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The President of Tajikistan’s emphasis on the expansion of transit cooperation in the region

The President of Tajikistan announced the country’s determination to develop intra-regional and inter-regional transit communications.

According to the Fars news agency reporter in Dushanbe, the President of Tajikistan “Ima Ali Rahman” participated and gave a speech at the 16th meeting of the heads of the member countries of the Economic Cooperation Organization in Tashkent.

President of Tajikistan He noted that despite these positive trends, a significant part of the economic interaction potential between the member countries of the Economic Cooperation Organization has remained untouched. He suggested cooperation in different sectors of the economy, increasing the production of competitive products, strengthening intra-regional and inter-regional transport connections, and developing a green economy using renewable energy sources.

Transport infrastructure in the eco region, he expressed his country’s determination to help the development of this sector in the East-West, Central Asia-South Asia route and called for a comprehensive analysis of the situation and prospects of cooperation in all areas of interest to the parties.

At the end of his speech, he congratulated Azerbaijan on the successful completion of the presidency in ECO and wished success to the Islamic Republic of Iran, which assumed the presidency of the Economic Cooperation Organization.

end of message/


publisher Fars news agency
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