France: The parties should adhere to the Lebanese ceasefire
According to Webangah News quoted by Mehr News Agency According to Al Jazeera, France demanded the adherence of the Zionist regime and Lebanon to the ceasefire between the two sides on the common borders.
On Monday, Agence France-Presse quoted the country’s government as saying that the two sides should respect the recent ceasefire in Lebanon to adhere to.
Since the first day of the ceasefire in Lebanon, the Israeli army has violated it dozens of times and besides Opening fire towards places in Lebanon has destroyed buildings and houses in the border areas of this country.
Last night, the Zionist occupiers fired heavy bullets towards the areas of Yaron and Al-Khayam near the common borders with the lands Occupy shot.
“Nabieh Bari”, the Speaker of the Lebanese Parliament, also announced in a speech: the monitoring committee for the implementation of the ceasefire agreement should ” oblige Israel to stop violating the agreement.
Lebanon parliament speaker emphasized: The monitoring committee for the implementation of the ceasefire agreement should make “Israel” withdraw from territories which has occupied to force.