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Developments in Ukraine The possibility of a split in Europe as a result of the decision on Kiev

The European Union's return to the issue of Ukraine at the beginning of 2024, Hungary's warning about using its veto again, Macron's conditional readiness to talk with Putin, the increase in Ukrainian prisoners and the West's secret attempt to establish contact with Russia are among the most important events of the war.
– International news

According to the international group Tasnim news agency, an official The source in the European Commission reminded that the European Union has started preparing the next steps to start negotiations on Ukraine’s membership in this community.

The decision to start a dialogue with Kyiv In this regard, this is one of the main results of the European Union summit that ended on Friday in Brussels. On December 14-15, the European Union summit was held in Brussels, the key decision of which was the decision to start negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova, as well as to grant candidate status to Georgia.

The decision about Ukraine was not taken unanimously: the Prime Minister of Hungary was not present in the meeting hall at the time of the vote. According to media reports, German Chancellor Olaf Schultz asked him not to participate in the vote due to his opposition to the annexation of Ukraine. Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni is said to have played a role in convincing her Hungarian counterpart not to interfere in this matter. Orban left the voting hall because it was a “pre-agreed” plan. does not support, because it has not met three of the seven preconditions for starting such negotiations.

Experts do not think it is unlikely that other countries will join these opponents in the future and this issue Finally, it will lead to a split in Europe.

Next, you can follow the developments related to the six hundred and sixty-first day of the Ukrainian war:


Szijjártó mentions the possibility of Hungary’s veto in EU negotiations with Ukraine It is unlikely

Peter Szijártó, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Economic Relations of Hungary, announced in an interview last night that the country may impose a strict veto on the negotiations. The European Union should apply with Ukraine regarding the accession of this country to the community.

Sciarto warned: “If Brussels wants to apply something in the framework of the negotiations that will harm us, we will definitely have to resort to the hard veto tool in the preparation of the preliminary negotiations.” “

He also emphasized that the decision to start negotiations with Ukraine is “absolutely irrational”. And he reminded that for this reason Viktor Orbán, the Prime Minister of Hungary, did not participate in its approval. “We did not participate in this decision and we do not want to accept responsibility for it and we absolve ourselves from its consequences,” Szijártó said. used his veto and prevented the approval of the financial aid program for Ukraine, which included 50 billion euros until 2027.

The European Union in the early 2024 will hold another summit on Ukraine

European Council President Charles Michel on Friday at a press conference after the end of the two-day summit of the Union. Europe in Brussels announced that the European Union will hold a new summit on Ukraine in early 2024 to discuss the country’s financing problem. Kurds, which will convene a special meeting of the European Union in early 2024 to approve an increase in the Union’s multi-year budget, including an allocation of 50 billion euros for Ukraine. “Twenty-six EU countries have decided to support the multi-year budget review, but we need unanimity,” he said. To do this, I will convene a special meeting early next year We need to agree on 50 billion euros to help Ukraine.”

The Russian Defense Ministry reported early today, Saturday, that the country’s air defense systems during the night In the past, 6 other drones of the Ukrainian army were intercepted and destroyed in the sky of the Crimean peninsula.

This ministry announced: Six other Ukrainian aircraft-type drones were destroyed by the air defense forces on duty. Meanwhile, early last night, Russian air defense systems shot down 26 attacking drones over Crimea.

The representative of the European Parliament called Stoltenberg’s words about the conflict in Ukraine insane

Mick Wallace, a member of the European Parliament, declared on his page on the social network X (former Twitter): “The view of NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg about the origin of the conflict in Ukraine is pure madness. And this means that the United States and the European Union do not want the conflict to end, and Stoltenberg boasts that Western countries are instigating this conflict.”

Wallace In He condemned the behavior and actions of the NATO Secretary General and reminded: “It is precisely this policy that led to the destruction of Ukraine, and the Western countries spent billions of dollars for this destruction.” What are all these costs for? To advance US geopolitical interests? This is insane.”

Macron: EU is not ready to accept Ukraine, deep reforms are needed

Emmanuel Macron, the president of France, expressed his opinion on Friday in a press conference after the meeting of European Union leaders in Brussels that the Union is not able to accept Ukraine at the moment.

He said: We are far from the effective expansion and inclusion of Ukraine. In any case, any expansion would require a deep reform of our laws.

He also expressed hope that Hungary will change its decision to freeze 50 billion euros for Ukraine. and admitted that talks on aid to Kiev may continue and come to fruition in January or February 2024.

Macron’s readiness to resume contacts with Putin

French President Emmanuel Macron announced on Friday that he is ready to resume bilateral talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Thus, in his press conference in Brussels, he responded to Putin’s words on Thursday during the “Results of the Year” press conference, which reminded that they had a good working relationship and this could continue. gave The Russian leader had said that at some point his French counterpart stopped them and indicated his readiness to resume contacts.

