Arouri played a key role in the formation of many cores of the Qassam battalions in the south of the West Bank, especially in Hebron, and for this reason, he was arrested; But his steadfastness and persistence caused the units founded by him to carry out many military operations in a long period (during the first and second intifadas) in the West Bank.

Saleh al-Arouri was one of the first to welcome the persecuted compatriots from Gaza who came to the West Bank. Among the most prominent of these people, Imad Aql, the military commander of the movement and a resident of the Jabalia camp, can be mentioned.”

According to the mentioned author, the resistance and stability that al-Arouri showed during the interrogation, as well as the testimony of many people who cooperated with him, made the occupations unable to sentence him to prison. issue him more than 5 years; But by using the law on extension of imprisonment and also by filing a case, they kept him in prison for about 15 years, from 1992 to 2007.

In 2007, the Zionists released al-Arouri for three months. During this time, he was able to marry his fiance, who had been waiting for him for twelve years; Of course, before being captured by the invaders again for a period of three years. The Zionists then decided to deport him outside of Palestine and the deportation stations started from Syria and continued with Turkey, Qatar and Lebanon.

The kidnapping operation of three Zionist settlers

Al-Aroori’s action in announcing the capture of settlers by Qassam battalion fighters angered Mahmoud Abbas towards the movement and caused him to accuse Hamas of lying and a Chinese conspiracy against him. slow Of course, al-Arouri’s position regarding the responsibility of the aforementioned operation remained the same and emphasized that “the youths who carried out the operation of kidnapping the Zionist settlers were members of the Qassam battalions.”

After 22 years of arrest and exile abroad, the subject of the “kidnapping of three Zionist settlers” operation became the topic of the day in the media and caused the United States to discuss the issue. to be pursued and announced in November 2018 that he would offer a reward of 5 million dollars to anyone who would provide information about him, especially after the United States government put his name on the wanted list in 2015 under the pretext of being a Of these settlers who were killed (during the hostage-taking) they had American citizenship.

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Supporting the resistance in the Gaza Strip

In the area of ​​supporting the resistance in the Gaza Strip, Al-Aroori established his cooperation with martyr “Aql” specifically in 1992 by welcoming this martyr and sheltering him in a place He started away from the eyes of the occupiers and continued this process by establishing strong organizational and personal relationships with the leaders of Hamas captives in the occupiers’ prisons in order to communicate his national and group views and strategies (in the Hamas movement) through communication with the leaders of the movement. , to develop, among the top of these leaders was Yahya al-Sanwar, who led to his release by participating in the negotiations known as “The Loyalty of the Free” held in Cairo in 2011.

Charismatic personality

Al-Arouri, after a long history of being in the front of Jihad against the Zionists, endured captivity and had a charismatic personality to the point that after being exiled from the West Bank in 2010, he went to Ghazad assumed the role of leadership in the Hamas movement and was responsible for field activities in the West Bank in various sectors, and this role continued from the time of his exile from the West Bank until his assassination, so that a new chapter of Zionist activities against him began.

He was wanted by the occupation forces on the charge of arming the resistance groups in the West Bank and playing a role in the attacks against the settlers, most of which were planned and executed by Hamas members.

Meeting with tens of thousands of Palestinian prisoners

Fouad Khafesh, an expert on prisoners’ affairs and one of the Palestinian freedmen, who was in the Negev prison in 2003 with Martyr al-Arouri, said: “Most of the Palestinian activists who after the exchange” They were arrested, they were accused of collaborating with al-Arouri.

In eighteen years of captivity, al-Aroori met tens of thousands of captives and despite the fact that he is almost always in solitary confinement; But all the prisoners knew him because of his commanding personality. The older scholars provided the platform for him to address the daily lessons and sermons after the Isha prayer, which was the reason for his extensive knowledge.

Al-Arouri was an avid reader of the Quran. His teaching sessions included various fields of science from Sharia to philosophy and physics. Hundreds of Palestinian prisoners were waiting for his presence.

He also translated news from Hebrew newspapers to Palestinian prisoners in the morning shift.

In the last election period related to the leadership of the movement, Al-Aroori was the strongest candidate to replace Ismail Haniyeh. He was the deputy of Martyr Haniyeh and the head of the West Bank department in the political office of Hamas.

Al-Arouri also had distinct relations with the Gaza Strip and the external part of Palestine, which are considered as the constituent parts of the Hamas political office.

Establishing unity in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and occupied territories

Although the West Bank is “burned” due to the direct actions of the occupiers and its continuous military operations, as well as the security coordination of the Zionists, the “burnt land” But al -Awari was able to grow the Hamas West Bank in the short years in the past years. It is noteworthy that the growth came as the PA regards Hamas as its first enemy and prosecuted members of the movement in various universities and institutions.

