Ocalan’s historical message and the main reason for the PKK’s failure
href = “https://www.mehrnews.com”> Mehr News Agency , International Group -Abulfazl Hashemi: Abdullah Ocalan Kurdistan Workers’ Party Style = “Text-align: Justify”> PK . K has recently issued a statement calling for the disarmament and dissolution of the armed group. The statement sparked widespread reactions around the world and promised to end one of the longest armed conflicts.
Although the message Ocalan does not mean the definitive dissolution of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, but it clearly gives the world May by modifying his previous ideologies, looking for a political and peaceful process PK . be “.
To understand what is seen today about the Kurdish Workers’ Party and the message Ocalan should be paid to the past and the roots of these >. The dissolution of “ PK . K “means the beginning of a new period for militias Kurdish will be in the region.
Figure Kurdistan Workers’ Party
Although the Kurdistan Workers’ Party began in the late 1980s, the group’s armed struggle with the Turkish central government began in the 5th. The world had become a place to compete between the two superpowers after the end of World War II. Although the nature of the two superpowers was considered a security time, both countries are trying to give these competitions ideological form and form.
The Soviet Union sought to expand communist thought in the world and support Marxist revolutions from the beginning and support Marxist revolutions. Obviously, it was necessary for the formation of armed groups leftist . The Cold War World was full of armed struggle groups in the various world from the Fark in South America until the Revolutions of Independence leftist in the world.
Kurdistan Workers’ Party formed in such a space; Where its communist thoughts were tied to the nationalism of the Kurds and sought armed struggle with the Turkish central government to Kurdistan’s independence. Turkey was one of the member states of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the strategic straits of Bosphorus and Dandanel Style = “Text-align: Justify”> and the Sea Aegean was directly supervised by its direct supervision. If the Cold War between the US and the Soviet Union became the hot , the Soviet Navy would lose its efficiency in these two seas. Therefore, it was important for the Soviet Union not because of the interest in supporting the Communist, but to the weakening of Türkiye to support the separatist militias.
Given that the Kurds are original Iranian tribes and now have a significant population in Turkey, Syria, Iran, and Iraq, the Kurdish Workers’ Party leaders thought that the Kurdish government and other independence from the Kurdish government and other independence. Will be formed. However, this illusion never turned the color of the truth.
The roots of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party’s failure and the recent message of Abdullah Ocalan should be sought in the following:
1- Intellectual collapse of communist thinking
In the first step, the leftist groups’ misunderstanding of the meaning of justice and the killing of civilians and ordinary people in the name of supporting the masses, turned these militant groups from a popular movement to terrorist groups who were pursuing macium-based thinking. These armed militias, rather than trying to overthrow the rights of the people, fueled the instability and killing of innocent people by their actions.
five decades of clashes between members of the Kurdistan Workers ‘Party and the Turkish Central Government left tens of thousands of deaths and hundreds of thousands of displaced and not only failed to support the Kurds’ rights, but also fueled the ethnic divide in the community. Bombing in civilian areas by “ PK . K. “was not an action that any political stream could confirm.
, on the other hand, the Soviet Union was undoubtedly the greatest supporter of leftist militant groups in the world during the Cold War. With the collapse of the alliance on December 5, guerrilla groups like the Kurdistan Workers’ Party lost their biggest intellectual sponsor. In fact, the collapse of the Soviet Union showed that its communist thoughts are not a good tool for running the country and creating social justice in society, and rather than supporting the masses, it causes dictatorship and cruelty to the majority of the people.
Kurds have long been well integrated in the Middle East societies and have a very good social life among other ethnicities. However, governments, as the main actors in the international system, always try to use all possible tools to achieve their goals in the international anarchic system. The history of the Kurds in the last half century has indicated the bitter facts about the use of them.
The Second Pahlavi government in the 1980s and the first half of the 1980s was widely supported by the Iraqi Ba’ath Party and its proximity to the Soviet Union. The support put so much pressure on the Ba’ath Party that Iraq eventually was satisfied with Iran’s acceptance of Iranian rights on the Arvand River and the consolidation of the borders during the Algerian agreement in year 6. The result was that the agreement ended with the support of the Pahlavi government for Kurdish militias.
Zionist regime in the 1980s and 1980s because of Saddam Hussein’s thinking that he sought to support the Palestinian issue as the leader of the Arab world in collaboration with the Pahlavi government, but also assisted the Iraqi fighters. Kurds picked up.
in the 1980s and 1980s, good relations between Ankara and Tel Aviv were established, and the Zionists supported the Turkish Central Government with the Kurdistan Workers’ Party during this time. It was even reported that it was the Mossad agency that arrested Abdullah Ocalan and deliver it to the Turkish government. On the other hand, since the start of the Syrian unrest in year 2, Tel Aviv has steadily supported the Syrian Kurdish militias called Syrian Democratic Forces, but now that Bashar al -Assad has been overthrown, the Zionist regime has no other interests in support.
