Popular protests on Yemen’s “Sagotari” Island against the presence of the UAE
demonstrators pointed to the Emirates plan to invest in ports and airports in strategic areas in the Arab region, Bahrain and the Red Sea, indicating the control of sea lines and expanding its military presence in the area.
Social Airport employees in protest in protest of the decision to transfer airport management to the East Emirates Triangle Company, and have announced their opposition to the UAE to complete the airport. It is contrary to the Yemeni passenger flight law and against the rule of airport and staff salaries.
This was the same as the Saudi-supported government-backed government and the expansion of popular opposition to Abu Dhabi policies and rising prices as a result of UAE corporate hoarding.
Sana’a’s passenger collection condemned the UAE’s full mastery of the Sanatar airport in a statement released last week, stressing that all the UAE’s actions and movements that violate Yemeni laws were void and anti-sovereignty.
parts of Yemen’s southern and eastern regions, as well as a number of islands, including the Strategic Island, are still occupied by the Saudi and UAE government.