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The Zionist regime, which considered itself the winner of the war by brutally assassinating Resistance leaders, is not in good shape these days and has fallen into the corner of the ring. Not only do they see the Abraham Accords as completely out of reach, but also see the Resistance Front as more unified and …

The Zionist regime, which considered itself the winner of the war by brutally assassinating Resistance leaders, is not in good shape these days and has fallen into the corner of the ring. Not only do they see the Abraham Accords as completely out of reach, but also see the Resistance Front as more unified and bolder than before.

Thinking that they had cut off the connection between the Resistance and the Islamic Republic with the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran and Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah in Beirut, they were roaring and talking about a New Middle East and a new order.

The US, which was playing from behind the Zionists, had assumed the role of broker in the negotiations and tried to delay the response of the Resistance Front with false promises. Thinking that the Resistance Front had become passive was so serious among them that they began talking about bigger assassinations and opening new fronts.

The Zionists had played all their cards, and even with the pager explosions they exposed their years-long whitewashing operation. The unprecedented and brutal attack on the Resistance leaders was also of such kind. They assumed the job was done and continuously conveyed the message to regional countries that war and destruction are the fate of those who have a will beyond theirs.

All of this continued until the start of Operation True Promise II, in which Iranian missiles opened the door to a new era in the region, and Iran’s subsequent series of behaviors caused the dramatic pipe dream of the Zionists to turn into a tragedy of inaction and confusion.

The Zionists threw in the towel after several acts of show of strength by Iran, and now, the only field in which they prance about is the field of blind assassinations and baseless propaganda — fields that will soon lose their effectiveness and expose their empty hand to the world. In this report, we will discuss some of Iran’s measures against the unbridled violence of the Zionists.

Act I: True Promise

At a time when there was no sincere messenger between the two sides of this battle, Iranian missiles took on the task of carrying a clear message directly to Tel Aviv: “The era of hit-and-run is over!” This old message, which may not have been adequately defined and explained to the leader of the terrorists, was dictated by the raining down of missiles on the entire occupied territories, after which the Zionists understood very well that the Islamic Republic of Iran could reach every part of the occupied territories.

Afterwards, the Zionists were not just worried about Iranian missiles. The weak and disappointing display of their missile defense shield also sent the message to others that the propaganda of the impenetrability of the Zionist regime’s sky is nothing more than a promotional maneuver. The Zionists are now more afraid of Yemeni, Lebanese, and Iraqi missiles and drones than in the past, and it is not strange if another country lights up their sky again soon.

Iran’s message was clear: In addition to Iran’s territorial integrity, which is a red line, the assassination of a guest of the Iranian nation, Ismail Haniyeh, was also an unforgivable act by the Zionists. The Islamic Republic declared that it seeks vengeance for the assassination of its guest, and the more brazen the enemy acts, the more serious and firmer the Islamic Republic will be in response. In addition, the unified body of the Resistance Front had exercised enough strategic patience and Iran did not want to give the Zionists a chance to make new mistakes. Now the Zionists know that if they attack any inch of the soil of the Resistance, they will face the entire Resistance Front.

But this was not the end of the game. The Zionists, who had lost the upper hand in the field, resorted to a game of psychological pressure — a dirty game that they indeed know better than fighting — and that was the threat of assassination and attack in the heart of Iran. They said that they were targeting Tehran and had all options on the table. They said that their long hand would reach anywhere in the Middle East — a threat that of course had the opposite effect.

Act II: Nasr Friday

The grandeur of the usurping Zionist regime took its second big crack when the Friday Prayer in Tehran was led by the Supreme Leader himself in the courtyard of Imam Khomeini Mosalla Mosque on October 4 with the presence of all the heads of the Islamic Republic.

The Zionists, who thought that the Islamic Republic would be more cautious — at least out of expediency — and would take their threats seriously, faced a leader who came out, stood in the middle of the field, and recalled all the leaders of the government to the field. The people also came to the field by following his example.

