Reuters claims about the secret trip of Russian missile experts to Tehran
reports Mehr News Agency The recruitment claimed that several senior missile specialists traveled from Moscow to Tehran over the past year.
Reuters claimed to be seven Russian weapons experts on April 9 and September 9 with two flights from Moscow.
ticket booking records included a passport number, and the prefix of five of the seven “1” experts was used to use Reuters to travel to government officials on foreign business travel as well as military personnel on flight. Reuters claims that according to the order issued by the Russian government, as well as a document on the exit of the State Department’s website, he has found out about the insertion of this number in the passports!
The news agency wrote that it is unable to determine the target of these officials to Iran independently. Reuters also quoted an Iranian Ministry of Defense official as saying that Russian missile experts had several visits to Iranian missile sites last year, and some of these visits took place in September.
Reuters also quoted a Western defense official who observes Iran-Russia defense cooperation and did not want to be named, claiming that the Russian missile unknown number visited an Iranian missile site in the north of Amirabad in the north of Mazandaran province in September.
Reuters, who have previously made similar claims in reports, claim that all seven Russian experts have prominent military records, two of whom were Colonel and two others. Reuters wrote that their trip to Iran took place in the face of clashes against Tehran and Tel Aviv in April and October.
Iran and Russia signed a five-year contract for strategic cooperation in January in January, hosted by the Kremlin by Iranian President Massoud Mediian. From the observers’ point of view, the signing of the treaty, which includes an introduction and two articles in all areas of bilateral relations, has been promoted to promote Iran -Russia interactions, facilitating the development of cooperation, and this treaty will be effective in the regional authority and cooperation of the two countries, focusing on economic, political, security and military areas.