Turkey itself was initially supporters of Kurdish Kurdish militias, but with the reinforcement of the militias and Ankara’s concern about their approaching “ P. . K “, eventually Türkiye itself entered a direct conflict with Syrian Democratic Forces.
The US as the largest supporter of Kurdish militias in Syria was trying to undermine Bashar al-Assad’s government as the largest supporter of Kurdish militias in Syria, but eventually Donald Trump decided to withdraw US troops from Syria, leaving Turkey. Now, with the overthrow of Bashar al -Assad, Washington has no will to prevent the Turkish army from operating against the Syrian Democratic Forces. The United States was also one of the countries of the world because of good relations with Baghdad.
Iraq also continued to support Kurdish militias in the western parts of Iran during the imposed war and sought instability in the country during the imposed war. However, Saddam’s government has suppressed and massacred Kurdish civilians in the northern regions of the country during Operations , including Anfal.
All of this clearly shows that no country in the Middle East has a consistent interest in supporting the Kurdish armed militias. The fact is that all countries in the region, based on realist logic, look at Kurdish armed groups as a tool to strengthen their positions and weaken competitors, not to a ally who want to protect him against future threats. Numerous Kurdish militias in the region do not have a government weight and cannot play a role in creating a permanent alliance in the region. Therefore, regional governments only come to them to achieve their short -term demands and easily support them by changing the situation.
1- Geopotic changes in the Middle East
Ocalan’s recent decision is made as today’s Middle East and his contemporaries created the Kurdistan Workers’ Party. There is no longer any news of the Cold War and Soviet support. The emergence of China as a revised actor in the international system has led America to move from other parts of the world to East Asia. This means that Washington is no longer interested in engaging in non -strategic conflicts. As a result, Kurdish militias in the Middle East cannot count on this country.
, on the other hand, with the overthrow of Bashar al-Assad’s government in Syria, foreign actors, including the United States and the Zionist regime, are no longer motivated to support Kurdish militias known as the Syrian Democratic Forces, which are in line with the Kurdish Workers’ Party. The Syrian democratic forces themselves prefer to be reluctant to avoid Ankara attacks, “ PK . do not have K. “.
decisive failure of efforts to independence Iraqi Kurdistan in the year and its widespread sanctions by Turkey, the central Iraqi government, and Iran well showed that no political and militant movement can make geographical changes in the Middle East without the consent of the regional governments. The Iraqi Kurdistan Region, under the pressure of the central government as well as Iran and Türkiye, has tried to cut its relationship with foreign armed elements.
PJAK Party that branch K is also forced to maintain Kurdish Relationships. Avoid hosting armed militias with Tehran. Türkiye’s extensive air strikes on northern Iraq aimed at bombing “ PK . K Kurdistan has taught the Kurdish authorities to reduce the interventions of foreign actors in the area, one should not think of establishing shelters or alliances with the Kurdistan Workers’ Party.
Finally, the Zionist regime, as the only supporter of the Kurdish armed militias who supported Iraqi Kurdistan’s independence before, now has other priorities, including Gaza War, Western Entrepreneurship, Ethnic Cleansing, Ethnic Cleansing Does not have a non -strategic.
Abdullah Ocalan , 2-year-old chief “ P. K who has been in prison for years clearly knows the support of “ PK . K and other Kurdish militias in the region are not in the interests of any country in the Middle East, and if regional and transnational countries support these groups only to achieve their short-term goals.
only Kurdish militias in Syria in the first Trump administration in the first year showed that they could not enter into a permanent coalition with world-class powers or countries. Washington is not intended to hold relations with Türkiye from its close allies to NATO to keep Kurdish militias satisfied. The monopoly world and US hegemony liberal policies have been in the world, and White House strategists have now explicitly dismissed Washington’s European allies in Europe to focus on imposing a controversial policy against China.
Middle East countries are now seeking stability in the region and are well aware of the consequences of any new war and conflict in the area. Turkey, Iran, and Iraq, along with all the differences they have, have shown well that If their common national interests, as the time of declaring the Kurdistan Regional Autonomy in Year 2, are easily interconnected.
PKK organization was based on two foundations. First, the Communist thinking that joined the waste of history with the collapse of the Soviet Union. And the other is the Kurdish nationalism that is no longer a priority as in the 1980s. Syrian Kurds are discussing the country’s future government. The Iraqi Kurds have enough freedom of action by establishing a climate in the north of the country and do not want to sacrifice their comfort and prosperity for the formation of new states. The Iranian Kurds have long been an unparalleled part of the Iranian community and have not sought separation and independence.
As a result, both the PKK’s intellectual foundation has collapsed and Abdullah Ocalan is well aware of the next generation of armed struggles. Ocalan, with its recent message, is now seeking to turn the Kurdistan Workers’ Party from an armed group into a political movement with its recent message.
Abdullah Ocalan after half a century of struggle finally recognized the realities of today’s world and knows that the continuation of this arrest is nothing but imposing heavy costs. Therefore, he has now chosen the way to integrate with the Turkish political community. If the Ocalan statement and the dissolution of the PKK, the illusion of the formation of the “independent Kurdistan state” can be forever ended.