Certainly, one of the most important scenes in the region since October 7 last year until today was the Nasr Friday Prayer led by the Leader of the Revolution — an event that caused a bigger shock to the body of the Zionist regime than the missiles of Operation True Promise and showed that not only the Zionist regime is not capable of defending itself, but it is also not what it claims to be in offense either. Hence, the intimidation strategy pursued by the Zionists suffered a heavy defeat on this day.

The second attack of the Islamic Republic was such that the Zionists came to their senses and saw that those who had threatened not only did not hide like themselves, but also held a memorial for the Sayyid al-Shuhada of the Resistance in the open air, their leader delivered long sermons and also performed the non-obligatory acts of prayer, performed the Asr [late afternoon] prayer after the Friday Prayer in an uncustomary act, and prolonged his presence in Mosalla so that everyone knows the director of this field is not the Zionists.

The arrival of the Leader of the Revolution in the field spread this courage to all the officials of the Islamic Republic, with the message being clear: Now that the commander-in-chief is in the middle of the field, there will be no shelter anywhere.

Act III: Diplomacy in the field

Abbas Araghchi was the first to convey the message of the strength and integrity of the Islamic Republic of Iran under the leadership of Sayyid Ali Khamenei! Almost at the same time as the Friday Prayer was led by Imam Khamenei in Mosalla of Tehran, the foreign minister was flying to Lebanon, even though the area around the Beirut airport was bombed a few hours before the landing of the foreign minister of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

The top Iranian diplomat stepped on the soil of Beirut and Damascus while the Zionist regime was in its worst condition in terms of dignity and there was an urgent need for a retaliatory action to restore its deterrence after Operation True Promise II.

A few days before the visit of the head of Iran’s diplomatic apparatus to Beirut, Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian went to Qatar while being escorted by Phantom fighter jets to convey the message of the strength of the Islamic Republic. He also stressed that Iran was entirely by the side of the Resistance Front in a firm conversation with various world media outlets in order to destroy the Zionists’ design for the New Middle East. Iran’s foreign minister also went to Lebanon and Syria to pursue diplomacy on the field and show who has the upper hand.

The Zionist regime, which does not hesitate to invade the territory of any country, wanted to target Araghchi in Lebanon, but was not able to! They knew that the next action of the Islamic Republic will imperil their existence, and if they had any doubts in this calculation, they would not have hesitated to assassinate Araghchi.

Act IV: Parade of strength

Remember how all American presidents visit their military bases in different countries? The answer is very simple: At night, quickly, without prior notice, under special security conditions, and without informing the host country, or rather, the occupied country! Of course, this is not just the case for American presidents, and many leaders of Western countries, even at the level of ministers or military commanders, go about in the same way.

The behavior of the leaders of the Islamic Republic completely negates these concerns. The Speaker of the Majlis [Iranian Parliament], one of the pillars of the Islamic Republic, in a brave act on Saturday (October 12, 2024), personally flew an Airbus aircraft from the hangar of the Islamic Republic to Beirut. And while most of the world’s airlines had canceled their flights to Lebanon out of fear of the most lawless regime, he personally delivered the message of the Islamic Republic’s support to Lebanon.

During this trip, Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf visited the areas that were brutally bombed by the Zionist regime and had a face-to-face conversation with people whom the enemy media apparatus had been trying to convince that the Islamic Republic had abandoned them. Nevertheless, one of the most high-ranking Iranian officials shook hands with them right in the heart of danger.

The courageous behavior of a high-ranking Iranian official at this level was not only communicated to the Zionist regime, but the whole world also saw that Iran is at a level of deterrence that the Speaker of the Parliament can walk in the shadow of threats, right next to the reckless Zionists, without fearing their action. This parade of an Iranian official not only sends a message of strength to Zionism and its allies, but also conveys a message of courage to other Axis of Resistance countries and freedom-seeking people of the world.

Palestinian and Lebanese people now know who and at what level is their enemy, and at a time when the whole world has abandoned them over fear of the relentless fire of the Zionist regime, what country and at what level is standing by them.


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