Ansarullah addressed to Saudi Arabia: Take a lesson from Zelnski in the White House
reports Twitter on the X-Virtual Network wrote to Saudi officials: “You saw the United States behaving with its first ally and mercenaries in Eastern Europe, a Jewish element, and
he added: “What guarantees that Americans will not return to you and not denounce all your behaviors?” Just as they did with the Ukrainians!
This senior member of Ansarullah Yemen emphasized: When they were with those who loved them so much, they deal with humiliation and
Donald Trump talked to Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman a month ago, and Ben Salman announced the Saudi kingdom’s decision to expand trade with the United States over the next four years. Ben Salman has announced the investment of $ 5 billion and possibly beyond it.
This happened after Donald Trump said that if Riyadh agreed to buy $ 5 billion in American products (similar to what he did in his first presidency), it may be the country’s first destination.
Saudi Arabia was the first destination for his foreign trips during Donald Trump’s first presidency, and the two countries signed several investment contracts worth about $ 5 billion.