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Exclusive/Details of Iran’s proposals for the meeting of heads of Islamic and Arab countries in Riyadh

Before the meeting of heads of Islamic and Arab countries in Saudi Arabia, Iran’s expert team has expressed its proposals based on two points: defending the legitimate rights of Palestine and sanctioning the Zionist regime by Islamic countries.

– International news

According to the foreign policy reporter of Tasnim news agency, today, Saturday, November 20, an extraordinary meeting of the heads of Islamic countries and the Arab League will be held jointly in Riyadh to defend Palestine and condemn the crimes of the Zionist regime.

Before this meeting, Iran’s expert team arrived in Riyadh on Thursday night and expert and preliminary negotiations of the participating members were held.

In this regard, an informed source in a conversation with Tasnim stated that Iran pursued 2 major goals in these expert negotiations. First, stating the point that the defense of the legitimate right for Palestine should be established like the Bosnian model in 1992, and Islamic countries should organize operational measures and arms assistance to defend the legitimate right of the Palestinian people.

In 1992, at the same time as the crimes committed by the Serbs in Bosnia against the Muslims, the right of the Bosnian people to legitimately defend themselves was recognized with the proposal of Iran, and the aid of weapons to Bosnia pushed the Serbs back and reduced the crimes.

In addition to this, the second point raised by Iran in the preliminary meeting was that the boycott of Israel was accepted by Islamic and Arab countries. Especially the countries that are engaged in exporting oil to this Zionist regime. Muslim has been proposed for the Zionist regime and to prevent the sending of weapons from American bases in the region to the occupied lands.

An important point in these expert negotiations It is that some countries, especially those that export oil to the occupied territories, such as Turkey and the Republic of Azerbaijan, have not cooperated in some of the issues raised and have only been content with condemning the actions of the Zionist regime.

From the extraordinary meeting of the heads of Islamic countries, it is expected that instead of publishing clichéd and ineffective statements, operational measures will be organized to deal with the crimes of the Zionist regime in Gaza.

This important organization, which in recent years had practically done nothing except issuing a statement of condemnation on important events, now must show its efficiency, initiative and action by attending The heads of Islamic countries should prove it. Statement of the Arab Summit in Riyadh What can Islam be for the Palestinian resistance?

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publisher Tasnim News Agency
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