Macron said: If President Putin is willing “Participation in dialogue and serious proposals to advance the resolution of the military conflict in Ukraine and to create a lasting peace, that is, a peace that respects international law and thus the interests and sovereignty of Ukraine, I agree with the resumption of contacts.”

He recalled that their contact with Putin continued for some time after the start of the conflict in Ukraine in February 2022 and then stopped.

Deputy Speaker of the Slovak Parliament about Putin’s realism

Luboš Blaga, Deputy Speaker of the National Council (Parliament) Slovakia believes that Russian President Vladimir Putin told the truth as it is when he called Slovak Prime Ministers Robert Fico and Viktor Orbán, politicians who defend their countries’ interests.

He wrote on his Telegram channel: “Liberal media are outraged because Vladimir Putin mentioned that Robert Fico and Viktor Orbán are defending the state interests of their countries.” While he only told the truth and they are protecting the people of their country.” French Charles de Gaulle said that Europe should be a union of all the peoples living in this continent, in which the principle of strengthening national sovereignty is respected, not that they are “just an obedient follower of the United States.”

Putin: The number of Ukrainian soldiers surrendering has increased sharply

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday. During the meeting with the officials of the State Duma and the leaders of the parliamentary factions, he announced that the number of Ukrainian military personnel who surrendered to the Russian forces has greatly increased.

He said “The work on the exchange of prisoners is underway and we are trying to return our captured forces as soon as possible. Also, I would like to inform you that recently the number of Ukrainian troops surrendering as prisoners has increased dramatically. Russia reported that 82 Ukrainian soldiers surrendered in the past week alone. According to this report, of these, 25 surrendered in the last 24 hours alone.

The Ministry of Defense of Russia also emphasized: “Since the beginning of special military operations, 550 planes, 258 helicopters, almost 10 thousand drones, more than 14 thousand tanks and other “Armored vehicles, more than 7,000 cannons and field mortars, and more than 16,000 special military vehicles of the Ukrainian army have been destroyed.”

More than 79% of Russian people trust Russian President Vladimir Putin. This is the result of the survey of the Russian National Public Opinion Research Center, the results of which were published on the center’s website on Friday. In this order, 79.3 percent of Russian citizens declared their complete trust in Putin. In addition, this study showed that 76% of the Russian people are satisfied with Putin’s performance in the post of president. Western aid

CNN reported on Friday, quoting assessments from Western intelligence services, that Ukraine would lose the support of the United States and other allies. itself, may lose the conflict with Russia by the summer of 2024.

The TV channel stressed that if the United States refuses to support Ukraine or delays If its allocation continues, Washington’s European allies will follow the US example.

A senior US military official told CNN that the Ukrainian armed forces may By the summer, they would suffer significant defeats on the front, including complete defeat in the war. He added: “With our help, there is no guarantee of success, but without us, they will definitely fail.”

As Ukrainian forces are forced to ration and conserve remaining ammunition, Russian forces are “opening fire with five to seven times more intensity than Ukrainian forces are capable of”.

Lavrov: Western countries must realize the impasse of their path regarding Ukraine

Sergei Lavrov, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia, on Friday at a conference Together with his Belarusian counterpart Sergey Alynyk, the press stressed that it is time for Western countries to realize that their policy on Ukraine has reached a dead end.

Lavrov recalled: “You hear the assessments of some wise politicians in NATO and the European Union. The time has come for them to understand the complete impasse of the war they started against Russia at the hands of the Zelenskyi regime. It is late, but if it is done late, it is better than never.”

According to him, Moscow hears that NATO and European Union countries are gradually reducing their financial and military aid to Ukraine. The foreign minister stressed: “There are now certain problems in both Europe and the United States to seek free money in order to continue supporting Zelensky, who clearly did not meet expectations.

Lavrov: The West is trying to secretly contact Russia about Ukraine

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov also announced that over the past six months, Moscow has received exactly three secret signals, including from a Western leader, about the need to hold a meeting on Ukraine and discuss European security issues.

As ​​the head of the Russian diplomatic service noted, such proposals are made despite the West’s promises not to discuss these issues without Kiev. He said: “I don’t want and I don’t have the right to name names, but a number of high-ranking leaders of Western countries, and even one very prominent European leader, sent signals several times through at least three different channels that why we don’t meet each other to discuss with Let’s talk about Ukraine and European security.”

Lavrov emphasized: “If someone is interested in ending the effort to create their own security at the expense of the security of others, and It tries to respect the legitimate interests of Russia and the legitimate interests of Russians living in many countries of our continent. Please go ahead. We are always ready to seriously discuss these issues.”