Al-Akari tied the efforts of its movement with the remarkable struggles of the Islamic Jihad movement in the field of resistance and in the field, a movement that has previously created resistance nuclei including the “fetal battalion”. had done With this increased alignment, the wave of resistance in the post -Quds Sword Battle in year 6 took an upward trend, causing dramatic unity in the field in the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and the occupied lands.

Along with this field unity, we saw spiritual support and participation in the marches that the “Aryan al-Assad” (Lashee) set in the Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon, and the slogan in these marches. The most repetition was, the slogan “We are the soldiers of Muhammad al -Zayf” and this is none other than the commander -in -chief of the Qasam Battalions.

Zionist provocative measures had reached its peak even before the Operation of the Al-Aqsa Storm, until Netanyahu threatened him to assassinate and engage in intensifying armed resistance operations in the West Bank. Accused.

In response, in response, al-Akari released a video of a military talk that was in front of the M-3 gun and behind him.

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End of the internal gap

Al-Aradar and Jabriel al-Rajub, secretary general of the Fatah Movement Central Committee, made important efforts to end the internal divide in the past few years; But the rebellion of those who benefited from this gap, both inside Palestine and in the Arab and international arena, was stronger.

In his interview with Al-Arabi Channel, al-Rajub described al-Aravar as a distinguished nationalist leader in his conversation with Al-Arabi Channel, saying: The internal divide ended and created a unity based on political processes and struggles with strategic perspectives and was a common platform on which we designed the agreement. ”

Although Jabriel Rajub presented a condolence message to the head of the Hamas Movement Political Bureau; But the Central Committee of the Fatah Movement has refused to issue a condolence statement to date, and the movement has only issued a public statement. Meanwhile, Mahmoud Abbas, the president of the PA did not condolence on the occasion, and even avoided condemning his assassination, all of which happened to the earthquake victims in Japan. The Palestinian Liberation Organization (SAF) also silenced the assassination.

One of the leaders of the Fatah movement who did not want to be named, al-Arabi al-Jadid “said:” Gabriel Rajab’s proximity to Abu Mazen’s relatives and provocative actions against him; “Because al -Aradari and Yahya Sanvar had a big plan to end the internal divide and used any appropriateness to send friendship messages with the Fatah movement.”

One of the Palestinian liberators who was captured by Zionist Prison in the Zionist Prison of Ashaqi in the year 6 and was avoided by al-Arabi al-Jadid: I watched the occupation’s attack on Yasser Arafat’s residence in Ramallah. The al -Arakari was very angry. By God, I heard it from his mouth saying that if I was outside the prison, I would go to Ramallah to defend Arafat and would not let the Zionists reach him even if I was at the expense of losing my life. “

“I was surprised by his words and asked him how, Mr. Sheikh, how do you say such a word, while Arafat signs and signs the Oslo Agreement. Has it created security agencies that arrest our brothers?! The answer was: The Zionists would not be because of his past mistakes if the Zionists are besieged today and are trying to kill him; Rather, it is because of the right measures taken during the intifada and allowed the members of the conquest to participate in the intifada and even encouraged them. With the humiliation of Arafat, they seek to humiliate all of us Palestinians, and that’s what we should not allow them to do. ”

In some Hamas movement circles, the view is exchanged that the assassination was a Zionist American decision and its essential motivation to defeat Hamas’s strategy in the unity of battlefields, Strategy that is known as its designer.

Adel, Zionist regime experts told Al-Arabi al-Jadid: “The assassination was a Zionist American decision; Because he is considered to be the designer and coordinator of the project (unity of the battlefields), the unity we are currently seeing in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Yemen. Although the Zionist regime does not talk about this; But this is an unacceptable threat to him. This is not the case of the issue of unity of the battlefields because it does not make it sensitive to it.

The Zionist regime sought to defeat the Hamas plan to create an advanced resistance infrastructure in the West Bank, with the full coordination of Hezbollah and the IRGC. The occupiers also sought to defeat the project for developing an advanced resistance infrastructure for Palestinian resistance in southern Lebanon and Syria (coordinating with the aforementioned forces). ”
“Today, the Zionist regime and the US see themselves in a big crisis; Because the unity plan of the battlefields has put the Western colonialist project compromised. This is the first time since the Palestinian issue goes back to its Arabic and Islamic depths, and a military coalition has been formed in defense of Palestine. It’s like a dream. ”
“Plan for unity of battlefields is a threat to the Western Arabic systems and the future of Israel, and fails to break the signing agreement between Tel Aviv and the Arab countries,” said. Agreements signed to isolate Palestine and marginalize it. This is an unprecedented issue in the strategic arena and has made the Palestinian issue top, which is what creates an affliction for the United States and the devoted systems, systems that give Washington’s fate and satisfaction with Tal. Aviv are tied. ”


© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Mehr News Agency
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