Lavrov reminded the words of Russian President Vladimir Putin that opponents of talks on Ukraine should understand. : The situation will become more difficult for them, if they force Vladimir Zelensky to continue fighting more and more. The foreign minister added: “Those who make future relations with Russia conditional on the victory of the Ukrainian Nazi regime over Russia” know nothing about politics and know nothing about the real balance of power. In the end, he said: “Of course, we do not talk to such people.”

Lavrov also expressed his regret that the united relations between Russia and Armenia were damaged due to the West’s efforts to “knot The relationship between the two countries is going through a very difficult test.

Ryabkov called Ukraine a tool in the hands of America to suppress Russia

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov expressed his opinion in an interview on Friday that for the United States, Ukraine is only a “means to suppress Russia’s international uprising.” .

This diplomat pointed out that there is no need for a “meeting” of political science to change the “current and extremely hostile course” of America and its satellites towards Russia. Rather, it is the awareness of expert circles that the anti-Russian policy formed in “Greater Washington” is doomed to failure.

Ryabkov added: “In the beginning, a big strategic mistake was made when they set a path to defeat Russia to start a combined war ‘to the last Ukrainian,'” Ryabkov added. As they now say in the West.”

He explained that for the Americans, neither before the start of the conflict nor after it, Ukraine had an independent value. And the launch of special operations has become an excuse to launch a reckless and all-out, propaganda, political and now public war in its combined forms on a scale never before carried out by Russia’s enemies.

According to Ryabkov, if Ukraine did not exist, they would think of another excuse. Russian official: after Moscow’s warning, the West will not allow Ukrainian pilots to fly from NATO air bases

Konstantin Gavrilov, the head of the Russian delegation in the negotiations On military security and arms control, Vienna predicted that Western countries might consider allowing warplanes delivered to Ukraine to use air bases after Russia warned it was prepared to respond to such a move. NATO should give up.

This diplomat recalled that during the final meeting of the Security Cooperation Forum of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, Moscow clearly stated that the use of Ukrainian airports by Ukrainian pilots Poland, Slovakia and Romania will be considered as participating countries in the conflict in Ukraine. One of the foreign representatives present said that such a scenario should be avoided, because it might lead to the third world war.

Gavrilov said: “I think the warning Ours – which has been completely official – will stop some of the whims that are planning such actions among NATO generals. And the countries that provide these American planes will also seriously evaluate the possible consequences of supplying such planes to Ukraine.”

According to him, the forces of Russian armed forces will take necessary measures in response to Ukraine’s possible use of NATO member countries’ air bases. He added: In preparation for the unsuccessful counterattack of the Ukrainian armed forces, the Russian army has created serious engineering and technical structures.

Ukraine developments| Flying F-16s from NATO countries is Russia’s red line
Ukraine developments| Despite Zelensky’s trip, the US Congress does not intend to rush to approve aid to Kiev
Ukraine developments| Disappointment over the approval of aid to Kiev in the Congress/chaos in the ranks of the Ukrainian military

Kremlin: Putin with any leader in the US that interests Russia will work

Dmitry Peskov, Kremlin spokesman last night, Friday, in an interview with NBC News, emphasized that after US presidential election, Russian President Vladimir Putin is ready to cooperate with any American leader who takes into account the concerns and interests of the Russian side.

The journalist answered about Putin’s readiness to cooperate with Donald Trump if he wins the next election. Peskov said: “With everyone who understands from now on that Russia’s interests should be taken into account and all its concerns should be taken into account.”

According to He, Putin, above all, prefers that American leader who acts more constructively and understands the importance of dialogue.

Pskov: settlement Conflict in Ukraine is impossible “in one day” conflict in Ukraine within a day, he said that this problem cannot be solved that easily. Complete resolution of this issue will be achieved. Dmitry Peskov said in this interview: “It is very difficult and almost impossible to resolve the military conflict in Ukraine this quickly.” It accused him of wasting billions of taxpayers’ money on military and financial aid to Kiev, calling it “down the drain.” He added: “U.S. will only prolong the conflict with such measures and make the situation in Ukraine worse.

The conflict in Ukraine is a combined war of America against Russia. >

In an interview with NBC News, Dmitry Peskov also said that the military conflict in Ukraine is a hybrid war organized by the United States against Russia.

The press secretary of the Russian president called on the US government to realize its responsibility in supporting KYF and understand that Washington’s actions only prolong the conflict. He recalled that the US aid to Ukraine did not allow Ukraine to achieve much on the battlefield, while the US itself knows that Kiev cannot win this conflict.

This Kremlin official added: “Look, America is seriously involved in this conflict.” Even if the support of the West continues, Ukraine will never be able to match the military and economic power of Russia.”

end of message/


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